WARNING: Extreme Danger For President Trump’s Family and a Suspended Election!
I do not mean to sound alarmist or dramatic, but this is an extreme warning that I need to publish from a man named Dr. Dale Comstock.
If you don’t know who that is, here is a short bio of his work in the military and private sector:
Dr. Dale Comstock is a highly accomplished individual with a distinguished career spanning multiple fields, including military service, private sector leadership, and academic contributions. Best known for his extensive and impactful service within the U.S. military, Dr. Comstock is a former member of the elite Delta Force (1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta) and the 82nd Airborne Division, where he served with exceptional dedication and expertise. His career in the military was marked by numerous high-profile operations and commendations, earning him a reputation as a formidable special operations professional and leader.
After retiring from active military service, Dr. Comstock transitioned successfully into the private sector, bringing his strategic and leadership skills to the corporate world. He held significant positions in various organizations, providing expertise in security consulting, risk management, and leadership training. His contributions have helped numerous companies and government agencies develop robust security strategies and operational frameworks, leveraging his extensive military knowledge and real-world experience.
Dr. Comstock is also an accomplished author, sharing his insights and life lessons in books that focus on leadership, resilience, and personal development. His writings have inspired many to pursue excellence and overcome challenges in their personal and professional lives.
In addition to his leadership and professional achievements, Dr. Comstock holds advanced academic credentials, including a doctorate, showcasing his commitment to continual learning and intellectual growth. His ability to merge practical experience with academic insight has made him a sought-after speaker, coach, and mentor, contributing to leadership programs and seminars worldwide.
He joined Alex Jones yesterday and what he told Alex gave me chills.
Here’s a very short summary of the main points:
First, he points out that he successfully predicted the first two assassination attempts on President Trump.
Second, he says there will be at least one more attempt.
Third, he says the attempt will likely not be on President Trump himself but on Melania or Barron or both. Makes sense if you think about it. Security around President Trump now is through the roof. But Melania and Barron? Probably less so. And imagine if one or both of them are assassinated, even a man as strong as President Trump would never be the same.
Have you noticed President Trump speaking a lot about Abraham Lincoln recently and how he lost a young son and how Abe was never the same afterwards? He just told that story a few days ago to Joe Rogan. Very interesting timing.
And then the chilling cherry on top….
Comstock says if that happens, expect them to suspend the Election because we couldn’t possibly conduct an election under such chaotic circumstances, so we’ll just let Kamala hold things down for a while.
Folks, I’m very sad to say this makes perfect sense to me and I’m extremely concerned.
Watch here:
EXCLUSIVE: “American Badass” & Delta Force Operator Predicts Trump Family Will Be Next Target Of Assassination Attempts
Dr. Dale Comstock joins Alex Jones live in-studio. pic.twitter.com/5fg21VdkX0
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) October 30, 2024
This is interesting….
Right after that interview, suddenly Dr. Comstock’s Twitter page is Suspended?
What is going on here?
Incredible interview why is Dale’s Twitter account suspended? @elonmusk he dropped SO much knowledge about health on here & especially on with @OwenShroyer1776 pic.twitter.com/f7RTpr60gI
— Keith FreeJ6Prisoners (@AmericaFirstAF9) October 30, 2024
You can watch the full interview here:
EXCLUSIVE: “American Badass” & Delta Force Operator Predicts Trump Family Will Be Next Target Of Assassination Attempts
Dr. Dale Comstock joins Alex Jones live in-studio. pic.twitter.com/5fg21VdkX0
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) October 30, 2024
Only one thing we can do…..
I'm putting out this urgent call for Prayer for President Trump...
They're going to keep trying, I have no doubt.
So I am putting out this urgent call to please stop what you are doing and pray for the safety of everyone involved at this event.
There is power in prayer.
From time to time, we've called for our audience of 5 million monthly readers to take a moment and pray for President Trump.
Spoiler alert: it's working!
But I don't want to let up...
Just as we're starting to turn the corner and gather up some big wins, let's keep the prayers going!
Let's add prayers of thankfulness and celebration and let's also continue praying for our President!
For wisdom...
For strength...
For continued courage...
For safety!
So will you please join us?
Keep the Prayer Chain going?
PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?
I also promise to update the list as we go and keep building a MASSIVE Prayer Chain!
Please enjoy these and then it's not too late to add more if you want -- ADD MORE PRAYERS HERE:
May the Lord bless, protect and watch over President Trump.
GOD Speed President Trump
May God protect him and bestow upon him great strength to deliver this nation to God's hands.
