??? Lidia Thorpe who thinks that she's 'Black / Aborigine' is creating more division!!

??? Lidia Thorpe who thinks that she's 'Black / Aborigine' is creating more division!!

Thorpe is a EWABO-entitled white pretend aboriginal bitch opinionator. She is RACIST. She's NOT EVEN BLACK!!! She MUST BE KICKED OUT OF THE AUSTRALIAN SENATE ASAP!!! She is saying ridiculous things & as mentioned creating more division. We are ALL Australian so why divide along ANY lines. She is clearly unfit for parliament, clearly being manipulated & should be expelled. Her saying "white privileged" is racism. What is coming from her mouth is racism. She would not even know a think about Aboriginal culture. Put her in the bush and she wouldn't survive for a couple of days!!!! BTW WHATS A 'CONVICTED RACIST'?? ????