Drinking Fluoridated Water Can Cause More Than 130 Different Health Problems, Peer-Reviewed Science Shows
GreenMedInfo‘s Sayer Ji is calling for an immediate end to all water fluoridation across the United States based on a trove of science he has compiled to show that fluoridated water is highly toxic.
Article by Ethan Huff, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com
A quick search for the term “fluoride” in the GreenMedInfo science archives pulls up 136 diseases that exposure to fluoridated water can inflict on humans.
The first and most referenced health condition caused by fluoride is general fluoride toxicity, which can manifest with a variety of symptoms. One of them is lowered or impaired intelligence quotient (IQ) – fluoride makes people dumb, in other words.
Dental fluorosis is another common problem linked to fluoridated water. If you have ever seen someone whose teeth are stained with off-colored spots mixed in with their normal tooth color, that is dental fluorosis. What you are seeing, in fact, is damage to the teeth caused by fluoride chemicals rotting out the enamel, which is ironic considering the claim that drinking water must be fluoridated to protect people’s teeth from decay.
“End the outdated practice of fluoridation NOW,” Ji (@sayerjigmi) tweeted alongside a link to GreenMedInfo‘s fluoride science archive.
(Related: A New Zealand court recently ruled that even the new lower-level 0.7 mg/L dose of fluoride in drinking water is dangerous, presenting an “unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.”)
Avoid fluoridated water
Prenatal exposure to fluoride is also a problem, according to science. Expectant mothers who are exposed to it have an increased risk of bearing children with fluoride toxicity, which includes things like learning disorders, cognitive damage and behavioral problems.
Prolonged exposure to fluoride is also linked to infertility in both males and females. Chronic inflammation is part of the cause of this, science shows, with fluoride causing testicular injury in males.
Neurodevelopmental disorders can manifest due to exposure to fluoride, as can dental plaque and caries. In older people, neurodegenerative diseases can also manifest due to fluoride exposure.
There is also the DNA damage component, goiter, bone fractures, coronary artery ecstasia, osteoarthritis, pancreatic diseases, sleeping disorders, mitochondrial dysfunction, spleen damage, hypertension, arterial calcification, lead poisoning, bone diseases, diabetes, pineal gland calcification and iodine deficiency.
All sorts of metabolic diseases have been scientifically tied to fluoride exposure, as have cardiovascular conditions like strokes and heart attacks. Chronic kidney disease is another possible health effect of fluoride exposure, as are:
• Brain inflammation
• Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
• Dysbiosis
• Ovarian diseases
• Anxiety
• Cardiomyopathy
• Depression
• Heart failure
• Autism spectrum disorders
• Heavy metal toxicity
• Premature aging
• Low testosterone
• Atherosclerosis
• Autoimmune diseases
• Colitis
• Dementia
• Estrogen deficiency
• Gastrointestinal inflammation
• Mineral deficiencies
• Obesity
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
This is just a sampling, by the way, of the many health problems that fluoride exposure can cause. Take some time to look through the GreenMedInfo fluoride science archive to learn more about why you and your family would do best to avoid fluoridated water at all costs.
“Adding fluoride to water increases the risk of neuropsychiatric disease in children and reduces their IQ,” warns Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, Florida’s surgeon general.
“We can strengthen teeth without consuming this neurotoxin. The data are consistent, adding fluoride to our communities’ water must stop,” Ladapo added, linking to this guidance for community water fluoridation in the Sunshine State.
The medical establishment, including X / Twitter veterans who only believe “the science” as the government defines it, is freaking out that Ladapo, Ji, and many others are speaking out against artificial water fluoridation, which most of the rest of the world rejects as pseudoscience.
Artificial water fluoridation is forced drugging by the government. Learn more at Fluoride.news.
Sources for this article include:
Fluoride Added To ‘Baby Water’ — Oops, They Forgot Babies Don’t Have Teeth!
RFK, Jr.: “On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water!”
RFK, Jr.: "On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water!"
This is a true BOMBSHELL if I've ever heard one!
Rack up another one for the tin foil hat conspiracy theorists?
We sure do seem to be having a lot of "conspiracy theories" coming true all of a sudden, don't we?
Despite dentists trying to convince us that we absolutely have to pump fluoride into our water and load it into our toothpaste, the truth is finally coming out!
I am really coming to love RFK, Jr. more and more because this is the bombshell announcement he just dropped about finally stopping the poisoning of American citizens with fluoride:
On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease. President…
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) November 2, 2024
Folks.....THIS. IS. HUGE!!!!
