⚠️ IS THE FIGHT AT YOUR DOORSTEPS? #prepping #survival #shtf #homesecurity #preparednesssurvival
IS THE FIGHT AT YOUR DOORSTEPS? With rising tensions, the fight might be closer than you think. If unrest reaches our neighborhoods, will you be ready to defend what’s yours? This video explores the impact of civil disruption on everyday life and shares strategies to keep your family and home secure when the fight comes to your doorstep. #prepping #survival #shtf #homesecurity #preparednesssurvival Join this channel to get access to the perks: ? Note: While we encourage open discussions, please maintain a respectful and constructive tone in the comments. Using foul language or disrespectful behavior towards others will not be tolerated. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. SUPPORT THE CHANNEL; PLEASE SEE THE LINKS BELOW: Buy a Coffee for the Frontier Preppers: AMAZON STOREFRONT; ALSO WORKS FOR REGULAR SHOPPING: EMERGENCY SUPPLY OF ANTIBIOTICS FROM JASE MEDICAL: FRONTIER PREPPERS SUBSCRIBERS THAT USE THE LINK ABOVE GET $10 OFF FRONTIER PREPPERS MERCH: Contact us: EMAIL: FRONTIERPREPPERS@GMAIL.COM MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 80115 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99708 “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” DISCLAIMER: ANYTHING I SHOW, DISCUSS, AND OR SHOWCASE ON THIS CHANNEL IS WHAT I DO AND HOW I DO OR FEEL ABOUT THINGS. YOU MUST REMEMBER TO DO YOUR RESEARCH AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF WHAT YOU SEE OR HEAR ON THIS PLATFORM IS RIGHT YOU CAN. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER, DOCTOR, ENGINEER, OR PROFESSIONAL OF ANY KIND. ALL I OFFER ARE IDEAS THAT YOU CAN DRAW FROM AND A BIT OF ENTERTAINMENT. THANK YOU, AND GOD BLESS.