"THOUSANDS" OF DEAD FISH in critical watershed following Lithium Plant Fire. This is Our Future

"THOUSANDS" OF DEAD FISH in critical watershed following Lithium Plant Fire. This is Our Future

"THOUSANDS" OF DEAD FISH in critical watershed following Lithium Plant Fire. This is Our Future - What They Aren't Telling You and Don't Want You To Know... *** LITHIUM BATTERIES ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND TOXIC - BUT THE OLIGARCHS DON'T CARE. AND THIS PROVES THEY ACTUALLY DON'T GOVE A DAMN ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT - What is Most Insane is that Lithium Batteries DO NOT EVEN PRODUCE ENERGY. Energy Sources Like Gas, Coal and Nuclear Energy is STILL REQUIRED. Lithium Batteries are just Energy Delivery Systems and Will Not Protect our Environment, But Destroy it... *** 7,722 views November 2, 2024 Yanasa TV - Join this channel and support our efforts:    / @yanasatv   - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@YanasaTV