SEPTA’s Magical Mystery Bus

SEPTA’s Magical Mystery Bus

SEPTA’s Magical Mystery BusBy Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author of The Real Resident Aliens is available on while supplies last.Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second PlanetFinal Countdown: Rockets to VenusCosmic Ray's Excellent Venus AdventureThe Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene: Morning Star Edition of the Hierarchy of LightThe Real Resident AliensLittle do the folks at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) realize that one of their buses is a magical mystery transport on loan from the higher realms of Venus. Photo by Perry Quan in everyone in the five counties comprising the Greater Philadelphia area, in addition to adjacent counties to Philadelphia across the Pennsylvania state line in Delaware and New Jersey, are familiar with the bus routes of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, or SEPTA, as it is popularly known.  Few realize, however, that SEPTA is one of the largest transit systems in the country.  Besides buses, SEPTA services include regional rail (including a high-speed line), subways, and trolleys.  But even lesser known is the saga of SEPTA’s Magical Mystery Bus.Throughout the area covered by the SEPTA bus lines, there are quite a few missions and soup kitchens.  These outreach centers are the last stops for many on their journey through life.  These are the shabbily dressed people that we try to avoid when we see them begging for change at the entrance of a Walmart parking lot or any dingy, dimly-lit downtown street corner, maybe with a tin cup or a squeegee in one of their cold, gloveless hands. And this same group of “down-and-out” people the Master Jesus referred to as the “least of these” in Matthew 25:40 (KJV).  When you talk to many of the residents of a homeless shelter, diners in a soup kitchen, or even a suffering one just sleeping on the street, over a warm grate if he or she is lucky enough, you hear a lot of sad stories.  Some are veterans who never adjusted to civilian life, suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.  Others are unredeemed alcoholics or drug addicts who have lost contact with their families and have nowhere else to go.  There are also mentally and physically disabled persons unable to fit in anywhere, the outcasts of society.  Former convicts also roam the streets, not finding anyone who will give them a job, a second chance.  So many tragic circumstances have brought them to a dead-end street in Philadelphia, supposedly the “City of Brotherly Love.”And so, there was a council of the angels called by Jesus on a higher dimensional plane of the planet Venus to see what could be done about this ongoing problem in the Philadelphia area.   Lots of ideas were brought forward at the meeting.  Most of them were complicated and a little too obvious.  “Remember,” said the Apostle Paul, “you angels are supposed to keep a low profile down there, helping the Earthlings from behind the scenes, unawares” (Hebrew 13:2).  Then the Angel Secretary of Transportation, Christopher, spoke up.  “Why don’t we introduce a ghost bus and translate some of the worst cases directly to Heaven?  Nobody is going to come looking for them anyway.  After all, nobody cared enough about them back down there on Earth. It’s time someone gave them a break, a real fresh start.  No more halfway measures, like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bowl of tomato soup, a bedbug-ridden cot, roll and soggy, dank pillow for the night and then back out to the cold, hard pavement.” The angel formerly from Avila in Spain, Teresa, interjected, “Hmmm, maybe for the rest of them that have to stay behind in the shelter, we can get that Pillow Guy, Mike Lindell, to make some contributions of soft, clean, and warm bedding and linens.”“That’s a great idea, Christopher and Teresa,” exclaimed Jesus, adding, “Let’s make that happen and put a few smiles on some peoples’ faces.  I promised those folks on Earth that one day ‘the last would be first and the first would be last’ (Matthew 20:16, KJV).  Let’s start with putting the least of these at the top of the line.  That’s why we’re here anyway, so let us not waste any time and be about it!”The next day Christopher beamed down to an angel safehouse in Pittsburgh to meet with a fellow angel, the scribe known as Vretiel, who besides recording the activities of angels on Earth was responsible for generating fake documents for angel operatives working in the different countries, states and municipalities, and logistically provisioning them for their assigned mission on the Blue Planet.  This is where he received his clothing, including a SEPTA bus driver’s uniform, in addition to the appropriate Pennsylvania DoT Class C commercial driver’s license and assorted background medical exams, academic transcripts, and other required records.  But most importantly, a power ring to summon up an etheric SEPTA bus that looked like the real McCoy. The Angel Vretiel also asked Christopher what he’d like his SEPTA name tag to read, reflecting his alias here on Earth.  “I think Chris Angelucci would be nice,” Christopher replied, “That means Anointed Angel of Light.”“Sounds pretty good to me,” remarked Vretiel, also noting that, “It seems so appropriate, too.  Especially since there are lots of Italians and their descendants in the greater Philadelphia area.  When you have the time, check out some of the Rocky movies.”“I might just do that,” said Chris.This was the Spring of 2015, so he had until All Saints’ Day, or 1 November, to get settled in the Philadelphia area and begin his mission.  And so, it was on the night of the Saints, on the night following Halloween, that the Angel Christopher had conjured up a SEPTA bus, parking it under a bridge for the elevated trains in the Kensington neighborhood of lower Northeast Philadelphia, not far from the St. Francis Inn.  