The Truth On Extreme Poverty in India, Black & Latin America Explained
Just because you are poor, it doesn't make it ok for you to completely trash your community and country. If you want to turn your life around, step one should be to clean your room and pick up the trash
UTL COMMENT:- Indians & some other races need to have a serious conversation about civic sense. Unfortunately too many Indians / Blacks / some Asians have the mentality that cleaning is work meant for a certain lower class of people. That is why they just throw their rubbish on the ground and expect the lower classes to pick it up, which they don't......
When I go to poorer White neighbourhoods I notice that these have people picking up trash, while in Black and North African neighbourhoods people even openly celebrate throwing things on the ground.
YouTube:- The Chinese Historian:
/ chinesehistorian
/ davidsunravens
/ theobeserunner
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