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Blaze News investigates: Mother accuses Wisconsin school of denying dyslexic son access to resources because he is white

Blaze News investigates: Mother accuses Wisconsin school of denying dyslexic son access to resources because he is white

A Wisconsin law firm has threatened the Green Bay Public School District with legal action unless it adopts "a color-blind approach to resource allocation." According to the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, a school in the district reflexively de-prioritized the needs of a fourth-grade dyslexic student because he is white. The WILL penned a letter to interim Superintendent Vicki Bayer on Monday stating that it will take appropriate legal action unless the district abandons "its discriminatory policy and return[s] its focus to serving all students based on need — not race," demanding a response by Dec. 16. The letter indicated that a mother in the district, Colbey Decker, has desperately sought accommodation for her son, only for King Elementary School to first overlook his needs, then delay essential literacy interventions. Decker's son might have received priority for additional reading resources if he were American Indian, black, or Hispanic. After enrolling her son in King Elementary School in January 2024, Decker put in numerous formal requests for one-on-one reading interventions. The school finally put Decker's son on a wait list for a "Tier 2" reading intervention in April. "This impacted him in the classroom, where his teachers, despite their willingness to help, lacked the expertise or time to provide effective interventions," wrote WILL education counsel Cory Brewer and deputy counsel Dan Lennington. The fourth-grader was finally enrolled in an intervention program in the fall of 2024; however, it was reportedly a "Tier 3" program, which is apparently less intensive than his needs would otherwise warrant. The sessions were also conducted in groups. "This continued lack of adequate support has had a significant impact on her son," said the letter. 'The administrators are looking at children and classifying them by race.' Decker subsequently "stumbled across" the "2024-25 School Success Plan," which notes under a section on high-priority strategies and action steps that the school "prioritiz[es] additional resources to First Nations, Black, and Hispanic students." Decker told Blaze News that she was looking for a school calendar when she came across the document. "I wasn't familiar with it, so I clicked on it. As soon as I read it, all the warning bells went off," said Decker. According to Brewer and Lennington, the policy, as stated in the document, violates the Constitution and civil rights law: "Under both Title VI and the United States Constitution, the District has 'no … authority … to use race as a factor in affording educational opportunities among its citizens.'" In their letter, the attorneys referred to the U.S. Supreme Court's June 29, 2023, decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Harvard/UNC, in which the court echoed the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, indicating that no state has any authority under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to "use race as a factor in affording educational opportunities among its citizens." Brewer and Lennington noted that the ruling in Students for Fair Admissions was clear: "Race may never be used as a negative or as a stereotype. The district's policy does just that: because he is white, Mrs. Decker's son's race is a negative for him." The frustrated mother reached out to King Elementary Principal Matt Malcore, asking whether her son receives "less services or less priority because he is white." Decker indicated that her son is in the 17th percentile, "so he is not in a priority group, but children in the priority group are performing at a higher level and they're moving ahead of [her son.]" A screenshot of the correspondence indicates that Malcore took the conversation offline, telling Decker he would "be happy to explain the work we do in relation to priority groups" in person or over the phone. When asked whether Malcore subsequently acknowledged that the race-based prioritization of resources was discriminatory, Decker told Blaze News, "He stated to me that the district felt called to help these 'underserved student populations.' That's why these priority groups were created. So I asked him, 'What if we replaced the word with white. Would that make people uncomfortable?' And he said that would never happen statistically." "As far as I know, the principal never denied that our client's son was less of a priority because he was white," Brewer told Blaze News. "He did confirm the policy is in effect at that school and that the school has priority groups based on race who receive additional resources like reading support." Blaze News reached out to Malcore and to Bayer for comment but did not receive responses by deadline. The district told the Green Bay Press Gazette, The District received the letter from WILL yesterday and we are investigating the allegations. However, we can state unequivocally