Safe and Effective. NOT... ALEXIS UPDATE

Safe and Effective. NOT... ALEXIS UPDATE

Safe and Effective. NOT... ALEXIS UPDATE - 2,559 views Posted October 31st, 2024. - ALEXIS UPDATE? - Lexi has been struggling in recent days. She wakes up screaming every night and can barely open her eyes due to pain. - She is tiring from the journey but is enduring through the process of removing dead skin from her head, shoulders, and knees. - Lexi is still receiving treatment for her blood disorder, which she says unfortunately has the same side effects as chemotherapy. - Lexi feels peace BECAUSE she knows Our Lord, Our God, is watching over her, and that her brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for her recovery daily. - ?Keep praying for her and the medical team! - Source: - Thumbnail: - Background: - Not related, but odd: - - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: