ENTITLEMENT: Joy Reid Bitterly Lectures Latino Trump-Voting Men
The left and their most extreme talking heads within the Regime Media are still bitterly ruminating over the election results, and the fact that President-Elect Donald Trump didn’t just smash the Democrats’ vaunted Blue Wall. It turns out that Trump also smashed the Democrats’ old racial coalition.
In particular, the left can’t get over the fact that Trump won 55% of Latino men. Watch as MSNBC host Joy Reid scolds Latino men for having the temerity to vote in line with their family’s interests and for Trump:
JOY REID: It was also men. Trump won every age group of men, including 60% of Gen X men and 6 in 10 white men. Also Latino men, who despite the utter disrespect shown by Trump and his promise to deport some of your mixed class- mixed status families, most of them voted in a 55% majority to make the deportations happen. Y'all voted with Steven Miller and David Duke and against your own sisters and chose Kamala-- who chose Kamala Harris, with 60% of their votes. So you own everything that happens to your mixed status families and to your wives, sisters, and abuelas from here on in.
This lecturing of Latino men was part of a broader rant and opening segment where Reid seamlessly transitions back to Resistance reporting. Even now and despite crushing defeat, the left feels entitled to the Latino vote (inasmuch as there is such a thing anymore) and feels entitled to lecture the community when it doesn’t perform to expectations.
How else to explain the Congolese-Jamaican woman on TV, wagging her finger at men who did not vote the way she wanted them to, and scaremongering about the potential deportation of their mixed-status families including grandma?
One suspects, as these House seats continue to sort themselves out, that this hectoring and attempted vote-shaming will continue. Very loudly and publicly. Good luck with that.