Who is the 2024 election’s biggest loser?
The 2024 election will forever be remembered as one of the most significant political statements ever made by American voters.For the first time since the dark days of the Obama era, there is absolutely no doubt who won the presidential election.Mainstream media outlets might not have died on election night, but they were wheeled into hospice care.There were no hanging chads in Florida. No reports of widespread election fraud. No cries of “Russia, Russia, Russia!”There was nothing but a big, beautiful red wave — and with it, a mandate for change.The American people have spoken, and their voice was loud and clear.They want an end to the chaos at the border.They want parents to be back in charge of their children’s education and for public schools to stop indoctrinating kids with insane ideas about socialism and basic biology.They want prices to fall and wages to rise.They want peace in Europe and the Middle East, not weak leadership and a flirtatious relationship with nuclear war.In the coming months, much will and should be said about Republicans and the Trump administration 2.0. They have a golden opportunity to show Americans why free-market, pro-liberty policies work, and in the process, to usher in a new Reagan-like era of trust in the conservative movement.I hope they don’t mess it up.But this isn’t about the Republicans’ landslide victory. I don’t want to talk about the winners. I want to talk about the losers, and no, not just the sitting vice president.Kamala HarrisKamala Harris was a disastrous candidate. She was the perfect poisonous political cocktail of bitterness, anger, radicalism, and entitlement. She did nothing to earn the position of being president. She was chosen by party elites, not Democratic voters, and even they didn’t want her.Harris lost to Trump in a historic landslide, but she cannot possibly be thought of as the night’s biggest loser. In life, she has far outperformed her talents and achievements.In fact, I would argue Harris should be proud of herself. Of all the untalented people in the history of America, Harris has managed to get the furthest in life, and she should be applauded for it.Harris is a loser, make no mistake about it. But she’s not the 2024 election’s biggest loser.The Democratic PartyA good case could be made for the Democratic Party in general, of course. It not only lost the White House in stunning fashion, it also lost control of the Senate and blew its chance of taking over the House of Representatives, too.The case for the Democrats as the night’s biggest loser is much stronger. The 2024 election was a self-inflicted political gunshot wound to the head. For eight years, the Democrats have increasingly become more radical in their economic and social policies, driving away key demographics into the welcoming arms of the pro-liberty movement.If we can say anything for certain about big media outlets, it’s that they tried their little hearts out to stop Trump.Republicans have become a big tent of ideas. It’s now the party of Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. That’s a remarkable statement, one that seemed impossible eight years ago.Further, early exit polling shows that Trump performed much better with groups that typically cast their ballots for Democrats, including young Americans and Latinos. This appears to have been an especially massive problem for Democrats in swing states, although more data is likely needed to know for sure.But as bad as things were for the Democratic Party and its donors — who spent far more than $1 billion to help a terrible presidential candidate lose in an Electoral College landslide — there is another, even more pathetic group deserving of taking the top spot in our quest to find the election’s biggest loser.And the ‘winner’ is …For more than eight years, one group tried harder than any other to destroy Donald Trump, and on election night, their efforts proved to have been an abject failure.The 2024 election’s biggest loser is unquestionably the so-called “mainstream” media, which includes the nation’s largest newspapers, magazines, news and commentary websites, and television stations.From the New York Times and Washington Post to the alphabet-soup of propaganda networks — ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC — the left-wing, state-affiliated media organizations that have dominated America for decades are now nothing more than historic relics. The kind of thing you might hang on your office wall for nostalgia but that you couldn’t possibly use in a meaningful way any longer.Big media outlets used to matter. They used to be news sources that most Americans counted on — even when they shouldn’t have. But no longer. Mainstream media outlets might not have died on election night, but they were wheeled into hospice care. And the illness appears terminal. They aren’t going to make it.If we can say anything for certain about big media outlets, it’s that they tried their little hearts out to stop Trump.They spread malicious lies about Russia collusion. They trafficked in endless conspiracy theories and outright lies, like the infamous “very fine people” Charlottesville allegation.They promoted totally absurd and often unconstitutional and unethical get-Trump lawfare campaigns.They helped, along with the government, to pressure technology companies to silence free speech.They largely ignored countless scandals and failures of the Biden-Harris administration, from remarkably big problems — like the Biden crime family scandal — to the smaller but still incredible moments from the disastrous Biden era. (Somehow, the American people still do not know who left that bag of cocaine in the White House.)They dishonestly and outrageously suggested Trump and many of his supporters were aligned with fascism — an ideology that is properly put on the left side of the American political spectrum. They made outlandish, bizarre, and downright stupid connections between Trump and the Nazis.They even inspired a crazy person to take a shot at Trump, miraculously only grazing his right ear.And they sought to destroy anyone — personally, professionally, and financially — who stood on Trump’s side.But despite all of that, and a whole lot more, the anti-Trump, old-guard, state-aligned media failed spectacularly to keep Trump out of the White House. Thousands of fake news articles, opinion pieces, dire television appearances, and biased investigations couldn’t do the job.Much can be learned from the 2024 election, but the biggest, most exciting part of it all is that the establishment media has proven to be an outdated, dying, impotent institution.This analysis is no longer an opinion, as some might think, but an empirical fact. If hundreds of media outlets working in concert to defeat one man cannot do it, after nearly a decade of trying, then there’s no possibility they ever will.We have entered a new era of media and journalism, and it couldn’t come soon enough. Surely, this new period will not be perfect. But at the very least, we can say that elites’ stranglehold on news, information, and culture has finally broken.And no matter where you sit on the ideological spectrum, that’s something worth celebrating.