5 Natural Remedies For Hair Loss
Hair loss is something that so many men and women face. It can be caused by a number of things. Excessive stress, aging, nutritional deficiencies, excessive use of hair products that have high chemical content, certain medications, genetics, scalp infections, and hormonal imbalances can all have adverse effects on your hair growth. Medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, iron-deficiency anemia, autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, and chronic illnesses can also cause hair loss. With all these factors contributing to hair loss, it can be hard to believe there are natural remedies for hair loss at all.
However, if you suffer from hair loss, there is hope. In this article, I’ll share with you natural remedies that you can try in the privacy of your own home that may be able to help.
Natural Remedies For Hair Loss
Let’s take a look at the natural remedies for hair loss I’ll be covering in this article:
Oil massage
Onion juice
Aloe vera
Coconut milk
Flax seed
Indian gooseberry
Licorice root
Beetroot juice
Chinese hibiscus
For those that find natural remedies for hair loss are not enough, I’ll also cover the vitamins that are recommended to promote hair growth, such as:
Fish oil
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Let’s get started!
Oil massage
To reduce hair loss, massaging your scalp with hair oils can do the following:
Increase blood flow to your hair follicles
Strengthen the roots
Condition your scalp
Reduce stress
Promote relaxation
Oils that you can use when massaging your scalp are:
Alma oil
Castor oil
Almond oil
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Massage the oil of your choice onto your hair and scalp at least once a week.
Tip: For faster and better results, a few drops of rosemary essential oil can be added to any of the above mentioned oils.
Onion juice
Due to its high sulfur content, onion juice is one of the most popular home remedies for hair loss. Onion juice helps to regenerate your hair follicles and greatly reduce hair follicle inflammation.
Onion juice also possesses antibacterial properties will help kill any germs and/or parasites that may be causing hair loss. If you have a scalp infection, onion juice will be greatly beneficial in clearing up the infection.
Grate an onion and strain to extract the juice.
Apply onion juice directly to your scalp.
Leave on for 30 minutes.
Rinse and shampoo.
This can be done 2-3 times a week.
Aloe vera
The enzymes within aloe vera promote healthy hair growth. The alkalizing properties of aloe vera can increase the pH levels of your hair and scalp which, in turn, promotes hair regrowth.
Apply aloe vera juice or aloe vera gel onto your scalp.
Leave on your scalp for 3-4 hours.
Rinse with warm water.
This process can be done 3-4 times a week.
Coconut milk
The protein and essential fats within coconut milk can greatly promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.
Apply a generous amount of coconut milk to your scalp and hair.
Leave on for at least 20 mins.
Rinse and shampoo your hair.
Tip: Black pepper and powdered fenugreek seeds can be added to the coconut milk, then applied to your scalp and hair.
Flax seed
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, flax seed makes a great natural remedy for hair regrowth.
Consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds with a glass of water a day. (The morning is the best time).
You can also apply flaxseed oil to your hair to strengthen your hair, which prevents further hair loss.
Indian Gooseberry
Extreme deficiency in vitamin C may cause hair loss. Indian gooseberry, also referred to as alma, has an extremely high content of vitamin C. This makes Indian gooseberry an excellent, all-natural remedy to promote hair regrowth. It also possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, which also promote hair regrowth and help to maintain a healthy scalp.
Mix together 1 tablespoon of indian gooseberry with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
Add this mixture to your scalp and massage thoroughly.
After you have massaged this mixture onto your scalp, put on a shower cap and leave on overnight.
Next morning, remove shower cap and shampoo.
Licorice Root
Licorice root is great for preventing hair loss and helps to prevent any further damage to your scalp and hair. It helps to open the pores and rids the scalp of any irritations that may be causing hair loss.
Combine 1 tablespoon of ground licorice root, ¼ teaspoon of saffron, and 1 cup of milk. Mix thoroughly. After mixing, it will have a ‘paste like’ consistency.
Apply this paste on the balding spots of your scalp at bedtime and leave on until morning.
First thing in the morning, rinse and shampoo your hair.
This remedy can be done once or twice a week. Drinking licorice tea three times daily may also help.
Fenugreek, also referred to as methi, is one of the extremely effective natural remedies for hair loss. Antecedents, a hormone within fenugreek seeds, enhances hair growth and helps hair follicles reach back to their normal state. Fenugreek seed also contain nicotinic acid and proteins, which help promote hair growth.
Allow 1 cup of fenugreek seeds to soak in water overnight.
When you awake in the morning, grind the fenugreek seeds into a paste.
Apply the fenugreek seed paste to your hair.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave on for 40 minutes.
Rinse your hair thoroughly.
This remedy should be followed daily for 1 month.
Beetroot Juice
Beetroot juice is rich in vitamins C and B, carbohydrates, calcium, protein, phosphorus, and potassium.
Grind a few beetroot leaves (after the leaves have been boiled in water) with henna to make a paste.
Apply the paste to your scalp and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
You can repeat this process several times a week.
Chinese Hibiscus
The flower of the chinese hibiscus plant has many properties that makes it a great all-natural remedy for hair loss.
Combine 2 cups of coconut oil and 10 chinese hibiscus flowers.
Heat this mixture until it’s charred.
Strain the mixture to collect the oil.
You can then apply the oil at bedtime.
Wash your hair first thing in the morning.
This can be done a few times a week.
Vitamins Recommended For Those Who Are Suffering Hair Loss
Fish oil
Take 1-2 capsules or 1 tablespoon of fish oil a day to reduce inflammation that can cause hair loss.
Take 1 tablet of B-complex daily to encourage hair growth.
To encourage hair growth, add foods to your daily diet that are rich in iron. Great sources of iron include black beans, navy beans, egg yolks, beef, spinach, swiss chard, and collard greens.
Vitamin C
Take 500-1,000 mg of vitamin C twice a day as an antioxidant which promotes hair growth.
Vitamin D
Take 5,000 units of vitamin D a day. Sitting in direct sunlight for 10-15 minutes a day is another way to get your daily dose of vitamin D!
Do you have any natural remedies for hair loss or hair regrowth you would like to share? Let us know in the comment section below!
UP NEXT: Mother Nature's Best Home Remedies
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