Christopher Jon Bjerknes Predicted the Rise of Global ANTI-SEMITISM and WW III on 28 JULY 2006

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Predicted the Rise of Global ANTI-SEMITISM and WW III on 28 JULY 2006

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Predicted the Rise of Global ANTI-SEMITISM and WW III on 28 JULY 2006 - November 22, 2024 CJBbooks * (It is Not Hate Speech, Nor Racism to Tell the Truth About What Can Historically be PROVEN TO HAVE HAPPENED. - Nor can it be considered so to call those who have Proven Themselves to BE: Evil, Greedy, Duplicitous, Backstabbing, Treasonous. - If I say No More, YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO I AM TALKING ABOUT. - WHY??? Because They Have Done the Same Thing Over and Over Throughout History. And this time, They Are Doing it on a Global Scale. - This is why it was so easy to predict by those who knew the past and were paying attention to the present. - That, and of Coarse they Told Us THEMSELVES What they were PLANNING ON DOING - When Someone Tells You Who They Are, You Should Listen... - THERE ARE SOME WHO CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED - This is How They Work. The Truth of WHAT THEY HAVE DONE, is the Greatest Threat They Face... - THAT IS WHY THEY WILL DO ANYTHING THEY CAN TO PREVENT US FROM TELLING THE TRUTH - Severe Punishment Will Soon Be Coming For Those Who Simply Dare To Tell The Truth, If The American People Do Not Wake up and Unite to DEFEND THEIR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS - For Evil to Prevail, Good Men merely have to Do Nothing... - Those who Ignore the Past are Forced to Relive it. As a Society, We are indeed Reliving the Same Mistakes. * FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: - On 28 July 2006, Christopher Jon Bjerknes warned the World that there would be a staged and astroturfed rise in Global Anti-Semitism that would be deliberately organized and carefully managed to drive all Jews into Greater Israel, as is happening today. Bjerknes correctly forecast that America was going to be vilified globally for supporting Israel and lose all its good will and moral standing in the World. Bjerknes knew that Turkey would exploit the controlled conflict with the Kurds to move into Syria and that Lebanon was just the first step in Israel's conquest of Greater Israel and inevitable war with Iran. Bjerknes warned directly that these events were meant to lead to the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque and construction of the Third Temple of Solomon. Bjerknes recommended that the entire World act against genocidal and racist Israel and not abrogate its responsibilities to stop the genocide in Lebanon to the United States which had been subverted by the Israel Lobby and other means meant to drag America down and destroy it, pit America against the entire World and destroy the Middle East for the benefit of Israel alone. In prior shows and off-air conversations, Bjerknes had advised Daryl Bradford Smith of the important role Turkey was slated to play and taught him about the Crypto-Jewish and Freemasonic Dönmeh "Young Turks" and their leading role in fomenting the Armenian Genocide. Bjerknes had written an entire book on the subject THE JEWISH GENOCIDE OF ARMENIAN CHRISTIANS