that the District does not have a policy that includes the language included in the letter. All District policies must be approved by the Board of Education, and no such policy language exists. Brewer told Blaze News that the "district seems to be taking the position that since this policy was not voted on by the school board, it is not a policy — but that does not matter. We view it as an excuse. ... They're not disputing that this school-level policy is in effect, it prioritizes based on race, and it is being applied to our client's son." District policy documents indicate that priority performance goals "are established based on data that shows the District is meeting the needs of some student groups better than others. Focusing on a priority performance group of students will elevate the skills of educators and ultimately benefit all students." Despite the apparent race-based priority scheme, the district states on its primary webpage that it doesn't discriminate against a person's race, citing Wisconsin's law against pupil discrimination. The district also has an active policy against discrimination against students in its curricular, career, and technical education; student services; and recreational or other programs or activities. Decker told Blaze News that DEI in practice sets priorities on some people purely on the basis of immutable characteristics. Where resources are in limited supply, this becomes something of a zero-sum game: "If someone is made more of a priority, some else has to be less of a priority. And in this instance, my son has become less of a priority." "My son doesn't know he's a victim," said Decker. "And I'm going to have to have a conversation with all three of our sons here very shortly and explain to them that his rights are being violated for no other reason than the color of his skin. That's going to be a really difficult conversation." "They look at their classmates and they are color-blind, whereas the administrators are looking at children and classifying them by race," continued Decker. "I don't know how long I can shelter our children. I know that being a public voice speaking out against equity and advocating for equality — people are going to know and his friends are going to talk. He's in fourth grade. Children are very aware of what's going on in the world, so I'm going to have to have that conversation. But it's going to be a really beautiful ending, because they know that I'm fighting for them and standing in the gap." The WILL has specifically demanded that the district ditch its race-based resource prioritization, adopt a "color-blind approach to resource allocation," and provide immediate and adequate reading support to Decker's son. When asked whether the firm will pursue legal action if the district takes only partial action, Brewer said, "Unless the district takes a color-blind approach to helping students who need help regardless of their race, we and our client will consider all legal options for challenging the discriminatory policy, whether that's a lawsuit or a federal complaint." 'It's time to push back and imagine alternatives.' "It is clear under federal law, in the United States Constitution, that school districts cannot categorize and discriminate against students based on their race," continued Brewer. Moreover, the "prioritization of resources based on race is unlawful and immoral. And here we have a student who has a dyslexia diagnosis, is in need of resources, but who has been wait-listed for almost a year for any resources and he cannot get that time back." Brewer signaled hope that the incoming Trump administration might seize on "the opportunity for Title VI to be enforced in a way that ensures all individuals are treated fairly and not based on race." Whereas the Biden administration has a tendency to treat people as members of identity groups, Brewer indicated they should instead be treated as unique individuals. According to the attorney, such reform will likely be initiated via the Office of Civil Rights within the Department of Education. Decker provided advice for any parents whose children are dealing with something comparable across the country: "You need to get everything documented. The school would love to just have in-person meetings, and that's very convenient for them because there's no paper trail. I have four years of notes and monitoring data and all the amazing things that have gotten us to this point to say, 'Yes, this is wrong,' and we have all the documentation to prove that, hopefully." "But the biggest thing as a parent is don't stop. Don't stop," continued Decker. "Go on your school's website. Read what they're saying. They're usually pretty forward about telling you what their priorities are. But it's time to push back and imagine alternatives." Although Decker was unwilling to speculate about what the school and district might do in response to the letter, she suggested their equity push in recent years is a sign that they are "true believers." "It's time for us as parents to push back and just ask that our children are seen equally," said Brewer. Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. Sign up here!

