The not so nice side of porn

Study: 9 out of 10 Swedish porn actresses were sexually exploited as children
Published November 1, 2024 at 4:40 p.m
Culture news. A new Swedish study reveals an extensive exposure to violence and mental illness among porn actors. The researchers found that the majority of the participants were exposed to abuse - both during their upbringing and as adults in connection with the production.

The study, which comes from Marie Cederschiöld University and Talita, is based on interviews with 120 people who have been engaged in porn production in Sweden.

The results show that 88 percent of the participants were exposed to sexual abuse as children, and over 90 percent have been exposed to some form of mental and physical abuse. Many have later continued to be exploited in pornography, where they were subjected to further abuse and gross acts of violence, according to the study.

The participants testified about a work environment where violence and coercion were common. Over two-thirds of participants reported being raped during production, and 56 percent had been physically abused. Other forms of coercion and control were also widespread – over 78 percent said they had been forced to carry out specific sexual acts. The researchers also found that over half of the participants were controlled by third parties, who controlled their movements and financial compensation.

The study also reveals a high prevalence of mental illness among the participants. 83 percent of them met criteria for PTSD, and nearly 70 percent had attempted suicide at some point. Many also reported self-injurious behaviour, often linked to their experiences in the industry.

"There is an urgent need for specialized care and psychiatric support for this population," the researchers note.

The study has not yet been peer-reviewed.