Kensington was the epicenter of Philadelphia’s ongoing opioid crisis.  Jesus and all of the guardian angels had been receiving a lot of prayers for divine assistance coming out of Kensington dealing with severe cases of drug addiction, according to the Angel Vretiel’s records, so Kensington was as good a place for Christopher to start as any. Vretiel also felt that his fellow angel, Christopher, would have the best luck in locating the truly dire ones in the vicinity of the Saint Francis Inn, which had been serving meals to the neediest individuals and families in Philadelphia since 1979. They opened their doors in December of 1979 and have served a meal every day since then, through blizzards, hurricanes, and even throughout the pandemic, they have not missed one-day providing meals “to go”. A breakfast of hot or cold cereal or pastries is served three days a week, while they serve a sit-down meal in their dining room every day. They now serve over 350 meals a day with an emphasis on the dignity and respect of their clients.  The poor and needy have come to greatly rely on the services of the Saint Francis Inn, and so they are always congregating in and around their building.Christopher pulled the bus up around the block from the Saint Francis Inn, so he could get a better view of its patrons coming out and onto the street before he would drive up to the curb in front of the establishment to let some riders get onboard.  Once he spotted about 240 people leaving after the close of dinner, he scrolled the destination sign at the top of the bus front to read PARADISE and slowly maneuvered the large bus in front of the Saint Francis Inn, hoping that some would get on, if for no other reason than to get warm. Fortunately, there were two brave souls on that first All Saints’ evening bus run.  There was a disabled veteran whose wife took all of his money out of their retirement fund and absconded with their children to California, never to be seen by him again and leaving him totally destitute and despondent; and there was a drug addict who returned to her habit after getting out of prison and hitting the streets again, selling her body to buy more drugs and make do as best she could.  The Angel Christopher was telepathic, so he knew these passengers’ respective whole life stories as soon as they put their foot on the first boarding step of the bus.  The passengers noted that there was no fare box, and the angel driver just waved his hand in a low and slow manner bidding them welcome aboard.  No sooner had the veteran and the beleaguered lady taken their seats on the bus, near the heaters on each side of the center of the vehicle with the man on the left side and the woman on the right, they both went into a sound sleep.When they woke up and looked out the windows, they saw a beautiful and fantastic city beyond all imagination, glistening like alabaster in the middle of a bountiful fruited valley surrounded by majestic purple mountains.  “Make yourselves at home,” said Christopher, “Your worries are over.” Only a few who have been to this Shangri-La have volunteered to return to Earth and help the Angel Force with their mission here.  But just like the contactees, who tell about aliens taking them to other planets, hardly anyone seems to believe them.  Nevertheless, the lives of these returning passengers have all been miraculously changed for the better. Dr. Raymond Keller, professor of magical realism and Greco-Roman mythology, with a statue of Lady Venus, on a personal guided tour in 2017 of the Venus Room in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Art Museum with his first paranormal book, Venus Rising:  A Concise History of the Second Planet.**********WEIRDEST OF THE WEIRD 3 - CHILLING ENCOUNTERS! | LIVE CHAT | Q & A (REAL EYEWITNESS REPORTS!)PHANTOMS & MONSTERS VIDEO LIBRARYPOLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Vote & comment on paranormal, cryptid & unexplained mysteries!LISTEN TO NARRATIONS OF PHANTOMS & MONSTERS REPORTS & CASES - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHAREPHANTOMS & MONSTERS RADIO Podcasts on SpotifyPHANTOMS & MONSTERS READING LISTCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistHave you had a sighting or encounter?Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. LonOUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSBigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTubeLYCANS! - PENNSYLVANIA'S CRYPTID CANINES UPDATE'KILLER BIGFOOT' HUNTED BY U.S. SPECIAL FORCES / GLIMMER MAN / MANTIS HUMANOIDSCRAWLER HUMANOIDS - GRUESOME INVADERS! (REAL EYEWITNESS ENCOUNTERS!)WEREWOLVES: DO THEY EXIST?'DOGMAN IN OUR YARD!' - AN OHIO FAMILY'S 12-YEAR SAGA WITH CRYPTID CANINESHey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! LonTHIS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 9PM ET / 6PM PTON PHANTOMS & MONSTER RADIOCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistChicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive MapHey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN. I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. LonEXCLUSIVE VIDEO of CHICAGO MOTHMAN RECORDED----------Become a Phantoms & Monsters Radio Insider - just $2.99 monthly, and receive these perks. Thanks for your support!-Members-only live chats-Exclusive members-only videos-Priority reply to members' commentsHave perks suggestions? LMK-----YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED! THANKS-----Have you had a sighting or encounter?Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. Lon Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.Available on Amazon.comSan Francisco Book Festival Honorable MentionNew York Book Festival Honorable MentionAlso available with audiobooknarration by Terry Springs,CBS-TV Las Vegas affiliate.This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler© 2005-2024 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved