Trump Projected To Win North Carolina
Former President Donald Trump is projected to win the swing state of North Carolina, securing the state’s 15 Electoral College votes, according to a projection from Decision Desk HQ.
The race was called for Trump with 58% of the vote counted with Trump leading Harris 51.1% to 47.8%. Trump has now secured 210 votes in the Electoral College and only needs 60 more to reach the 270 threshold to be declared the winner.
In 2020, North Carolina was one of the states that former President Donald Trump held from his 2016 presidential victory.
For the last two months, the state has been recovering from devastating storms and historic flooding that it faced in September from Hurricane Helene.
There is no automatic recount that is triggered based on the election results, but a candidate who is behind may request one if they are down by 0.5 percentage points or less of the total number of votes.
Polls leading up to the election showed a tight race between the two candidates, with Trump leading Harris in the RealClearPolitics average by 1.2 points headed into Election Day.
North Carolina has seen a decrease in the amount of spending that has gone into political advertisements during the 2024 campaign cycle when compared to the amount of spending from 2020.
In 2020, nearly $617 million was spent in the state for all political races, with Republicans spending $269 million and Democrats spending $348 million.
However, those number have decreased by roughly $150 million in 2024, with both parties spending a combined total of $479 million on ads.
For the 2024 presidential race in the state, Democrats outspent Republicans $123 million to $84 million.