Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States.
In what can only be described as an incredible effort in overcoming numerous obstacles he has persevered and won.
His victory is meaning for a number of reasons:
1) Globalism and neoliberalism are dead. Economic nationalism is back. Politicians need to ensure their economies are strong not through fake economic measures but through self reliance measures that ensures our children are endowed with both the wealth of our infrastructure and skills to stand on their own two feet. Infrastructure should not be sold off and there should be no tax measures that favour foreign investment.
2) The era of Open Borders has ended. Patriotism not Multiculturalism will now take precedence.
3) The woke mind virus will be destroyed. This will be replaced by gratitude towards our forefathers, pride in our country, the love of our family and a strong sense of self belief.
4) Endless wars must end, especially ones that have been contrived to profit corporations rather than protect the people.
I should also call out the major parties who have criticised Trump. While I expect Labor to do that, it’s unforgivable that John Howard, George Brandis and Alexander Downer have sought to undermine the values of proud nation loving Freedom fighters.
These sellouts must be seen for the globalist frauds they are.
The People First Party looks forward to a seeing leader who knows that the point of government is to serve the people, not control them.
UTL COMMENT:- Australia imported 5 million tonnes of steel from China last financial year. Made from our own iron ore!!?? Time to support project iron boomerang?
#auspol #australia #peoplefirstpartyau #Trump2024