'WOLF BEINGS' Recently Summoned in Allegheny State Park, New York

'WOLF BEINGS' Recently Summoned in Allegheny State Park, New York

Location: Allegheny State Park, NY near Salamanca, NYTimes: 4pm-7:03pmStart of encounter: around 5:40pmEnd of encounter: 7pmI am writing this encounter for the sole purpose of bringing awareness to other people who interact with 'wolf beings,' go seeking them, or practice spiritually in the pagan world. I have been having experiences with these beings since 2020, although the activity died down some due to some mundane life events and things I've had to focus on. This is also a written warning to anyone who is an empath/psychic sensitive to be mindful of the messages and energetic pulls one can have.I woke up Saturday morning in bed with one of my friends. I remember stretching and feeling to say out loud that I needed to see my best friend that day. She is a very long-time close friend and a Green Witch. Green Witches are typically individuals who work with herbs and plants for the purpose of healing. She had originally wanted to hang out that day and it also just popped into my head that maybe we should do a spontaneous road trip to Allegheny State Park. Only 80 miles away at 1 hour and 27 minutes of a drive to get there. The idea was very specific in the fact that I felt I needed to bring spiritual objects with me for this. We had just completed a Samhain ritual on October 31st that Thursday with a group of local witches/pagans. We had been given little pink candles to connect with our ancestors and to do so we had to light these candles, meditate, and see what messages we got. Usually, these messages are advice or reassurances that our new year will be blessed. I also had a feeling that I was being watched. Something I feel when a wolf being is remote viewing me telepathically. This is a common feeling I get often as a psychic sensitive/empath. I typically feel my teeth are achey and my eyes occasionally feel a slight pressure. And my fingers can feel restless. It's just something I noticed in the last four years while working with these beings. I sensed that they had something to do with this sudden pull to go to Allegheny State Park. I was not fully aware of the nature of this but I was not scared. I just knew I had to go there and bring my friend and I trusted that we would be fine.I drove to pick up my friend that day and we drove the 80 miles to Allegheny State Park. I had a quick talk with her in the car about the nature of our trip. I told her I just sensed we both HAD to be there. We stopped at the restaurant to make sure we ate so that any kind of hunger would not distract us from the ritual we were about to perform. This is common practice to make sure your energy levels are up. And we even stopped at the bathroom to make sure we were not interrupted by that either. I was a bit concerned as I noticed I started coming down with a period. Not something I want to have while in the woods with predators in the area. By the time we got in the car and psychically sensed where the pull was coming from, it was almost 6PM. We gathered our blankets, lanterns, and objects and proceeded down a trail leading into the woods that was right by the park road. Half a minute in my friend and I discovered a gray plaid torn shirt on the ground. We know bears frequent the area so we had previously agreed that any signs to leave we would just leave. No questions asked. We looked at this shirt and there was nothing with it. It looked very very old. We determined not to be too worried and proceed to our spot that we felt was close by. I told her I felt we were looking for a marked spot and a circle of trees. That was the telepathic communication I was receiving.A minute in we found two circles of trees side by side each other. There were also two trees with carvings on them. Clearly, humans mark letters of their names on the trees. My friend felt we needed to keep walking but I told her that this was definitely the spot we were looking for. We asked the forest for permission to be there and waited for a sign before we set up our blanket and objects. I felt it was important to bring my Anubis figure and his candle to ask him for help in receiving our messages and to protect us. We also brought our candles from Samhain. I set up my Anubis figure and lit his candle. I invited him to protect us and guide us that night. We also lit white sage and our candles and proceeded with our ritual. We respectfully asked for our ancestors to come to us or any positive beings/entities to approach and connect with us.As we waited for our messages we noticed the forest animals had stopped making noises and we heard footsteps behind us and to our right. My friend immediately said that she sensed we were being approached by wolf beings. I had been sensing it before her but wanted to make sure I had confirmation that what I was sensing was accurate. We then started to hear occasional whispering from low voices. I even heard a familiar click that some wolf beings do with their teeth. That's when I knew to stay put and see what was going to happen. We did not feel we were in danger. We sensed these beings were examining us, seeing why we were there and reading us. We counted at least 6 individuals surrounding us in a wide circle.My friend said she was starting to feel sick and that one of them was trying to interact with her energy. I knew that was an indication that she was going to be channeled. Something that telepathic beings, physical and non-physical, can do. I told her to let that be only communicated through her mouth if she was ok with it. She said, "Do you see that?" Indicating something in front of us. The next thing that happened was she was being channeled by one of these beings. It was just dark enough that I could barely make out a figure slightly peeking above some fallen trees in front of us.The being that spoke through her and manipulated her body was a male wolf being. He communicated to me that he wanted us, especially my friends, to stay with them and never leave. I had to convince this individual that making us stay with them was not an acceptable idea as we were human. I asked him why they wanted my friend so badly. He said they needed her. I had also picked up on the fact that he had met her before in this park many years ago when she had gone to collect herbs. A story she had told me herself 4 years ago. I asked him where his Elder was and if they approved of him trying to take my friend. I even asked where his Elder was. He looked at me through her and I was given a telepathic communication of an event that happened. It was of a white female wolf being through individual eyes standing next to her. She had her arms