Heavenly Father, we pray for President Trump and his family, for wisdom, discernment, protection, and strength which can only come from You. We pray you bless him and be with him through these unjust trials and accusations. We’re asking for a major breakthrough that can only be recognized that it came from You. And may he preside with Your wisdom and authority and power of the Holy Spirit. May he seek Your face for decisions He must make. May You be glorified in Jesus’ Name. Amen
President Trump Our God is a Mighty God. He has All of this heavy stuff so to speak, he has it All under control. If you could imagine a suite case in front of you. Open it up and start putting All that Burdens you. Close it up and take to the alter and leave it there. God knows everything that you’re going through. He will start slaying the enemy one by one. You are a child of God and He is Merciful. So Thank You Heavenly Father for All you are getting ready to do. Amen
Mary Lena
God Almighty please keep Donald J. Trump and his family safe from harm. If it is your will, please help us to have him win the 2024 Presidential election. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Thank you Father Almighty. Amen and Amen.
I pray for President Trump and his safety as well as his family and I pray he can heal this nation. That's in terrible turmoil because of evil. please father give him strength and dignity and courage. in Jesus name. I pray Amen
Lord, please keep President Trump and his entire family safe from the harm others would do to them and please give him wisdom and discernment in what you would have him to do for America. I know You,Lord are in control of everything that takes place on this earth and I trust You completely with everything that happens.
Dear Father Jehovah please protect & surround President Trump, his family and his team with your white light of the Holy Spirit, AMEN!
Dear Lord, bless your servant, your "David", Donald, as he walks his trying path. Bring him peace as he faces the squabbles, conflicts and condemnation of those who would overthrow this magnificent country. Help him stay ever-mindful of Your loving presence and your absolute reign over everything we know and don't know. Bless him with your strength to keep him resolute and bouyant in the troubled seas of condemnation. And lift his heart in the knowledge that he is leading the physical world in saving a nation that was built on faith in You, oh God. In your holy name we pray. Amen.
I pray that our Father in Heaven will keep President Donald Trump safe and that President Trump will be elected as our 47th President in 2024, if not sooner.
GOD BLESS PRESIDENT Trump and his family. Send YOUR Angels to watch over them. Keep them HEALTHY. Keep them SAFE and PROTECT them from HARM. And most importantly, PROTECT them from evil which surrounds them from all sides. Help President Trump through these difficult days. Give him the STRENGTH he needs to continue and YOUR LOVE to find PEACE. Amen.
Lord we ask that you continue to protect President Trump from this unjust persecution, guide and direct your Angel's to defeat this demonic evil force against him, we ask that you lift him up in Jesus name. Amen
Lord, hear our prayer. This country needs the honest leadership of President Trump. Lord the cheaters and liars have had their day but I pray they will fall away. They have done so much destruction and told so many lies but you have helped the true leader stay strong in their midst. Lord, bring them to justice so President Trump can rebuild our nation and be victorious.
Dear God, please help our President Trump and please help our United States of America!
In Jesus Name we agree with You Lord for Your grace and Holy Spirit to guide protect and wield and provide an election full of Your glory and unimpeded by fraud and wickedness, to President Trump, wielding him his team and Your adopted redeemed people as Your servant friend and instrument of Your plans and purposes for salvation and friendship relationship with You for all people and nations of humanity
Father God, I ask for your protection for the entire Trump family. Keep them all safe through this time of upheaval in the world. Give Pres. Trump these next four years to bring America and the world back to where it should be. Give Pres. Trump the knowledge, courage, and health to know what YOU would have him do. Keep him close to You, Lord. Open doors that only You can open and close those that need to be closed. Help him clean up our government quickly and thoroughly to bring America back to what it was intended to be. We give God the glory always. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus. AMEN!
Heavenly Father, Bless and Protect President Trump, from the Enemies attack. Greater are you, than he how is in the world. Let all of this Legal Prosecution evaporate into a vapor, in Jesus Name I Pray. Amen
Lord we pray your blessing, protection and direction for President Trump. Give him Divine wisdom in Jesus Mighty Name!
God bless President Trump and protect him from our enemies. We the People need him more than ever. Amen
Lord keep Donald John Trump and his family shielded from evil
I have been praying for him every night for months.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for all You do in our lives and we ask that you put a wall of protection around President Trump. Guard him in all he does and let any evil that comes his way, boomerang back to the sender. We ask that all the frivolous lawsuits against him be seen for the fraud they are and be dismissed. We ask that You guide him in all he does and give him the strength and courage to continue speaking the truth and exposing all the corruption of our government. Bless Donald J Trump in all he does, as he works to bring America back to greatness with Your presence front and center. Give him the words to convict the hearts of the unbeliever, so their eyes will be open to know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior who gave of His life for our salvation. Father, let there be a great awakening to bring people to the cross in this country. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.
