The CURE for CANCER Has Been Known Since the 1930's
The CURE for CANCER Has Been Known Since the 1930's
Posted November 2nd, 2024
Cancer cures.....
We are having a cancer epidemic at the moment (I wonder why??)....
So we all need to know these things...
Also - I have done my own research into alternative cancer cures.....see the list below o want to share with all.....
Proven Cancer Treatments (some even possibly cures)....!
1)- Ivermectin (very efficient antiviral and also COVID treatment) actually helps to kill Cancer.
2)- Hydroxychloroquine famous malaria treatment proven to kill cancer
3)- ZERO Carbohydrates - cancers actually feed off carbohydrates so cut your intake of them down to ZERO. Cancers live off sugar and glutamines (a type of amino acid). So Keto diet helps with the sugars. Glutamines are harder to cut out.
4)- Artemisinin - proven to work on cancer
Read this...
5)- Selenium - 200ug - supports bone marrow to make White blood cells which redirect as T-Cells to fight all cancers in the body
6)- Apple pectin good for radiation ☢️ and cancers
7)- High rates of intravenous Vitamin C can kill cancer
8)- Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - rubbing it on your skin your body can absorb it. Kills cancer, oxygenates the bloodstream, kills germs and viruses, and combined with free radicals to excrete them! See video by Dr Charlotte Gerson.
9)- Star Anise
10)- Sodium Chlorite - NaClO2 @ 25% concentration + the Activator Hydrochloric Acid - HCl @ 4% Conc strength or use Citric Acid
Makes - Chlorine Dioxide - very powerful
Many protocols have been developed for each condition.
So MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) is a chemical solution containing sodium chlorite and water which, when ingested orally, became chlorine dioxide
Alleged Cure for diabetes, cancer, HIV, AIDS, Malaria, Cold, Bacteria, Mercia, Parkinson's.
11)- Sound Frequencies can kill cancer!
12)- Turkey Tail Mushrooms
13)- Fenbendazole - Dog dewormer known to stop cancer. Ignore all 'fact check' websites!! Use this with Ivermectin if possible....
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