How Blackrock Became an Overpowered Leviathan, and Why it Has Become a Threat to the Entire World

How Blackrock Became an Overpowered Leviathan, and Why it Has Become a Threat to the Entire World

How Blackrock Became an Overpowered Leviathan, and Why it Has Become a Threat to the Entire World - 31,865 views Nov 30, 2024 Luxury Zone *** TheWarAgainstYou: - If the Rockefeller Monopoly on Oil was Bad, the Dirty Finks at BlackRock are Gobbling up EVERY COMPANY in the World. - Let's Face It. The International Banksters and the Mega Corporations they own have been Running Our Governments For a Long Time. - THE ONLY PATH TO FREEDOM IS IF THE PEOPLE CAN OVERTURN THE ENTIRE WORLD BASED RULES ORDER OF DEATH - THE ONLY OPTION IN BETWEEN, IS TO ESTABLISH SYSTEMS OUTSIDE OF THEIR SYSTEMS OF CONTROL - It has been a very long time since Teddy Roosevelt put Monopolies in Check. But the Regulation of Corporations has turned into Corporations Regulating the Government, and Unfair Competition is a Practice that is Protected by the Government. The Fascist Takeover of America and Public Private Partnerships are not merely a new type of Business Strategy, BUT A NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT, That Will Make Nations Obsolete. - You see, the 4th Industrial Revolution doesn't just change Business and Economics, it changes YOU, Making You an Agenda 2030 Slave of the Globalist Oligarchs. *** How Blackrock Became Overpowered - A system that practically predicts the future, influence over global politics, and a 10-trillion-dollar asset wallet. This is the story of BlackRock and how they became the most overpowered company in the world. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: