This Will BACKFIRE - Candace Owens Banned From Australia
ANOTHER COMMENTER WRITES:- I am enraged about this on behalf of my fellow Australians. As a tax slave who has enriched public servants even more than the average 9 to 5 worker I cannot tolerate this injustice in silence. I have the right to hear Candice Owens & Candice has the right to speak freely wherever she chooses to do so. The criminal behaviour of the corrupt bureaucrat who has stolen our taxes AND TAKEN BRIBES from a zionist hate group must be prosecuted!
Australians need to be warned about the dire consequences that we are all facing if this crime is not prosecuted. It is a historically known fact about every dictatorship that first they take your weapons, then they prosecute speech, & then the killing begins.
The fact that an introverted person like myself, who has never had any interest in social media or public speaking, has chosen to speak publicly on these things should tell you how serious it is. I would much rather be making money, working out, or renovating my house than have to focus on this shit, but if we don’t demand justice while we still have a voice, we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.
We have all been forced to witness friends, family, &/or members of our local community being murdered by the state. We have also been forced to witness our political “leaders” supply weapons & rhetorical cover for another abhorrent genocide in Gaza, which continues until this day. In other words, all tax payers are being made to aid & abet multiple government genocide operations. After everything we learned about Adolf Hitler & the Nazis of WW2, how the fuck are we tolerating this!?
The lack of outrage over these matters provides very sound proof of yet another genocide operation. There is no way any healthy living man could tolerate AND FUND all of this brutality & injustice if not for the toxic shit they are injecting us with from birth. The combination of the eugenics injections together with the toxic fluoridation of our drinking water is the only way to explain the inhumane levels of apathy that we are surrounded by. This may sound like a conspiracy theory to the scientifically illiterate, but you do not need to be highly intelligent to research the many toxic compounds that are being forced onto us.
Once again, I must bring your attention to the men & women of podcast media. They are the chosen leaders of our time. The police & military can see this. Low-ranking members of police & military can also see that following orders that have been handed down by the world's most evil monsters is going to condemn them to an endless cycle of poor health, violence, abuse, & deep suffering of the body, mind, & spirit. If podcasters allow our politicians to commit these crimes without informing the lower ranks of police & military that our taxes are funding genocidal psychopaths, then how are we ever going to bring them to justice?