Time Travelers Exist: Comb Jellyfish Can Age Backwards
Researchers have recently uncovered an extraordinary ability in the comb jellyfish (Mnemiopsis leidyi) — the capacity to age in reverse, essentially turning back into a larva, as reported by SciTechDaily.
In nature, animal life cycles usually follow a predictable sequence: birth, growth, reproduction, and eventually death, making way for a new generation. However, there are rare exceptions that deviate from this norm. The “immortal jellyfish” (Turritopsis dohrnii) is a well-known example, capable of reverting from its adult stage back to a juvenile polyp. Now, Mnemiopsis leidyi has joined this exclusive group of species capable of reversing their life stages.
“The work challenges our understanding of early animal development and body plans, opening new avenues for the study of life cycle plasticity and rejuvenation. The fact that we have found a new species that uses this peculiar “time-travel machine” raises fascinating questions about how spread this capacity is across the animal tree of life,” said Joan J. Soto-Angel, a postdoctoral fellow in the Manet Team at the Department of Natural History at the University of Bergen.
This surprising discovery happened by chance. While observing animals in the lab, scientists noticed that an adult comb jelly seemed to vanish from its tank, leaving only a larva behind. Intrigued, study leader Pavel Burkhardt designed experiments to see if comb jellies could indeed transform back into larvae under controlled conditions.
The researchers then subjected Mnemiopsis leidyi to stressors like starvation and mild physical injury, and indeed, the jellyfish reverted from its adult lobed form to its larval stage.
“Watching the transition back to the larval state is astounding, as if they’re moving backward in time,” the study’s authors noted. “Over a few months, they not only altered their physical appearance but also adopted larval feeding behaviors.”
Scientists now see comb jellies as a valuable model for future studies on developmental biology and aging, as these unique animals represent one of the earliest lineages capable of reversing their biological clock.
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