THE IRAN WAR PSYOP! - Israel Owned Governments Declare WAR On Iran! - NATO Takes Ukraine
Josh Sigurdson reports on the psyop that is the Iran/Israel war as Israeli owned governments worldwide call for World War 3 by calling for Iran's demise. Iran which was armed and funded by the west is also a major ally of Russia and China as we see a shift from the west to the east by design. Israel was propped up by the west as well. So was Russia. So was Ukraine. So was China. So was Iraq. This is getting old. As Ukraine is slowly brought into NATO and yet another attempt is made on the life of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, Trump is eating up the notion that Iran tried to assassinate him which is extremely absurd. Trump and JD Vance have both called for in one way or another, the destruction of Iran. Kamala Harris and Biden have both called Iran the biggest threat to the United States. Both sides bow to Israel. Both situations lead to World War 3 with Russia. The idea that one side will stop war and the other won't is ridiculous. Presidents don't have power. The script was written long ago. World War 3 will be the lead in to The Great Reset and the excuse needed enforce global emergency orders and technocratic tyranny. It will also lead to civil wars worldwide due to mass migration which Netanyahu brags about.
This is one giant psyop and most political cucks are falling for it.
The real war is on humanity.
Get prepared.
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