Mary as a Conscious Priestess of Divine Birth

Mary as a Conscious Priestess of Divine Birth

The first important thing to understand about Mother Mary’s secret life is that she was not a passive vehicle to her conception of Jesus. According to my research she was an active, willing orchestrator of this great event. As I mentioned in chapter 1, Mary was, in fact, a trained priestess in a lineage of women who knew how to divinely conceive special holy children going back to the early days of the Hebrew tradition. The purpose of the practice was to bring forth avatars—walking representations of the Divine who could not be born through “regular” means. The intention was for such offspring to serve as high-level leaders for humanity. This priestess role was not just the special gift of Hebrew family lines; it spanned the globe in many cultures. We hear the most about it as it relates to Mary, however, because she was a particularly high adept of this kind—which enabled her to usher an exceptionally extraordinary being onto our planet. Read moreSection: Ancient WritingsNewsMysterious PhenomenaReligionsMyths & LegendsEuropeAsiaFamous PeoplePremiumPreviewRead Later