BREAKING: Scanning Glitches Effecting Multiple Republican PA Districts!

BREAKING: Scanning Glitches Effecting Multiple Republican PA Districts!

Glitches and voting machine malfunctions are being reported in several Pennsylvania voting districts, with ballot scanners inoperative at multiple locations in Cambria County, Pa in particular.  According to Newsweek, there were limited issues in Bedford County related to the start up process this morning, but issues in other districts are ongoing. Several election ballot scanners are currently inoperative at multiple polling locations in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of State said that it is in contact with officials in Cambria County to resolve the technical issues. Read More: — Newsweek (@Newsweek) November 5, 2024 The Newsweek report has indicated the worst problems are in Cambria County, PA and involves a software malfunction, completely preventing ballots from being scanned. Several election ballot scanners are currently inoperative at multiple polling locations in Cambria County in Pennsylvania. Bedford experienced a limited issue with opening machines for voting, which was resolved quickly, county officials said. The Pennsylvania Department of State said that it is in contact with officials in Cambria County to resolve the technical issues. Cambria County attorney Ron Repak said that a software malfunction had caused the issue, and that a court order had been filed to extend voting times. “The Cambria County Board of Election learned early this morning that a software malfunction in the County’s Electronic Voting System has prevented voters from scanning their ballots. This should not discourage voters from voting at their voting precincts,” he said in a statement, according to local outlet WJAC. The Department of State is in contact with county officials in Cambria County. Voters are continuing to vote by paper ballot, in accordance with normal operations, while the county resolves the issue with in-precinct scanning. We are working with the County to resolve this… — PA Department of State (@PAStateDept) November 5, 2024 Check out this video of a poll worker in Cambria County, PA who explains that voters are not able to scan their own ballots — they must fill out their paper ballot, and leave the ballot with workers who would then scan the ballot into the machines once they have been repaired. Election worker in Cambria County, PA explains why the voting machines aren’t working. #Election2024 — DramaAlert (@DramaAlert) November 5, 2024 From what I can tell, polling stations across Pennsylvania are actually experiencing similar problems — not just the one or two locations that seem to be getting the majority of the attention in the media. BREAKING – Polling stations across Pennsylvania are experiencing MASSIVE issues with voting machines. Numerous reports indicate that the machines are failing to scan ballots, with poll workers stating that the ballots will be “scanned in later. — Right Angle News Network (@Rightanglenews) November 5, 2024 Reports are coming in from Pennsylvania that voting machines across the western part of the state are experiencing issues due to problems with their flash drives. Machines are reportedly failing to scan ballots, with poll workers saying these will be “scanned in later.”… — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) November 5, 2024 This video is reported to be a voting location in Cambria, PA where the malfunctions have brought voting to a complete halt. Voting machines are down in deep red Cambria County, PA. STAY. IN. LINE. — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 5, 2024 According to the Newsweek article previously cited, the attorney for Cambria County has indicated a court order has been filed to extend voting times as a result of the problems. Cambria County attorney Ron Repak said that a software malfunction had caused the issue, and that a court order had been filed to extend voting times. “The Cambria County Board of Election learned early this morning that a software malfunction in the County’s Electronic Voting System has prevented voters from scanning their ballots. This should not discourage voters from voting at their voting precincts,” he said in a statement, according to local outlet WJAC. “The Board has filed a Court Order extending the time to vote within Cambria County. No one should be turned away from the polls if they wish to cast their vote. “Cambria County Board of Elections took measures to have IT specialists called to review the software issue. There is a process in place for issues of this nature. All completed ballots will be accepted, secured, and counted by the Board of Elections.” He added: “The County Board of Elections has express voting machines at precinct locations to continue to allow voting electronically, while still allowing hand ballots to be cast. The County Board of Elections will be continuing to monitor this issue and take any necessary action to ensure that all voters have an opportunity to cast their ballots. Obviously, many people are asking the question: why are we going through this again?  Why has there not been changes to the system to mitigate any potential for these “glitches” and “malfunctions”, like simply going to a full paper ballot system across the board — like we used to use with no “glitches”? Dear GOP lawyers: when the voting machines “glitch” that means Democrats are rigging them. Tell your local clerk or election official to file an EMERGENCY SUIT immediately! Stop the machines from being “updated” or “patched.” Instead, ballots must be HANDCOUNTED. — Emerald Robinson (@EmeraldRobinson) November 5, 2024 This is a developing story, and the day is almost certain to be full of more stories like this, and hopefully quick solutions.  We will bring you updates as they become available.