Call of Duty goes nonbinary: Virtue-signaling or military psyop?

Call of Duty goes nonbinary: Virtue-signaling or military psyop?

Call of Duty, one of the most popular video games of all time, recently introduced its first "nonbinary" character.Many will laugh or roll their eyes, dismissing this new chance to employ they/them pronouns as mere virtue-signaling.The U.S. military is now the nation’s largest employer of trans people. Let that sink in for a minute ... or an entire week. But this development must be viewed through a broader lens. The inclusion of a nonbinary character in such a high-profile series isn’t just a silly gesture; it’s a calculated move on behalf of the game's creators. They understand that CoD holds unparalleled influence over millions of young minds in America and beyond, with players logging countless hours of immersion. When consumed over long periods, these narratives, symbols, and subtle cues enter the subconscious, shaping players' perceptions without them even realizing it.Game overLong gone are the simple days of Super Mario, in which a cheerful plumber in overalls embarked on an innocent quest to save a princess. Today, that happy-go-lucky white man, displaying dangerously high levels of “benevolent sexism,” is considered "toxic." That’s because the gaming landscape has evolved from lighthearted adventures to being a battleground for ideological influence.Which brings us back to CoD.As I have shown before, the franchise is now a sophisticated propaganda tool. That’s because its ties to the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus are incredibly strong. Critics have long noted that CoD’s narratives frequently echo real-life military operations and geopolitical strategies. It’s not a coincidence. The game’s developers have collaborated closely with the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies, integrating their perspectives into the game’s content. From storylines that align closely with U.S. military operations to partnerships that influence game design, Call of Duty operates as a medium for disseminating pro-military narratives to young, impressionable audiences.Consider one of the early missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, in which the target is an Iranian general named Ghorbrani — a thinly veiled version of real-life Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, down to his appearance and portrayal as a puppet of hostile powers. The striking similarities between the game’s fictional mission and America's assassination of Soleimani clearly demonstrate a deliberate effort to shape public perceptions of U.S. foreign policy.Call of Duty has now become a cornerstone of the military-industrial complex — something even Eisenhower, in all his foresight, could never have anticipated.Shaping the narrativeMilitary documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that executives from the game’s publisher were previously invited to U.S. Air Force bases to be familiarized with military hardware like AC-130 planes and CV-22 helicopters—both of which prominently feature in the game series. These interactions were not just casual consultations but part of a strategic effort to embed military narratives in the game’s design. Essentially, shaping how audiences perceive armed conflicts and positioning these industry leaders as credible advocates for military interests.This has been the case for years. The U.S. Marine Corps collaborated on Call of Duty 5, and the Pentagon has been actively involved with game publishers, offering insight into the portrayal of the “U.S. Army of the future.” With such intimate connections, the game’s influence on its players can no longer be dismissed as innocent entertainment. CoD essentially acts as a recruitment and indoctrination portal for young audiences, familiarizing them with military operations and subtly glamorizing war.This matters to everyone, not just gamers. The psychological impact of engaging in military scenarios repeatedly over long periods is profound. Unlike a movie that ends after two hours, these games are designed for continuous engagement, making them highly effective in subtly shaping beliefs and attitudes. For a country grappling with recruitment challenges and a changing public perception of military conflicts, this is a powerful tool to win/control the hearts and minds of the next generation without their explicit awareness.In the past, Hollywood served as the primary vehicle for military propaganda. Now, with the film industry’s influence waning, video games have taken up the mantle. The modern gaming industry is worth over $347 billion—nearly five times more than Hollywood. With Call of Duty leading the charge, these games reach audiences on an unprecedented scale, seamlessly blending military strategy with popular culture in ways that often go unnoticed—or remain entirely invisible—to the player.Normalizing the abnormalWhen entertainment and military interests align so closely, the line between fiction and propaganda becomes dangerously blurred. It’s about controlling the cultural landscape, glorifying conflict, and normalizing the queer agenda. In 2021, lest we forget, Rachel Levine, an eerie cross between Larry King and Joy Behar, became the nation’s first transgender four-star officer, appointed to lead the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. The military’s increasing promotion of progressive ideologies is a deliberate strategy to mainstream queerness. And it's working. The U.S. military is now the nation’s largest employer of trans people. Let that sink in for a minute….or an entire week.Studies consistently show that transgender individuals face significantly higher rates of depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide compared to the general population. These findings raise serious questions about the wisdom of placing those grappling with such mental health crises in positions critical to national security. In environments where mental resilience and emotional stability are paramount, this disparity in mental health risks cannot be ignored. Is it truly in America’s best interest to entrust its safety and stability to individuals statistically more prone to severe psychological distress? Obviously not.As Call of Duty continues to integrate characters with identities and ideologies aligned with current sociopolitical narratives, serious questions need to be asked. Those in power understand that if you target the youth and immerse them in these narratives early, you can shape their beliefs and worldview for decades to come.A nation of red, white, and blue is slowly morphing into red, white, and pink—trading patriotism for perversion, one click at a time.