God bless you President Trump and God bless your family. We are praying for you & know the truth will come out & you will win in 2024. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Please Lord, protect your son Donald. He is surrounded by the devil and his minions at every turn, but still he fights tirelessly for the people.
Please keep him safe as he attempts to shine light on the darkest corners of our world -the trafficking of children. The forces of evil are so strong and so imbedded in every facit of government world wide. Please keep Donald and his family safe as he crushes the establishment, in all their debauchery; and restors a path for this nation, who's constitution was written by human hands- writing your words. Please keep safe the man who would restore our cotton one of power through peace and bring back stability for the world.
hope and pray everyday for your safety President Trump so that we can reelect you and once again, Make America Great Again!"
MayGod raise youonce again to lead our country back to a God fearing country. We cancel evil plans against you and ask His almighty Hand for protection from enemies foreign and domestic. Deliver us from evil and confound all the evil plans the enemy has for Christians. In Jesus name, Amen
I pray for President Trump daily. For protection and wisdom.
Father God, we lift up President Trump, asking You to give Him strength and courage to continue the battles he is facing. May he draw close to You that he may know You. Open Your Word to him that he may know that You are the answer to all the problems our country faces. Give him Your wisdom in the daily challenges that he confronts. You are all truth, You have a great purpose for our nation and we trust You to fulfill that purpose. We know that You will not give up on us. You are with President Trump, You love him. We pray Your protection and blessings on him and his family.
Dear Lord and heavenly father, please watch over and protect Donald J. Trump, his family and faithful friends and followers as we navigate these tumultuous times and enlighten the world to the truth and love you so richly deserve. Amen
President Trump. May God be at your side to protect you and the good citizens of our world. Amen
I pray the blood of Jesus over President Trump and his family. Lord, send Your Heavenly Hosts to surround him, protect him, and keep watch over him. Fill him with peace and understanding so that he will know Your will and act on it. May all the enemy throws at him be blocked and turned back on them 100 fold. In Jesus Holy Name I pray. Amen.
I pray that yah send his army of angels to physically protect Donald John Trump and his entire family. Let the evil not prevail. AMEN
I pray the piece of God that pass all understanding would fill his mind. may the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob follow him wherever Trump goes. Lord protect Trump and his family and build a hedge around him to protect and keep him safe. In Jesus name amen
Daniel 6:4
New International Version4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.
Dear God in heaven in the name of Jesus protect President Trump and his family. May the blood of Jesus surround them. I pray wisdom and love guide him. Lord hear my prayer.
Please God protect President Trump and family from all harm give him and his team direction for this country to turn back to you. Let the media and all officials that are blinded by their hate be confused and the people to see the truth
Jeannette and Coyt
Dear Jesus, You are all powerful. Fold Your arms around President Trump. Please comfort and protect him and his family. Please have Your way in the upcoming election. Please stop any election fraud. Draw President Trump close to You, and help his heart to be in tune with You. Please help him and his family to keep You first in their lives. Thank You, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Please Lord watch over President Trump, keep him safe and be with him always,
Prayers for your protection and wisdom to lead our country into greatness again.
God Bless you, President Trump & God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the Light from Above. From the mountains, to the valleys, to the oceans, white with foam. God Bless America, my home sweet home. GOD BLESS AMERICA MY HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Please god watch over this man. Protect him
(God place you loving hands over Trump each and every day.
If God is with us who can be against us. Godspeed Mister President.
We Agree In Prayer Declaring The Blood of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Savior n Lord Over President Donald J Trump with Victory for Long Life Many Years after The Victory in 2024 Presidential Elections Divine Protection for DJT as he Honors Yahweh ABBA Father‚Äôs Sovereign Will for Restoring Our Nation In Godly Christian Heritage Healing Our Land In Divine Power to Lead the World In Defending Israel üáÆüá± and Defeating Every Enemy of of USA üá∫üá∏ and Israel üáÆüá± All In The Blood ü©∏ Of Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen üôè Amen üôè Amen üôè Victory In Jesus üéöÔ∏èü©∏
I pray President Trump will open his heart to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and carry out HIS will.
