Some possible implications of the genetic differences between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans

Some possible implications of the genetic differences between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans

In Europe, we carry DNA from Neanderthals, while the Bantu, Pygmies and Khoisan of Africa have inherited up to a fifth of their DNA from an earlier and les advanced human species. Evans, Patrick D. et al (2005) Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans, Science, Volume 309 9/11/2005, pp1717-20. Taylor, Jeremy (2009) Not a Chimp: The Hunt to Find the Genes that Make us Human, Oxford: Oxford University Press. UTL COMMENT:- I have always had a strong interest in human evolution and always KNEW that sub-saharan Africans must have interbred with leftover populations of Homo-Eerectus!! Really good to see that evidence actually come out!! So.....why again are we importing millions of these into our countries? Ummm---OK yes rhetorical question we all know why..... :-(...