The Latest Make-Believe Solution To A Make-Believe Problem
I know what you’re saying: “Well, you don’t know anything, you’re a ninth-rate hack writing for a website pandering to tenth-rate-humans: bikers. You don’t know anything and they know even less.”
Hey, nobody knows less than me, pal. I think right there we can find common ground. And there’s lots of humanity of a much lower ilk than bikers. They’re just better dressed and better groomed and better behaved and very often better hygiened than, you know, whatever you might find here. Depending on how hard you look of course.
Can we get back on the topic here? I’d REALLY appreciate it.
“Carbon sequestration,” or as I call it, “brain recastration” of reality…..carbon sequestration now joins the list of other things that don’t actually exist……that people now think are actually in existence. And are being declared Mandatory Truth Acceptance Edicts. People think these imaginary things are actually in existence because they are being educated by bureaucrats and journalists and something called “television news readers” and not by nuns as God intended.
I should clarify that. Carbon sequestration, while it sort of does exist in a kind of vague word-salad Kamala Harris Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Merrick Garland, Bill Gates, Christopher Wray, Gavin Newsom, Rachel Maddow. The View Pentagon sort of way….. but on meth….. and is “explained” in a very long Wikipedia article that takes “arcane” to new horizons of relentless efforts to emphasize that it — carbon sequestration — is actually important in planetary equilibrium and in the equilibrium of plants and animals supplying each other with CO2 and oxygen. As has been the pattern for 3 billion years on Earth that we KNOW of.
It was not called “carbon sequestration” in a nonchalant, roll-off-your-tongue sort of way until recently when the political agenda of declaring that humanity actually controls the planet rather than the planet controlling us became the new secular religion of people who think there are dozens of sexes and that your viruses have to be masked while in line outside the grocery store but not in restaurants while you’re eating food handled by people who were probably sweating in it if not spitting in it.
Now in case you are the new kind of recently-appearing schizophrenic who thinks you are a hobby horse or that you are a sex that you are not or that you have 17 pronouns for all your personalities……if you are one of these people here’s how life works: we breathe in oxygen…… and breathe out CO2. And plants do the opposite.
The “premise” of “carbon sequestration” is that since HUMANS are fucking up the atmosphere by making steel and concrete instead of making huts out of twigs, which is the only kind of structure WOKE inhabitants are capable of making, assuming they are even that motivated….. since the making of steel and concrete is fucking up the planet due to these tasks creating CO2 — which apparently is a forbidden FORM of CO2 unless mammals and volcanoes create the CO2 which is OK CO2 (no one said this government-created topic would be easy, pal)…..
Since modern capitalistic industry is doing this evil form of CO2, this, then, in fairness and in morality, and in justice to the oppressed people of Pappaoomaumau and to the Earth Mother herself… this new, most heinous source of CO2 is going to… I guess kill… everyone. So, IF you are going to be permitted by your government to do industry then as an incentive to go bankrupt you will be required to sequester your CO2. That is correct, you will be required to sequester your CO2. Then you will be saving the Earth and you will be moral. Via Carbon Sequestration. You are reading all this correctly.
Carbon Sequestration, as you may or may not have noticed, was not the FIRST preposterous creation of blubbering vocabulary signifying nothing that was introduced into the government religion of We Are Gods, which is the religion of all nations. “We” being you and your “leaders.” “Fossil Fuel” was the FIRST lie to grace the global scene at the birth of, basically, American Exceptionalism, which began the day after Americans chased the British back to the 12 Century Feudalist Assholeness where they belonged.
Since the American discovery of oil and methane along with the invention of the reciprocating engine threatened to obliterate government oversight via the industrial miracle of personal mobility, some kind of insidious monkey wrench had to be introduced into this sense of liberty and this was done by referring to coal, oil and methane as once having been alive, and therefore very limited so don’t get your hopes up that you are just going to keep driving and flying, Mr Citizen. Which is like saying that gold, silver, lead and granite were once alive.
However the “masses” proved themselves to be every bit as dense as the word “masses” would suggest they are and to this very day do not see that, according to their apparently self-written geology books, fossilization now has, like a lot of things on earth, three forms….. solid, liquid and gas. Coal, Oil and Methane. These are now the three forms of fossils. The solid form of fossil, coal, the liquid form of fossil, oil, and the gas or vaporous form of fossil, methane. That’s correct, fossils are no longer chunks of unburnable stone but are dinosaurs, plants, pterodactyls, swamp grass, mosquitoes and prehistoric cats, sunk into the earth and turned into fuel. Because Washington DC child-molesters said so.
Thus it is not surprising that the masses of thickheads inhabiting our Land now routinely think that things can be sustainable: that the earth is a greenhouse; that CO2 is a greenhouse gas; that CO2 leaves footprints; that the “environment” is everything but humans; that the environment is our responsibility rather than the thing that actually created us; that “invasive species” can be eradicated by government efforts but that whatever noninvasive species are can prevent me from building on that lot over there; that there’s such a thing as a bomb cyclone, atmospheric river and precursor rain event, and that ten trillion other new and preposterous commands and pronouncements and edicts and “findings” and “studies have shown” and “according to sources” and “according to experts” are now the law of the land to keep the Earth safe: as “health lockdowns” keep the rest of us safe. We are safe and the Earth is safe. Thanks to government. Being sustained in a lockdown position is now the universal goal of mankind as advised by “leaders” who can lead humanity into safety but couldn’t lead a horse to a water trough on the other side of a backyard corral.
Getting back to carbon sequestration, industries actually DOING things rather than outlawing things are going to be required to “bury their CO2.” They will not be allowed to continue doing things to make an evil profit unless they bury their CO2. I’m just the fucking goddamn messenger. Thank you. The government is going to require American industries to bury….IN THE GROUND….CO2.
Remember: these same people are convinced there are 17 sexes within the human genome. So, yeah: burying CO2 will save the Earth. Which is now a greenhouse. Not just “the Earth.” It’s now a greenhouse. And since CO2 now leaves footprints, footprints belong on the earth. Not up in the sky. So, yeah: we now have carbon sequestering. Because humanity will apparently believe anything. According to sources.
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