David Gilmour explains why he didn’t like the final Pink Floyd album “Endless River”

David Gilmour explains why he didn’t like the final Pink Floyd album “Endless River”

David Gilmour recently released "Luck and Strange", his fifth studio album and is currently touring to promote the record. But obviously, in every interview he gives the journalist will certainly ask him something about Pink Floyd. In an interview with Los Angeles Times, he was asked about the band's final album "Endless River" and Gilmour explained why he didn't like that record. David Gilmour explains why he didn't like the final Pink Floyd album "Endless River" "I’ll tell you: When we did that album, there was a thing that Andy Jackson, our engineer, had put together called 'The Big Spliff'. (It was) a collection of all these bits and pieces of jams (from the sessions for 1994’s 'The Division Bell') that was out there on bootlegs. A lot of fans wanted this stuff that we’d done in that time, and we thought we’d give it to them." "My mistake, I suppose, was in being bullied by the record company to have it out as a properly paid-for Pink Floyd record. It should have been clear what it was it was never intended to be the follow-up to 'The Division Bell.' But, you know, it’s never too late to get caught in one of these traps again," David Gilmour said. Released in 2014, "Endless River" has mainly instrumental and ambient music composed from material recording during the sessions of "The Division Bell". Additional material was recorded by the surviving members Gilmour, Nick Mason and other musicians in 2012 and 2014. Richard Wright's keyboard recordings were also used (He passed away in 2008). [embed class="is-loading"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Ioh0sjwR0&pp=ygUNZW5kbGVzcyByaXZlcg%3D%3D[/embed]The post David Gilmour explains why he didn’t like the final Pink Floyd album “Endless River” appeared first on Rock And Roll Garage.