Update on the Rescue & Shelter Cats! Everyone is Home Now!
Here is another update on what is happening with our family of cats we are sheltering... GoFundMe for the Cats: Stray Cat Sanctuary: @straycatsanctuary1945 Please help support the CATS & this channel: (friends and family please) David from Coffee Talk PO Box 426 Conyers GA 30012 Would you like to donate Crypto? Bitcoin: 3MCJRj3BUsGzghJKEscv8DTBzYvEdWkNd6 BCH: qzvdwnzyeu0jwhulhw48pc5j3wnt7ldpkgdswgmct5 ETH: 0xE089f68A1f3ffDaB8cFdE265a6DAD75df34bE970 ETC: 0x30C792DF2329afA22bb9F9d803781f5676b1a2c6 LTC: MP3YkPfUCM8mUoiBAp6i63RchtE6q8KwHV ZRX: 0x3EDA3FEcFE7729bF27DAE48D72E2e0C60Cec2FB0 BAT: 0xFF6667433Fa04018f3e287Ad6F886443846EC406 USDC: 0xAbd5483CF99b4d65e6255E764e0CA982Ec307f96 ZEC: t1LHYu45cmhAxBUwbgfS2rRWd6SAFGCFMcG DAI: 0x484b42D96eff229a19bc6f59D6AE256bCC3ee25B #cat #cats #catlover #catvideos #catshorts #catlovers #catholic #catvideo #catsofinstagram #catsoftiktok #gofundmehelp #catrescue