Kamala’s Conceited Cunctatious Concession
Kamala Harris, a candidate who proved herself capable of saying anything to win, appears at a loss for words upon her defeat.
Though the outcome appeared as a fait accompli overnight, Harris went through the night and the next morning without conceding. She reportedly looks to deliver a speech, hopefully conceding defeat and offering a congratulations, at 4 p.m. to the man she labeled a “fascist” just a few days ago.
NBC News, which seemed a campaign auxiliary at times, claims both Harris and President Joe Biden plan to call Trump to offer congratulations. But the article noting that the congratulations come in the future implicitly admits that neither politician has bothered to call Trump at this point. Even a prank call would be better than this sore-loser silence.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton at least displayed conciliation by wearing purple and concede defeat the next morning. This followed, apparently, an uneasy night of object-throwing and creative use of all the four-letter words in the dictionary (and a few not yet found there).
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reported. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
John Podesta told supporters that they needed to count all the votes. But one could count all the tears from her supporters to see the end credits.
Ditto for the tears at Howard University last night. The networks kept refusing to call various states as the images they displayed showed Harris supporters conceding with their tears. Even when a CNN reporter told a stunned Jake Tapper and John King on the air that Georgia officials reported just 100,000 votes left to count as Trump held a 118,000-vote lead, the network took its time to call that state.
Harris’ cheerleaders put it off. Now she does, too.
Would she have taken as long to announce her victory as she does in conceding her defeat?
Recall, of course, that the vice president took 39 days to grant an interview to the press once her campaign started. The masochistic Fourth Estate repaid her by alternating coverage between massage and smooch settings. And today they tell us she lost not because of anything she did or did not do but instead because racism and sexism plagues American voters.
Hopefully, for both the sake of the country and her political future, she offers a more gracious congratulations to the victors.
The post Kamala’s Conceited Cunctatious Concession appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.