Israel's Eternal Shame. Palestinian Holocaust Memorial. MAKE THIS GO VIRAL
Israel's Eternal Shame. Palestinian Holocaust Memorial. MAKE THIS GO VIRAL
Turkish government documentary shows what the Zionists are doing in Gaza is exactly what was done in WW2.
It shows children in the future, visiting a museum of the Gaza holocaust (comparable to Yad Vashem)
The children see the photos of the horrors, and the relics of the dead, and ask their parents: What did you do to stop it?
Very moving indeed.It deserves to go viral.
World War 3 Will Achieve Rothschild Goals. Dr. Henry Makow
October 26, 2024
The Rothschilds start wars to increase their wealth and power, and destroy the goyim. Conflating this criminal agenda with Jews in general is letting the Rothschilds off the hook. Everything that is happening descends from them. Everyone is controlled by money, and they create money in the form of a debt to them.
Proof -- World Wars Are Orchestrated to Kill The Goyim. Dr. Henry Makow
October 19, 2024
World wars are Gentile genocides designed to replace a God of Love (Christianity) with a God of Hate (Cabalist Judaism.) This is the essence of the New World Order. The COVID scam failed to impose Communism so the Rothschilds are turning to Plan B, Zionism and world war.
Talmud Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." (Most assimilated Jews have never read the Talmud)
The Third Masonic Jewish World War Unfolds. Dr. Henry Makow
October 26, 2024
World War Three is a repeat of the Fascist Vs. Communist charade that was World War Two where the two branches of Masonic Jewry (Communism-Left and Zionism-Right) duke it out again.
Russia, China, Iran, radical Islam, the UN and the BRICS nations are in the Communist camp. Israel, the US, the UK are in the Fascist (i.e. Nazi) camp. The purpose of the war is the degradation and dispossession of humanity and the imposition of Rothschild globalist tyranny.
BRICS 16th Summit - First Step Towards a Common Future of Sovereign Multipolarity?
Civil War Post-Election? Dr. Henry Makow
October 18, 2024
The US is a Jewish Vassal State. Dr. Henry Makow October 14, 2024
Israel and the West are inviting the same treatment as Israel metes out in Gaza and Lebanon
Organized Jewry Fears Humanity is Escaping Mind Prison. Dr. Henry Makow October 9, 2024