You know those Dateline episodes where the wife slowly poisons the husband with small amounts of toxic chemicals every day and eventually they build up in his system and kill him?
The woman is the US Government, the chemical is fluoride, and you're the slowly dying husband.
They insist fluoride is super safe and good for you, except when you have an industrial spill of it, the fluoride eats through concrete and they have to send Hazmat teams in to clean it up!
But....."we promise it's really good for you just in smaller doses."
Yeah, we're not buying that anymore:
Two more videos you need to see....
The US government was recently forced to release a suppressed May 2022 report on the effects of fluoride on kids. The report concluded fluoride can cause neurological damage in children.
— (@Btchen_n) August 22, 2024
— DR. Kek (@Thekeksociety) March 20, 2024
Oh, one more....
Here is an attorney laying out the full case against fluoride and how badly it has been poisoning Americans for the last 50 years:
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) November 2, 2024
Make America Healthy Again!
It's no coincidence this just happened a few weeks ago:
Several US Towns Suspend Using Fluoride In Water Supply After Federal Judge Ruling
I am also proud to have recently published this next report....
Once again, you can trust us to be AHEAD of the news here at WLT Report:
Is It Time For A Nationwide Ban On FLUORIDATED Water?
Is It Time For A Nationwide Ban On FLUORIDATED Water?
Do community leaders reserve the right to mass medicate every person in their community using the water supply as a vector? What if that medicine was eventually exposed as a POISON decades later? What if that POISON was damaging the brains of children and stunting the cognitive development of the next generation?
Article by Lance D. Johnson, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com
Since 1945, municipal water supplies have been mass medicated (poisoned) by hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride). A byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry, fluoride is captured by industrial scrubbers, and then barreled up and sold unrefined to communities across the country. Today, around 72.7% of U.S. communities are subject to this toxic chemical.
But with new evidence coming out against fluoride, is it time for a nationwide ban on fluoridated water?
EPA must take regulatory action against fluoridated water, so why not just ban it?
In a landmark decision, a federal court recently ruled that water fluoridation at the current levels poses an “unreasonable risk” to children, markedly reducing IQ and harming their cognitive development. The ruling, issued on September 24, requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take regulatory action in response to the lawsuit filed by the Fluoride Action Network and several other organizations.
Back in January 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced plans to lower the recommended fluoride level in drinking water, citing a rise in dental fluorosis cases among children. This condition, caused by excessive fluoride exposure, prompted federal agencies to put limits on fluoride levels in water. In 2015, federal guidelines were finally revised, establishing 0.7 parts per million (ppm) as the standard fluoride level for community water systems.
However, according to The National Toxicology Program, even this level of .7 ppm causes health problems in children, harming their cognitive development and lowering their IQ in a dose dependent manner. So why regulate this chemical at all, if the most scientifically-appropriate public health measure is a complete ban on fluoride?
Former fluoride advocate now speaks out against the poison
Rick North, a former advocate for fluoridation shared his transformative experience after reviewing a 2006 report by the National Academy of Sciences. “I always thought fluoridation was fine,” North said, reflecting on his past beliefs. “But the science contradicted the statements from fluoridation promoters.” Since that turning point, North has dedicated himself to opposing fluoridation, serving as a board member of the Fluoride Action Network.
The lawsuit, initiated in 2017, faced numerous delays, as the EPA tried to postpone proceedings to protect the reputations of those who had promoted fluoride for decades. A key moment in the case came with the release of a report from the National Toxicology Program, which indicated a link between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ in children. This report played a crucial role in the judge’s decision, as North noted, “The evidence was compelling.”
However, North pointed out that economic interests and professional reputations have played a significant role in the continuation of this practice. The EPA currently has 60 days to respond to the court ruling, but the implications of this decision may resonate far beyond that timeline. As communities weigh the risks associated with fluoridation, the conversation around public health, scientific evidence and regulatory oversight is likely to intensify in the coming months and years.
Following the ruling, communities across the U.S. have begun to reevaluate their fluoridation practices. Cities such as Abilene, Texas, and Yorktown, New York, have paused or stopped fluoridation, a move that highlights local autonomy in public health decisions. North emphasized that many communities do not need to wait for the EPA's response, stating, “It’s their decision to fluoridate or not.”