God Bless USA
I pray right now for President Trump. I pray over his physical, mental, and spiritual health right now. Give him peace of mind and a vision of clarity for the remainder of his campaign. Bless him Lord. Keep his family safe. Thank You for him. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I pray for protection for President Trump and his family. That no weapon formed against him will prosper and that God would give him wisdom, discernment, and clarity of mind.
I will pray for Donald Trump
God bless His anointed leader of our nation
Please God, our heavenly father, protect Donald Trump and help him to become the next president of the United States. Please help us to open the eyes of the people who do not understand the trouble we are in and that Donald Trump is the only person who can help u.
Lord, we pray for president DJT that you would protect him from all harm and danger. Help him win all the court cases that the evil one has set up before him. Also defeat the enemy in the election especially if they are trying to cheat - foil all their evil plans. We pray in Jesus name he will win the 2024 election to help right this sinking ship and preserve our free nation.
Heavenly Father we pray for President Donald Trump. Father, we pray for his strength. We pray for his safety. Keep him strong, send angels to protect him . He is your son, we welcome him back in the white house. In Jesus name , amen.
Praying everyday for Pres. Trump and his family
Harriet Jane
I pray that President Trump and his family enjoy excellent health in body, mind and spirit.
I pray that God will keep you, President Trump, and every member of your family SAFE and for the 2024 election to be safe, true, and for you, President Trump, our real president, to be elected fairly and truthfully to once again be our REAL President!!
I have been praying almost every day that the Lord will protect President Trump and continue to lead him as he fights for our country.
Almighty God Our Father, with a sincere heart, we ask You, who can do all things, to protect Donald J Trump and his family during this chaotic time in the world. Please stay by President Trump and allow him to be re elected as President of our country. We need a leader to help our country recover from rampant corruption and immorality. Thank you Lord for hearing our humble prayers. Amen
Lord Jesus, in your name I ask for your protection over President Trump. Surround him with your mightiest angles. Give him wisdom beyond Solomon's. Give him supernatural discernment. Give him the strength and energy of a lion. Prepare the way before him and the wisdom to follow it. I pray for the destruction of the main stream media. I ask for the innialilation of the evil deep state players in the FBI, CIA, DIA, congress, senate and other agency's. I ask that all those against Trump, America and your will for this country will end up as Hayman, hung on their own gallows that they prepaired for Trump. I ask all those that have been bringing false charges and court cases against Trump become bankrupt along with those that sponsored the cases. Lord, there are numerous people that love you and your word. Please bring about a revival across all fifty states because America desperately needs it. Thank you for your Son, your Word, our hope, your love, America and Trump. Instill in all your followers the overwhelming desire to pray for this nation and national revival.
In Jesus Name,
Dear Father God, please pray for President Donald Trump. Give him the strength and courage to get through these terrible and false court proceedings. Keep him in good health and safe from all harm. Please don’t allow any illegal voting scams keep him out of the White House. Please Lord if it is your will, which I believe it is, let him win the Presidency in 2024. Thank you, God the almighty. Amen
Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy:
when I fall, I shall arise;
when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.” The Lord watches over
His word to perform it, and He is not a man that He should lie. So may the Lord watch over this word to perform it in the life of President Trump. We look forward to your triumph over your enemies, Mr. President!
Father God, I praise you and thank you for making many of us your children. Lord, I ask that you put a hedge of protection around President Trump. The children of Satan seek to destroy him but we KNOW you are with him! You promised never to leave nor forsake us and we know you won't. Please allow your will to be done & hold back the giant forces of evil surrounding this man who loves our country. Lord you blessed our country since it was founded from Christian, praying people. We ask this in your blessed name Jesus and we thank you and praise you for the answers! Amen üôè
Lord God, grant protection and justice for President Trump, as he stands bombarded by evil and lies. You are Sovereign over all the nations. I believe that Donald Trump has been used and led by Your hand of righteousness in leading our beloved country. Bolster his spirit through Your Holy Spirit. Preserve him and propel him once again to lead this America, this country You founded on Christian principles: a great experiment. Grant mercy and forgiveness of our corporate sins, Father. Redeem us and guide us with strong leaders with integrity, like Donald Trump, that our country may once more be a beacon of hope and truth and justice. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Father in heaven, please shower your blessings on our President Trump. I truly believe that you have sent him to save our country from all the evilness in our everyday lives. My husband and I love him for he without reservation has time and again stood by Americans and our country and our friends who stand up for America. I pray that President Trump will stand up with Netanyahu and the people of Israel and bring peace. Father help us all during this time. I pray in Jesus name.
no weapon formed against Donald Trump will prevail, in the Name of Jesus
God Bless President Trump!!
