Strange Blue Orb Zooming Down Hudson River Caught On Camera By NYC News Chopper
What did we just capture on camera?
Not some shaky amateur camera looking up at the sky at night and hard to see anything…
No, this is an official Fox5 news camera that just captured what looks like a large blue orb FLYING down the middle of the Hudson River at an incredible rate:
ALIENS AMONG US Mysterious Orb Caught on Camera Zooming Over Hudson River
A news helicopter unintentionally captured a mysterious orb-like object flying over the Hudson River and past Lower Manhattan, sparking intrigue and speculation.#HudsonRiver #LowerManhattan #UFO… pic.twitter.com/GRkRLLXOYW
— Kristy Tallman (@KristyTallman) November 21, 2024
Here is the official Fox5 video cued up at the exact point when the blue orb is seen:
So, what’s going on here?
Proof of aliens among us?
Or….just a lens flare?
I’m far from an expert on camera lenses or photography but it seems to me like you typically get a fast moving lens flare only when the camera is moving. And in this case the camera is very still.
But if we have any photogs reading this, drop me a comment below and let me know your expert (or amateur) opinion on what we’re seeing here.
Here’s what the NY Post had to say:
A mysterious orb-like object appears to zoom over the Hudson River and past Lower Manhattan in eerie footage shot by a local news helicopter.
A Fox 5 news report that aired Monday accidentally caught the object or light seemingly gliding in the crystal clear New York sky, making an arching pathway in the direction of the news chopper which was filming from south of Battery Park.
The orb appears white in the distance and takes on a blue tint as it seems to get closer to the camera.
The speckle appears to outpace every boat on the Hudson and quickly arcs its way past the news chopper’s camera.
But some of the world’s foremost ufologists have doubts that the orb is a real-world object.
Avi Loeb, a theoretical physician, cosmologist and Harvard professor, believes the apparent orb is a trick of the lights.
“This is most likely an optical artifact from the helicopter glass in front of the camera, namely a bright spot from the reflection of sunlight as the camera gradually changes its orientation relative to the sun and the ground,” Loeb tells The Post.
“But even if it was a real object, the apparent speed is of an order the speed of sound and not extraordinary,” Loeb concludes.
Tim Gallaudet, a retired rear admiral in the United States Navy and CEO of Ocean STL consulting, agreed.
“For several reasons, looks like an artifact and not an actual UAP,” Gallaudet told The Post, using the acronym for “unidentified aerial phenomenon.”
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