While this is true, citizens across the United States should not have to wait for their community officials to weigh the evidence and consider their reputations. If making America healthy again is going to be a serious political movement, then water purity should be top priority. Political leaders should be informing the public that they are being poisoned by fluoride, while petitioning Congress to ban water fluoridation across the United States to protect the welfare of the people.
Sources include:
For even more on fighting back and getting HEALTHY products for your family, you have to see this:
THIS Is How We Defeat BlackRock, Vanguard and the ESG-DEI Nightmare — Can I Count On You?
THIS Is How We Defeat BlackRock, Vanguard and the ESG-DEI Nightmare -- Can I Count On You?
This may be one of the most important articles I've published in a while...
Let me explain why.
I'll start at the beginning and I think you'll really get it by the time I hit the end.
Ok, so why do we even care about BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street in the first place?
And who are they?
They are the three largest Asset Managers in the world.
Essentially, and this is no exaggeration, they are the people pulling the strings in the background.
These are the "Masters of the Universe".
Larry Fink runs BlackRock and he is almost certainly more powerful than the President of the United States.
That's not an exaggeration, and I'll explain to you why in just a minute.
First, let's start here with something called the "Illusion of Choice".
Take a look at the image below....
You THINK there are all of these different brands to choose from out there, but they are really owned by TEN big corporations.
That's true in food:
And it's also true in Media.
Same exact thing....
You think there are a bunch of Newspapers, TV channels, radio stations, websites -- but in 2011, SIX corporations controlled 90% of it all.
Ok, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Because as bad as that is, here's the part most people don't tell you.
It's actually way worse than that because there's another whole layer on the pyramid at the very top that they never tell you about.
In fact, I bet most people reading this have never heard of BlackRock, Vanguard or State Street -- or if you've heard about them you probably don't know exactly what they do.
Or if you DO know exactly what they do, I bet you may never have realized why it's a giant problem.
So let me explain it to you in real simple terms, and I think it will make a lot of sense.
Most people are paid every two weeks, usually on a Friday.
And most people have been coached to put 6% of their salary into their 401k and/or some other amount up to the employer match.
Great, right?
Well, here's what's actually happening.
Most of those funds go into ETFs and other investment vehicles managed by, you guessed it, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.
So they've built a system where millions upon millions of dollars are flowing in to them via YOUR 401k's every two weeks.
You bust your butt at work and get a paycheck and you've been coached to give 6% of that check to these "Big 3".
The Big 3 then get bigger and bigger and bigger every Friday!
What a great system, right?
For them it is.
And what are you told about it?
Almost nothing.
In fact, what do they tell you?
When you start your job, they tell you to set up your 401k auto-donation and then "forget about it".
Isn't that what they say?
Don't even think about it!
The money will be there for you when you turn 65, but don't think about it until then.
And DEFINITELY don't ask who's managing it or what they're doing with it.
My friend Patrick Bet-David has been all over this, breaking the story wide open.
He was on Joe Rogan last week and he dropped this bombshell....
You think those charts above are bad?
That's not even the worst of it.
Of the TEN food corporations and SIX media corporations, the control and ownership is actually way more centralized than that.
Remember all that money coming in every Friday from YOUR paychecks?
That goes to the Big 3, and they use it to own all of those companies.
So it's not even the Big 10 Food Companies or the Big 6 Media companies....it's just the Big 3.
And of the Big 3 it's really mostly the Big 2.
Many believe the Big 2 may eventually take over State Street.
For those who like stats, here's the stat for you: 88% of the companies in the S&P 500 has one of the Big 3 as that company's biggest shareholder.
PBD breaks it all down here:
So...why do I tell you all of that?
Because when you centralize ownership and control, bad things start to happen.
What starts to happen is the Big 3 and their "affiliates" create things like ESG and DEI scores.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and it's a score they give to companies to "keep them in line."
So is DEI, which stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Don't follow enough Far-Left "social" trends -- not promoting enough Trans agenda or LGBTQ agenda or Climate Change agenda (i.e. Bud Light, Target, etc.)?
Then your score takes a huge hit!
That really explains a lot, doesn't it?
Because I can't tell you how many conversations I've been in with people who say: this stuff doesn't make any sense! Why are these companies doing this? Why would Bud Light TANK their company? They know it's not going to play well to the people who buy their beer?
And you'd be right to say that, but only if you assume Bud Light is trying to please the people who buy its products.
What if Bud Light had a higher master?