I pray Psalm 1 over President Trump. Let him be a "blessed man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But let his delight be in the law of the Lord and on your law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither, and whatever he does prospers." In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen
Lord God, Heavenly Father, I ask that you support President Trump. Don’t let him be discouraged or disheartened by all the attacks. Lift him up and give him strength to carry on. Use him to lead our country in the direction You choose. Continue to use him in the future, as you did in the past, in moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Use him to lead our country and the world in coming back to You in repentance and revival. In this, as in all things, let me remember that “Thy Will be done”. Not my will, but Thy will.” Continue to hold President Trump and our country in the palm of Your hand. I ask this in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen
God bless President Trump and keep him and his followers safe
Carol White
I pray for CIC Trump and his team for protection and wisdom as they combat evil. Praying for our God given freedom to be returned to us. In Jesus name. Amen
Father in heaven, I pray that President Trump will be endowed by You with Solomon-level wisdom.
Thank You Heavenly Father
In Jesus Name
May God wrap His protective shield about you and cover you with His wisdom and grace as you obey His Word President Trump.
God, I ask that you keep President Trump and his family safe from all harm and evil. Also, please protect those who are fighting to restore this great Nation to a Republic once again. May we have the greatest worldwide revival ever seen! In Jesus name, AMEN!
Heavenly Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth. You are our only source of health, wisdom, power, and strength. We pray that Your mighty hand would rest on President Trump. That You would bless him with wisdom and power from on high. That You, Father would guard him from his enemies and from those who seek the destruction of our nation. Keep him as the apple of Your eye. Give him what he needs in this hour Father. Let him not depend upon earthly wisdom but upon You. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, the honor and the glory. We ask for Your help in Jesus' name. Amen
Father God, I lift President Trump up to you; to guide him, protect him and give him wisdom and discernment as he seeks to lead this country back to a safe country, with our freedoms intact. Keep him safe from the evil ones who have persecuted him for years for trying to make America strong. Guide him and have him seek you in all that he does.
God bless Donald J Trump who is our current president. May God keep him safe until his return to the legal presidency
I plead the blood of Jesus from the top of President Trump’s head to the soles of his feet and pray hedges of protection around him. I ask for Godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
May God protect you and guide you. I pray you’ll be victorious in 2024 and lead this once great nation to greatness again.
Oh heavenly Father, You sent your Son, Jesus, to redeem us from sin and SO HE DID! Please redeem our nation! I ask that you empower President Trump and his team to bring Your justice and rule back to our country that You once blessed. Remove the evil ones that have over whelmed us. Restore Your power in Your government. Thank You, Father, that this pleases You.
Please God we need to get back to you we have lost our way. Please watch over President Trump and his family and all the people who are fighting this fight with him. God we need you!
Our thoughts, hearts a
Please dear Lord keep President Trump and his family safe and strong . We love you
I pray Isaiah 41:9_13 over Donald Trump. God says, I have chosen you, Donald J. Trump. Fear not nor be dismayed, I Am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Behold ALL those incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced: They shall be as nothing. Those who strive with you shall perish. ...Those who contended with you, who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, " Donald, Fear not, I will help you"
mark bellamy
Wendy Lee Sobisky-Greive
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father: I pray with my heart and soul that you keep President Donald Trump and his family safe and guide him in saving the United States from the evil forces. Through your Son, Jesus Christ to you the Father in Heaven, Amen.
Father God, I place Pres. Trump into your mighty and righteous hands. I put the full armour of God on him and say boldly that nothing from the enemy's camp can remove this armour. I weave a hedge of protection around him, woven tightly and covered with the Blood of the Lamb. No weapon formed against him shall prosper and any tongue that rises against him shall be shown to be in the wrong. Shelter him and lead him by your Spirit
Father God, protect and bless President trump! Restore to him the years they have stolen. Help him to walk uprightly before you and to seek you with his whole heart! Use him to glorify your name and to turn this nation back to you. Deliver him from all evil . Remove the enemies from before him . Send truth and light! In Jesus name . Amen!
Father God, we lift up to You, President Trump and his family. We pray a hedge of protection around them and the Blood of Jesus over them that no weapon formed against them will stand. We ask for godly wisdom and knowledge in every decision that he makes. That he and his family will trust You completely and lean on You and Your promises. Give them comfort and peace as they draw near You. We pray that what men have meant for evil, You make it for Your good. We thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Believing that You are holy and nothing is impossible for You. Amen.
