Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris a “Ram-Rod” — Really Hopes We Can Put Talk of a Stolen Election Behind Us

Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris a “Ram-Rod” — Really Hopes We Can Put Talk of a Stolen Election Behind Us

Noah here and I have a confession to make…. I didn’t really realize it until just now, but I have kind of missed covering Joe Biden. The gaffes, the nonsensical statements, the constant screw ups….I missed this guy! Sure, I can only laugh about it now that we know Trump won and there’s a light at the end of this tunnel, but listening to this new 6 minute speech from Joe Biden was pure entertainment! I mean, it’s classic stuff like this that we’re just not going to get anymore once this guy is gone: Joe Biden Wants To “Smack ‘Em In The A**!” First, as he starts off, he just can't stop smiling.... The man is BEAMING, there's no other way to put it. Understand the purpose of the speech is to discuss Kamala's loss and the transition of power back to President Trump, and Joe Biden can't stop smiling! That's the first thing that absolutely jumps off the screen to me.... Folks, I told you all along that I firmly believe Joe Biden voted for Donald Trump out of pure spite that Kamala Harris forced him out of the race: Joe Biden Just Voted Early….But For Who? And watching his smile up there a mile wide, I think we were 100% right about that. Then when he finally mentions Kamala Harris he calls her a "Ram-Rod" which is absolutely hilarious! I don't even truly know what it even means, but it's a perfect Joe Biden phrase, and so I looked it up: Calling someone a "ramrod" generally means that they are particularly strict, rigid, or unwavering in enforcing rules or maintaining order. It can also imply that they are straightforward, upright, or "by the book" in their approach, often unyielding or inflexible. The term originated from the tool used to tightly pack gunpowder in a firearm, suggesting someone who is "straight" and "firm" in their stance or demeanor. I mean....that basically describes the exact OPPOSITE of Kamala Harris, doesn't it? She is none of those things. She's not rigid or disciplined or by the book. She's aloof, airheaded, twisting in the wind with every new whim! The only thing she was "Ram-Rod" about was forcing Joe Biden out of the race, don't you think? Absolutely incredible -- he got up there and of all the things he could say about her, he called her a Ram-Rod: Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris a "Ram-Rod" -- Really Hopes We Can Put Talk of a Stolen Election Behind Us — (@DailyNoahNews) November 7, 2024 But perhaps my favorite moment was when he said he really hopes we can put all this silly talk about a stolen election behind us. As in 2020, Joe? As in the 15 million magical, unreal, votes Joe? Yeah, if I were you I'd desperately want to put that behind me as well.... But that's not going to work so well for us, Joe.  Sorry. We're going to be digging into it in great detail, my friend! I just hope you live long enough to see prison! But anyway, back to the video.... At the end, it was unclear if this was Joe Biden doing a Dana Carvey impression or if we maybe had Dana Carvey up there doing a Joe Biden impression!  Because I couldn't differentiate anymore between this and an SNL skit! I actually half expected right at the end for him to pull the mask off and reveal it's been Dana Carvey all along, I'm serious about that, I'm not joking! Will we eventually get that moment? The moment that shocks the world? The moment the masks come off? I think odds are good. Backup video here: President Biden addressed the nation a little while ago. Here is his full entire speech. — Art Candee (@ArtCandee) November 7, 2024 RELATED REPORT: Dana Carvey Explains How He Developed The PERFECT Joe Biden Impression Dana Carvey Explains How He Developed The PERFECT Joe Biden Impression Saturday Night Live is funny and relevant again! Why? Because they stopped trying to push a political agenda and decided to just be funny!  What a novel concept! And they've brought in some big names to do it, Jim Gaffigan as Tim Walz and the biggest of all, Dana Carvey as Joe Biden! His impression is perhaps the best Presidential (Residential??) impression they've ever had on the show, so I was fascinated to hear how he developed it. He explained recently on a podcast with David Spade.... Take a look: Really, really funny! Guess what? And by the way? No joke! Let me be clear! So good.... And if you want more on this topic, I have two related reports for you. The first is this it possible the impression is SO good because, well.....because of this: Is Dana Carvey “Playing” Joe Biden? And if you haven't actually seen some of the SNL bits, I have those for you below. They are genuinely funny! See here: Wait….Saturday Night Live Is Funny Again? Wait....Saturday Night Live Is Funny Again? So Saturday Night Live is suddenly funny again? And all it took was dropping the far-left ideology and actually writing jokes about the people who themselves are a walking joke? Imagine that! I mean, come on folks, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and all the rest of these goofballs are comedy gold and even Saturday Night Live finally realized there was just too much comedy perfection here to continue to ignore. And it's brought in some big names too.... Dana Carvey is back to play a pitch-perfect Joe Biden, absolutely incredible. Jim Gaffigan is showing up each week to play Tim Walz. And even Maya Rudolph came back to her old stomping grounds to play another pitch-perfect Kamala. It's pure comedy gold, and I'm an equal opportunity offender here, find the comedy where it is....even the Trump impression is dead on and hilarious! This is one of the funniest sketches they've done in a long time, watch here: Family Feud: Election Edition — Saturday Night Live - SNL (@nbcsnl) October 13, 2024 Here is the first time two weeks ago that we got Dana Carvey as Joe Biden: In Actually Funny Sketches, SNL Skewers Biden, Harris and Walz! And last week was hilarious too.... In case you missed it, here's that link: WATCH: SNL’s Hilarious Roast of Tim Walz, Dana Carvey’s Biden Steals The Show! And there was also another sketch from last week that had me rolling.... The Mile High Burger Challenge. So funny! But even better than that is the classic "Lisa from Temecula". Have you seen this one? This has me dying laughing every time I watch it, one of the best sketches SNL has ever done. You know it's good when she makes every person in the sketch break character and laugh, including herself. If you need a laugh, please enjoy: Keep it up SNL.... Stick with being funny, we don't need your politics. Just be funny.