This Disaster is all Thanks To The Honorable (?) Members Of Parliament
Lib/Lab & Greens, State & Federal
You Must also Thank You Doctors and Your Chemist For This Holocaust Of Death and Sickness
Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK Non-Copyright Version
Sec,44: Disqualification
Any Person Who- (i) Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power.
UTL COMMENT:- Terrific compilation of facts & truths that will still not sit very comfortably with too many people in OZ, even after the last 5 years of lies, deception, treachery, even treason by too many of our so-called politicians, who are either compromised, complicit, simply by their silence of all of this, or like some, now speaking out about some of it, still too little, too late, as they can see they just might be in some trouble, when accountability comes knocking on their door(s), as it will, hopefully sooner rather than later....