Lord I come to you in the holy name of Jesus on behalf of President Donald J. Trump. May your hand rest upon him in a mighty. May your favor , blessing, and protection over shadow him and all the people who surround him. Cover his family with divine protection
Heavenly Father please protect President Trump.
Lord please protect and lead President Donald Trump.
Dear Heavenly Father please continue to watch over President Trump and his amazing family. The evil will never prevail in your presence. Please continue to guide he and his legal team through all these deceitful traps they have stowed upon him. Lord I ask that you keep our President healthy throughout his next term as we need him to fix what this administration has destroyed to your beautiful land. We the people will stand strong with you ! Amen
We wait on you Lord to heal our nation. Bless President Trump and all the white hats around the world that work behind the scenes to free the children. The victory is yours Lord in the name of our precious Savior, Jesus.
Father, in Jesus Name I pray Your protection over Donald Trump and his family. I pray You give him wisdom and understanding as to what his assignment is from You. I pray the Holy Spirit lead him and guide him and Your will be done. Amen
Please keep President Trump safe healthy…
I've asked Heavenly Father to protect President Trump to keep him safe, to encourage him. I believe you heard my prayer, so now I thank you Father for answering my prayer. Amen
I pray with the blood of Jesus that you lord have your hands on Donald Trump. Give him strength to go on to continue exposing these heathens that want to destroy him lord. I pray lord you allow his family to stand by him and protect them. In Jesus name Amen
God bless President Trump and keep him safe. You are the ultimate judge and I pray for exoneration of all the fake charges. We need him back in the White House with your guidance. We ask this in your name Amen
May God bless our country by restoring the greatest president’s return to the White House.
Praying daily for protection, strength and peace for President Trump and his family..love and support from Spain.
God, please put your vail of protection over our REAL President, Donald J. Trump, and send him strength, stamina, energy, tenacity, wisdom, good health and rest so he can join with you in protecting our great country America.
I pray for my president and for this country. God give him the humbleness he needs to allow You to guide him, every day of his life. In Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, please place protection around President Trump and his family.
Lord Jesus, please give President Trump the exact number of guardian angels that he needs to protect himself and his family, the exact number of warrior angels to fight off all the evil forces that are trying to stop the works that You are having President Trump do, and give him an abundance of your great I AMS!!! Also, make him like a slippery golden eel that slips, slides and glides through every plot and scheme the evildoers have devised; in fact' make the evildoers recipients of their own evil just like Psalm 94 says.
Lord in Jesus’s name I pray for our President Donald J Trump and those who believe in you, fill us with your shining light of strength, love, and direction to build our unity, country! Amen
Cole family
God bless, love, and protect you and your whole family and business endeavors, and grace you with His Holy Spirit guiding you second by second, with the unity, strength, and joy of Jesus, with God's angels all around lighting your every moment in the loving tasks you do! Thank you! Amen and amen!
Please Lord, protect President Trump and his family.
Lord you have chosen President Trump as your modern day Cyrus. Your David to lead us back to the nation under God as a republic. No weapon formed against President Trump will prevail. Amen
God bless and protect President Trump.
Gracious God, I ask that President Trump will have your Holy Spirit indwelling as his guide and that you will protect him from the evils that are determined to deter his efforts to save America. I would also pray that Americans remember to bless you as you have so many times blessed this great nation. May President Trump remain humble, always seeking you and keeping his eyes on the throne. It is in your name we pray. Amen
Akebono Airth
I pray Donald John Trump is the 47th President of the United States; and that he is protected all the days of his life. I pray he is able to accomplish all his goals to make this country a much better place to live; and that he has all the help he needs from honest, loyal people who have integrity. I pray these people are also protected every single day and night in the name of Jesus.
we are sending our thoughts and prayers to the Trump family. That God leads and guides the way for you. God Bless and we Love all of you..
Bless him and be put back in his rightful leadership.
Dear Lord, may all your Angels be around President Trump, protecting him from harm. Give him wisdom and courage to withstand Satan and his evil. God
Lord Jesus, thank you for sending us this incredible man who is working tirelessly under such evil to save our country from the forces of evil. Lord, please protect him, protect his family, and please let him be victorious and let our nation be victorious. Amen.
Father God our Creator, I come to You in this moment in pure love and humility. I pray for President Donald Trump, and all of his family, relatives, friends, and loved ones. God, please touch his soul right now and have Donald Trump feel the love flowing throughout the Universe of Your Creation into his heart. Fill him with the pure love and simplicity of our appreciation for what he stands for. God, please show President Trump the love that has no boundaries for which I feel and so many others do. God, I pray for Trump to have absolute peace and joy and love and health and happiness and safety and faith. Dear God, I'm just one woman but I am a Child of God who is absolutely thankful for the entire Trump family. I know You are working through this great family and I'm simply thankful to witness it. God, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, I pray for Your Will to be done. Thank you God for President Trump, Melania, and the entire family! I love them. In Jesus name I pray
May the Lord watch over you.
Lord please give Mr. Trump the strength, wisdom and knowledge to battle, overcome and conquer the evil thrown in his path! Amen
Every day I pray GOD surrounds him and his family with the armor of GOD and the white light of love and protection üôè
May our Heavenly Father give T the strength to complete his mission, and see to it that the world FINALLY gets the WHOLE TRUTH of what has been happening in America and beyond, for decades.
I pray that this happens as soon as possible in order for our country to begin the healing that is so desperately needed.
Father please Send your warring angels to form a hedge of protection over President Trump and I ask that no weapons formed will prosper against him. Keep him strong and guide his path. Put him back into the Oval Office Lord so he can finish the job you chose him to do. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I pray. So be it
Protect him, Lord. Keep him from the evil people who try to stop him. Help him discern good from evil. Let no plot bring him down. Help him to bring back one nation under God! Amen
Father God put a hedge of protection around him & him family tightly wrap your arms around him Angels guard over him Eph 6:11 put on the whole armor of God so that you may b able to stand the wiles of the Devil in Jesus name
Please put a double hedge of protection around our President, his family and those who work with him. Bind up all forces of darkness and cast them away from him!
I’ve prayed Psalm 89 over President Trump since 2020. Father God steady him with your hand. With your powerful arm make him strong. May his enemies not defeat him, nor the wicked overpower him. Beat down his enemies before him and destroy those who hate him. May your faithfulness and unfailing love be with him, and by your authority may he grow in power. In Jesus name, amen.
GOD Bless this man who loves this country!
Dear Holy Father, please bless and protect President Donald Trump and save America from enemies foreign and domestic. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Please Heavenly Father, protect this man always. Keep harm away from him. Keep him strong, keep the Angels around him.
Diane K. Denhoff
You're as Bold as a Lion! Wise as a serpent and Gentle as a dove!
Praying for you continued strength and for all of the evil players to fall from their perceived high ground. In Jesus name. Amen.‚ù§Ô∏èü§çüíôüôèüèªüá∫üá∏üá∫üá∏üá∫üá∏üôèü誂ù§Ô∏èü§çüíô
God Loves You And Will Never Forsake You..He Is Always With You And Knows All And Everything. Stay Strong..You are Loved..God Bless You Mr. Trump.
I declare and decree in the blessed name of our Lord Jesus that His guidance, protection and blessings will be granted to our rightful President Donald J. Trump. In His name we give all the glory to our Lord Jesus amen and amen.
Dear Jesus, I come to You in prayer for President Donald J Trump, and for his family. Please bless them, keep Your protective hands upon them, and please restore President Trump to his rightfully elected position as POTUS. I pray that all those who have attacked him, lied on him, spied on him, that You would bring them to judgment and avenge President Trump. Dear God, bless President Trump and use him for Your glory, and bring America back to You. In Jesus' name. Thank You Lord. Amen.
A godly Leader was born for this very day.
My wife and I pray for you every day. We always call you are president
Heavenly Father, use your servant Donald J. Trump for your glory. Fortify him with graces to ward off evil, protect him from harm & from all that would try to claim your glory. We ask through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ & with the Holy Ghost. Amen.
In Jesus name I pray, God please protect and guide President Trump to lead this Nation back to one Nation under God.
Mr. Trump, I ask God to watch over you and keep you safe during these evil times.
Father right now we lift up President Donald J Trump to you, his wife, his children and everything that he is. Father we pray supernatural protection, wisdom, favor, direction and strength upon him. Lord that you would even speak to him in the night hours and show him exactly what to do. Father, be about him as a wall of fire, that no harm or evil will come near him. Pull the wheels off of pharoh"s chariot. Root out the wicked and cut them off. Expose the evil doers and bring them to justice. Let President Trump be steps ahead of the enemy. If they dig a ditch for him let them fall in it themselves. Amen
May God bless you and preserve you and your family as you work tirelessly to preserve our nation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God's Blessings Always Be Upon Him!