raised and jaws open in front of a human man. Standing in front or over him. This man had a rifle of some sort and he released a bullet into her left eye and into her head. Her head had jolted back and the image I saw ended. I do not know if this man had shot her in self-defense or on purpose to just kill her, but the emotion that overtook me was overwhelming sadness to the point I started crying. I knew this was this wolf being emotional.I learned enough to know that over the years these Elders are everything to the family of wolf beings. Some people would call them alphas but I have found that label just doesn't quite fit. These Elders teach the younger wolf beings everything in life. They are these beings' line of security, counsel, and guidance. Everything they need to know to work together and survive. Yes, these Elders lead them in a way but it's very family-like. Losing that kind of individual for a group is devastating and in this case, deeply traumatic. They were trying to fill in the void this female Elder had left behind. And in their grief used me to bring my friend to them. A connection that was familiar to this male wolf being and brought him some kind of comfort. I believe he remembered how kind my friend was and how she was not afraid of him. He particularly was interested in her being a Green Witch, a healer.I had to somehow get myself and my friend out of this situation that I was feeling increasingly more and more responsible for. I was fortunate to convince this individual that taking my friend right now wasn't in the best interest of both of them regarding her physical safety. I told him that we could always visit him here and work with his family to help them the best we could. He had even tried to bargain with me and trade some of the forest for my friend. I made sure to stick to telling him we couldn't stay and that the alternative I offered was the better choice.We had sensed he had a family member that was very young and weak. A little female who was hungry. I could tell they all smelled everything about us. Including my untimely period. I felt at that time it would put us in danger, now fully realizing the nature of our visit. As soon as this being left my friend's body she collapsed on the ground. He had been using her body to manipulate it to express himself to communicate. My friend came and asked what happened. I told her we needed to go right away and to start packing up as soon as she was able to. I also told her that these wolf beings would make sure we got back to the car but I was also under the impression that they could easily change their minds.We had originally agreed to leave this site before it got dark and by this time it had gotten to be 7pm and was very dark. The entire walk back was literally 1 minute to the car but we were still feeling the effects of these beings' energy on our bodies. It took everything I knew and had to make sure we got back to that car in one piece. We even got approached by a park officer on our way closing the doors to the car. He asked what we were doing, where we were going, and that the park was closed now. I told him that we were from Buffalo heading back home and had just gotten back into the car. I indicated we had lost track of time in the woods and almost got lost. He accepted the story and followed us out of the park. I did not want to tell him about our experience there for many reasons.It was a long ride back home for the two of us. I feel I had unintentionally put my friend in danger. She assured me that she was feeling fine and that we were heading home and that's all that mattered. I told her what had happened there and discussed the details with her. She said she did not remember 99% of this experience and originally had not understood why it was so dark all of a sudden when we left. She only remembered one of these beings trying to channel her and after that was where her memory was missing.We did not do any substances for this ritual/encounter. This is only what I have described in this email. The only message I must convey is to warn others that this is an experience that could have gone completely wrong really fast. My friend and I are experienced enough to be careful but this was something beyond our control. Anyone who works with these beings in any way needs to be mindful of them and respect them. They can manipulate your body and can seem controlling but it is not. It's more of an influence or suggestion, not a complete takeover. If you find yourself being drawn to them, be cautious and know yourself. And as for those who go looking for these beings to do harm to them, I can only say that you are only asking for trouble. You could potentially be forcing them to abduct people like in this situation with my friend. Allegheny State Park has a history of missing people.I believe the reason why these beings did not see us as a threat or as strangers is because my friend and I have a connection to them through our encounters and experiences. I trust this encounter serves as only a record and I would like for it not to be completely publicly shared. It can be talked about, it can be discussed, it can be privately archived. There are certain details that I feel the general public would not understand or take to the truth. However, I do allow it to be shared with someone who has had similar experiences." KD**********CHICAGO MOTHMAN - 'UNSOLVED MYSTERIES' VIEWER REPORTS! | LIVE CHAT | Q & A (EYEWITNESS SUBMISSIONS)PHANTOMS & MONSTERS VIDEO LIBRARYPOLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? 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As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! LonCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistChicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive MapHey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN. I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. LonEXCLUSIVE VIDEO of CHICAGO MOTHMAN RECORDED----------Become a Phantoms & Monsters Radio Insider - just $2.99 monthly, and receive these perks. Thanks for your support!-Members-only live chats-Exclusive members-only videos-Priority reply to members' commentsHave perks suggestions? LMK-----YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED! THANKS-----Have you had a sighting or encounter?Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. Lon Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.Available on Amazon.comSan Francisco Book Festival Honorable MentionNew York Book Festival Honorable MentionAlso available with audiobooknarration by Terry Springs,CBS-TV Las Vegas affiliate.This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler© 2005-2024 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved