Thanksgiving Flashback, Never Forget
This is a fine time to be thankful.
Thankful that the Democrats that try to rob us of fun, let alone everything else I could mention, no longer have the upper hand in this country.
What did they want us to do on Thanksgiving in the past?
Lock down.
No more than 3 people over for dinner.
Keep music down.
Don’t sing.
Are we allowed to laugh? Is that okay?
Should we all just mourn over our meal, would that make Democrats happy?
Let’s just think about everything terrible and sad because that’s the frequency they want us to send out.
A low vibration.
Well, it’s not happening this year!
But let’s just look at what they did to us over the last few Thanksgivings…
Never forget or forgive pic.twitter.com/uBd8ByhDlo
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 28, 2024
Hey Newsom we won’t forget this crap. Here’s a reminder of California Thanksgiving regulations 3 years ago. Outdoor gatherings only, guests must sit six feet apart, no passing food, brief restroom breaks. Californians were told to call the police on neighbors breaking the rules. pic.twitter.com/SJFbrefV8T
— Colette Harrington (@sweetcarolinatv) November 25, 2023
Newsweek reported:
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released new safety guidelines for all private gatherings amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The new rules come with strict restrictions that aim to help reduce the risk of spreading infection.
“Gatherings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place. When people from different households mix, this increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19,” the CDPH said in a statement.
No more than three households
All gatherings must include no more than three households, including hosts and guests, and must be held outdoors, lasting for two hours of less.
“The longer the duration [of the gathering], the risk of transmission increases,” the statement noted.
“Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized,” the statement added.
Masks must stay on after eating and drinking
The new rules state those at a gathering “may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.”
The latest guidelines add: “Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).”
The existing face covering rules set out by the CDPH also apply, which state everyone must wear face coverings in “high-risk situations,” including in outdoor public spaces when maintaining a six-feet distance from those outside your household is not feasible.
Singing and shouting “strongly discouraged”
Singing, chanting and shouting are “strongly discouraged” because they “pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission,” the statement noted.
“Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged,” the statement said.
Those who do participate in these activities should “do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice),” and wear a face covering while engaged in the activity, the statement said.
Those who sing, chant or shout are also “strongly encouraged” to keep a physical distance of more than six feet to further reduce the risk of spreading infection.
Never forget, Gavin Newsom not only tried to ruin your Thanksgiving, but then lied about it
“I read somewhere some folks asserting we put out guidelines for the holidays. They simply were misled or, intentionally, were misleading people. We have not put out Thanksgiving… pic.twitter.com/dyaZ9r6xzl
— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) November 28, 2024
Meanwhile he’s not following any of his rules:
Wow. Gavin Newsom was caught violating his own guidelines eating at one of the state’s most expensive restaurants with no masks, no social distancing, and it wasn’t outdoors.
“Rules for thee, just not for me” pic.twitter.com/fubx4jWBzz
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) November 18, 2020
These people hate us and they like to remind us at Thanksgiving.
Like this journo below, trying to play the victim card.
We really don’t hate the media enough pic.twitter.com/hOYwGSJsAj
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 28, 2024