Medicinal Weeds And Their Uses – Part 6

Medicinal Weeds And Their Uses – Part 6

Welcome to Medicinal Uses For Weeds Commonly Found Around Your Home – Part 6! Let’s take a quick look at the medicinal weeds I have covered thus far. Part 1: purslane, ground ivy, and chickweed Part 2: thistle, wild violet, hairy bitterness, and prickly lettuce Part 3:lamb’s quarters, mallow, stinging nettle, and chicory Part 4: henbit, curly dock, garlic mustard, and amaranth Part 5: daisies, sheep sorrel, elderflowers What do all of these wild plants have in common? They can usually be found close to or around your home. Today, I’ll cover the medicinal uses for mullein, yarrow, and horseweed. Medicinal Weeds Around Your Home And Its Wonderful Uses Word of caution… As I did in part 1- 5, I would like to share with you two articles which include information on safety precautions you need to be aware of when foraging for wild, edible, plants. In my article, Foraging Tips for the 7 Most Common Edible Plants, I share great tips on things to consider and to look out for when you forage for any and all wild, edible plants. Another great article, “Need To Know” Rules When Picking Edible & Medicinal Plants, is written by Mykel Hawke, star of Discovery’s “Man, Woman, Wild”. He also talks about considerations and safety precautions to take when foraging in the wild. I sincerely encourage you to read these articles if you have never foraged for wild and edible plants. Foraging can be a great experience but, safety precautions are a must! Let’s get started! Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) This beautiful, wild plant is a tall, stalk like plant that can reach a height of 7-8 feet tall. The leaves are pale green in color and the blooms are yellow and have 5 petals per flower. The edible parts of this plant are the leaves and flowers and can be used in a salad. A tea can also be made out of the dried leaves and flowers. Mullein has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and the entire plant is usable. This plant has many medicinal properties which include: Anti-inflammatory Antiviral Antibacterial Anti cancer Cardiodepressant Antihistamine Antioxidant Fungicide Hypnotic Sedative The health benefits of this plant include: Mullein oil can be used to kill germs. Mullein tea helps to promote sleep. Mullein tea can also be used for lung related ailments such as asthma, coughs, and bronchitis. The tea also treats ailments related to the kidneys, bowels, ulcers, cramps, earaches, convulsions, and any health issues related to lymphatic system. Mullein tea recipe: 1 cup of boiled water 1-2 teaspoons of dried mullein leaves or flowers Let this mixture steep for about 15 minutes. Drink at least 1-2 cups daily to relieve symptoms of any of the above mentioned ailments. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) This medicinal plant has been used since around 1200 BC. The yarrow plant has fern like leaves and the flowers can be white, red, yellow, pink, or salmon in color. It can also grow between 2-4 feet in height. The leaves of the yarrow plant are edible, yet have a bitter taste. They can be eaten raw or cooked in soups. The younger leaves are recommended for a salad. You can also dry the leaves and use them as an herb for cooking. Yarrow tea can be made out of the dried flowers and leaves. This plant has a few medicinal properties which include: Anti-inflammatory Antibiotic Antiseptic This plant has many health benefits which include: Heals wounds and various skin conditions Regulates high blood pressure Soothes the symptoms of asthma Mild sedative for anxiety Beneficial for gastrointestinal issues Natural treatment for mastitis Reduces inflammation Yarrow tea recipe: 1 teaspoon of dried yarrow 1 cup of boiling water 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) 1 lemon slice (optional) Add dried leaves to boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Add honey and lemon and stir. Warning on the use of yarrow: Some people have been known to have reactions to yarrow so it is advisable to test small amounts first. Do not drink (or consume) yarrow for more than 2 weeks as it can become toxic to your liver. Do not drink (or consume) if you are pregnant or nursing. Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) This annual wild plant is a tall plant with bristly leafy stems from top to bottom and can grow between 2-7 feet tall. The leaves have a serrated look to them. The blooms are tiny and are greenish and white in color. The young leaves are edible and leaves can also be dried to make tea. This plant has a few medicinal properties which include: Astringent Styptic Diuretic This plant has many health benefits which include: Beneficial for bladder and colon problems Eases the symptoms of diabetes Nosebleeds Fever reducer Soothes the symptoms of bronchitis Soothes coughs Horseweed  tea: 1 teaspoon of dried horseweed leaves 1 cup of boiling water Steep dried horseweed leaves in the cup of boiling water for 30 mins. Can consume 1-2 cups daily. Warning: excessive use of this plant may cause contact dermatitis. Survivalkraft shows a video on Mullein: A Great Medicinal Weed With Practical Uses: What weeds commonly found around your home do you use for medicinal purposes? Tell us in the comment section below. UP NEXT: 30 Medicinal Plants That Could Save Your Life Follow us on facebook, instagram, pinterest, and twitter! The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.