Phil Murphy whines as Pete Buttigieg vanishes in drone crisis

Phil Murphy whines as Pete Buttigieg vanishes in drone crisis

In the last few days, over 180 car-sized drones have reportedly been seen flying over New Jersey, and somehow, to quote the local vernacular, "Nobody knows nuthin'.”It doesn’t really matter where the drones have come from. It could be, according to Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.), Iran. (The Pentagon denies this.) It could be Russia or China. It really doesn’t matter.The orders should be: 'Locate them, follow them home, and bring the whole world down on whatever you find.'New Jersey residents haven’t quite realized the real drones are Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and their own Gov. Phil Murphy. Buttigieg, a DEI appointee, did nothing when a hazmat train wreck devastated East Palestine, Ohio. Meanwhile, Murphy’s response has been little more than hand-wringing and complaints.Buttigieg, supposedly in charge of all modes of transportation as head of the U.S. Department of Transportation, has been missing in action. This, despite car-sized, remotely piloted drones buzzing through the countryside.Pete, it’s your airspace — do something! Get FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker moving. If one of these drones causes a mid-air collision or falls from the sky, innocent Americans will be injured or killed. Photo courtesy of Chuck de CaroAs someone who had the wonderful opportunity to actually fly and control car-sized RPVs (that's old school for unmanned aerial vehicles) in the 1990s, I can assure you that the Federal Aviation Administration was watching every minute, ready to slap a $37,000 fine on me if I violated any regulations. So where is the FAA now?If the FAA can "see" the drones with radar, it should pass the information to Flight Aware so that every agency can determine the location of the intruders.Meanwhile, as long as the Pentagon is looking down at its boots and kicking pebbles around, perhaps Gov. Murphy could stop whining about how he needs “more help from the federal government, we need them to be bigger, faster, stronger” and show some testicular fortitude.Apparently, the governor doesn’t remember that he is commander in chief of the New Jersey National Guard, and, as such, he can order, under Title 32, the New Jersey Army Guard's 1-150th Assault Helicopter Regiment to launch standing helicopter patrols around the affected airspace. That particular regiment has UH-60L Blackhawks, which can carry long-range fuel tanks for great on-station time.Their orders should be: “Locate them, follow them home, let them land, and bring the whole world down on whatever you find.” If possible, shoot the drones down over uninhabited terrain or fly just above a drone and drop an A-22 cargo net over it, causing it to crash.In the meantime, ground-based agencies can attempt to get audio recordings to determine the noise signature of the unknown drones for comparison to known drones. Such data could help track down the manufacturer and ultimately the operators of the aircraft.While all this is ongoing, maybe Mayor Pete can use the last few weeks of his tenure to actually do his job.The new administration can’t arrive soon enough.

Trump DOMINATES Worldwide as Democrats Go Into CRISIS MODE

Cops arrest female who allegedly used infamous phrase connected to accused CEO killer during phone call

Cops arrest female who allegedly used infamous phrase connected to accused CEO killer during phone call

A Florida female allegedly used a trio of now-infamous words — “delay, deny, depose" — in what police say was a threat against a health insurance company over a claim denial.Police in Lakeland, Florida, on Tuesday charged 42-year-old Briana Boston with threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism, WFLA-TV reported.'Health care companies played games and deserved karma from the world because they are evil.'Boston reportedly called BlueCross BlueShield about a recent medical insurance claim denial and ended the call by saying, “Delay, deny, depose. You people are next," the station said.Those words reportedly were among those engraved on bullet casings found at the scene of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's targeted, fatal shooting last week and apparently refer to health insurance claim denial tactics. The words are similar to the main title of a 2010 book “Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It.”According to an arrest affidavit, police said the FBI contacted them about the alleged threat issued during the phone call — the entirety of which was recorded, WFLA said.Investigators said Boston could be heard stating near the end of the call, “Delay, deny, depose. You people are next," the station reported, adding that the affidavit noted the three words have become nationally recognized as a phrase “directed against insurance companies.” Police spoke to Boston at her home in Lakeland, WLFA said, adding that she reportedly admitted to using those words during the call and told detectives that “health care companies played games and deserved karma from the world because they are evil.” Boston reportedly added to detectives that she used the phrase “because it’s what is in the news right now” and learned of it because of the UnitedHealthcare CEO's fatal shooting, the station said.WFLA, citing police, said Boston also noted that she doesn't own any firearms and “was not a danger to anyone."Investigators said they believed Boston meant to threaten the insurance company “by using the UnitedHealthcare CEO’s homicide to her advantage," the station said, adding that the affidavit says Boston was charged with threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism.WFLA said a judge set her bond at $100,000 and stated that "I do find that the bond of $100,000 is appropriate considering the status of our country at this point.” Blaze News on Wednesday reported that law enforcement is sounding the alarm over graffiti, flyers, and online posts that not only support Thompson's death but also threaten other CEOs.Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. Sign up here!