What if Bud Light was more concerned with its ESG score?
What if all the Executives at Bud Light knew that if their ESG score dropped too low, then their #1 Shareholder (the Big 3) would fire them and replace them with someone who would be "ESG Friendly"?
What if you're pulling in a total comp package as a top exec in the $20 million range and your choice is to push the Far Left agenda and push LGBTQ or know that you'll be fired and replaced in a year by the Big 3?
What do you do?
NOW what decision would you make?
Now is it suddenly making a lot more sense?
And there you have it.
Now I think you get it.
Now suddenly every single corporation turning their logo to the Rainbow Flag in June suddenly makes a lot of sense.
Once again, here is my friend PBD explaining ESG in much more detail:
Now let's recap...
Do you see how insidious this is?
A big chunk of YOUR paycheck goes to prop up the Big 3 every single Friday, they get bigger and stronger, they use that money to buy all the major corporations in the world, and then they force them to do things you would NEVER support.
Sick, right?
Now let me bring this in for a landing...
And here's why I'm telling you about this.
Because we don't just report the news here and then say "good luck"!
No, we give you solutions!
Now back to my Mission and my solution.
I figured I would eventually need to build a Parallel-Economy from the ground up.
I knew that would be a ton of work.
So it was on my back-burner.
In fact, it had been there on my back-burner since about 2016.
Until suddenly, in January of 2023, I connected with a company I had never heard of before....but they're MASSIVE.
They've been in business for over 35 years and they're a VERY pro-American, pro-Liberty, pro-Conservative values company!
They're an American based, Made-In-America, warehoused-in-America, shipped-from-America company!
In fact, they're the last private, family-owned, pro-American consumer goods company left in America NOT owned by those 11 companies I showed you above.
Oh, and what if I told you the products are BETTER and often CHEAPER than what you get from those 11 companies above?
Yes, for real.
And their founder was once placed on Barack Hussein Obama's list of the Top 10 most "Dangerous Conservatives" in America?
(a list I one day hope to make myself!)
Once I learned all of that, I knew I no longer had to build this from the ground-up by myself, I simply needed to partner with this awesome company to help them get the word out.
So on top of being the last Family-owned major consumer goods manufacturer not part of the Big-11, comparable or often lower prices, supporting American jobs and families, here's the part that ties in to the main point of this article".
Non-toxic products!
That means no Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead in their Spices!
Which really, if we're being honest, should be the bare minimum for everyone, right?
Stunning I even have to tell you that, but I guess I do!
But it also means no Red Dye 40 or flouride in the toothpaste or chemicals in the cleaning products, or Deet in the mosquito repellant.
What novel concepts, right?
Oh, and Black Angus beef, pasture raised on hundreds of thousands of acres.
Free roaming with plenty of open air between all the cattle.
Grass fed.
No hormones and no antibiotics. Never!
Oh, and it's CHEAPER than Omaha Steaks!
But that's a whole other topic!
Sound good to anyone else?
Me too!
The reason you've never heard of them is because it's Invite Only.
I can get you in, but you can't just go sign up.
They only want people on the same mission to join and they're happy to say "no" to the Far-Left Libs!
They've been doing it for 37 years and it's been working great.
Everyone gets a personal, white glove, concierge customer service support to get you access to everything they have.
Imagine that!
No call centers from India.
Just real, friendly, helpful and NICE Americans helping Americans!
Wow, like going back in a time-machine.
So it is Invite only...and good thing you know someone that has the invites....(me!).
If you'd like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you: https://SwitchWithNoah.com
It's the real deal, and because they don't raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.
So if you want in, let me know soon.
There's only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left....and I'm teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!
Who's with me?
Watch this:
Time to make the switch.....
It's INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here ? https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023
As I said, it's Invite Only and the invite is completely free!
In fact, I've assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up....if you want in.
Americans Helping Americans.
Patriots Helping Patriots.
It's called "Patriot Switch" and I think the name says it all.
Folks, we don't have many strongholds left.
This is one.
And I'm all in.
If you'd like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com
Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email.
Don't freak out when you do.
And make sure you tell them you are interested in the Black Angus beef too!
I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don't recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you....so be ready!
These are awesome people and I think you'll love getting a chance to talk with them.
And they'll help get you all set up.
Who's with me and who's ready to stop eating Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead?
Your friend,
- Noah
p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in. So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list. I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they'll work on a first-come, first-served basis.
Request a free Invite here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com