Father, protect this man, your David, from all of the injustice he has received from the Deep State. Bless him and make the evil ones pay back 7 times what they have stolen from him. Protect and bless his family. Bring him back as our president soon, and bring America back to a God -honoring nation, as our founders envisioned. Thank you, Jesus. Amen and Amen!
LORD, Please bless and protect President Trump and all his loved ones and AMERICA in Your Name and through Your Blood. In JESUS's Name! Amen!
Lord God, this country is in dire straits. We need President Trump in control under Your watch to put an end to the wicked lawlessness that has plagued our nation. I ask that You restore him as our President in Jesus' name, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father
I thank you for Your faithfulness to those who know and love You. I ask Lord that you would surround President Donald J Trump and his family with your Devine protection; that You Lord would give him Devine direction and strategy. Lord I ask that you would saturate he and his family with Your peace, strengthen them with Your joy, and anoint them for Your purpose and destiny. Lord I ask that You would fill President Trump and his family with Your courage and Wisdom. Cause them to rest well, always wake refreshed, and keep them in Your perfect health.
Thank You Lord that You listen to us when we pray. Thank You Lord for answering our prayers.
I’m Jesus Name I pray,
Dear God bless protect and keep this man safe and In the hollow of your hand. Return him to his appointed position and destroy every plot plan and evil planned against him. Let him give everything to you and use him and his family to fulfill your calling for such a time as this! Amen in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
We pray for your protection over President Trump and his family.
I hold you in my prayers every day
God bless and keep President Trump under his wings for protection against all the evil directed at him. I ask this in the name of my Divine savior, Jesus Christ.
Lord father, thank you for watching over our president and his family during his time as president and I believe he still is our president today.l pray Lord, that you will bring revelation to our president of who you are, and how much you love him. I declare and decree that you have ordained him to be the United States president for two terms. However you’re going to do this Lord can only be done by your holy power. Thank you, father I trust that you are in complete control over our United States and over America.
God be with you and guide you. May He put a hedge of protection around you your family and those that surround you. May He keep you safe as He leads guides and directs you and may you be receptive to His guidance and the path He leads you. In Christ's name Amen.
Dear God please bless and keep safe Donald J. Trump and his family as they fight to save humanity for We the People of the World. Please make them successful in their missions.
I pray that President Trump will be protected and safe through this awful trial he has gone through. America needs him back now.
109:17-31 6 Help me (Trump), O LORD my God: O save me (Trump) according to thy mercy: 27 That they (Evil government/Democrats) may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD, hast done it. 28 Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice. 29 Let mine(our) adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle. 30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude. 31 For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul.
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Psalm/109/type/kjv?v=27
Praying for you and your family. May God protect you and send MAGA angels to protect you too!! We üíï you!
Pray for a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family
Father God, I pray that you’ll give President Trump strength and wisdom and put a hedge of protection around him and his family. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭MEV‬‬
Bless Donald Trump, cover him with flawless protection. Envelope him with an army of Angels. Long live DJT.
Please Lord give President Trump the common sense to fulfill his promises. And stand by this Republic. It is not a democracy.
Father please let the Holy Spirit envelope President trump and guide him to victory. Father please open the eyes of the 10's of millions of evangelicals and give them the unction to get out and vote unlike what happened in 2020
Heavenly Father, I thank you for President Trump and his fervor to conquer against evil in trying to save America and his resolve. I pray that you protect him from all evil, I pray that You would help him to wins the battles, I pray that You rise him above all this rhetoric, and I pray that You help him to become a conqueror in Christ. Please provide for all He needs and protect his family and give them joy! In Jesus’ name zi pray, Amen!
Mary Anne
Father God, thank you for sending us your servant President Donald Trump, to be a Cyrus at this time. We ask you to bless him with Courage, strength and Holy Spirits discernment of what you are leading him to do. We ask for your full protection that Donald Trump would fulfill his God ordained purpose and destiny and fulfill all the days ordained for him in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
God be with us all in these trials and tribulations and these trying times, show us the way and we will follow you because we know you will lead us on the path of righteousness for your name sake we pray and for the salvation of your son Jesus Christ we pray amen.
Mather of God please help Donald Trump
May God protect you and your family!
Love you! Stand strong!
PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?
We have 5+ million people who read this website, let's get 25% to stop and pray right now.
That's right, goal is to have over One Million people praying for our President.
Will you please help?
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Keep it going!