BREAKING: New Extreme Spiked RIOT Fences Seal Up The White House!
Does anyone remember the 2020 Biden Inauguration?
Remember what it looked and felt like?
Here’s a reminder:
Barbed wire fencing encircles the U.S. Capitol as armed National Guard are stationed around the building #DC #Inauguration #Washington #Inauguration2021 #Military pic.twitter.com/hhVJyD9Q8y
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 19, 2021
Fencing everywhere!
Compare that to when President Trump won in 2016, we got the Trump family walking down the middle of the street on Pennsylvania Avenue on their way to the White House for the first time.
Remember this?
#POTUSTrump & #FirstLady & son Baron take the ceremonial walk down Pennsylvania Ave! Crowds goes crazy! Sensational moment #InagurationDay pic.twitter.com/E3iP5aDCr2
— Sonoma Christian Home (@SonomaChristian) January 20, 2017
Cheering crowds everywhere surrounding them!
Now here we are in 2024 and the Biden Regime is back at it with their anti-scale, anti-riot spike fencing being installed all around THEM.
Here are a few pictures:
Special “spiked” razor fencing is being erected around the White House in anticipate of Election Day. Some of it is 16 feet high. This is in addition to businesses being boarded up.
What’s going on here? pic.twitter.com/PyJriW4OnP
— iVoteArizona (@iVoteArizona) November 3, 2024
Another angle:
Anti-scale riot fence going up around the White House today. pic.twitter.com/osawIcbrGU
— Kathy Neal (@Kate03986) November 4, 2024
Joe Biden LOVES fences and walls when it’s for HIS protection.
Remember this from his SOTU Address?
Joe Biden has a fence up to protect him during the #SOTU tonight.
But won’t finish the wall at our southern border to protect Americans.
Protection for him, not for us. pic.twitter.com/1dx85hWigM
— Rep. Tom Tiffany (@RepTiffany) March 7, 2024
Now here’s my man PenguinSix with his boots on the ground video showing the extreme fencing installed all around the White House this week:
More here:
The extreme anti-riot fencing has also been installed around the Vice President’s residence:
Here is more on the story:
Emergency Security Measures At White House, Capitol, & VP’s Residence
Emergency Security Measures At White House, Capitol, & VP's Residence
We're hours away from Election Day, and the fences are going up in Washington DC. Businesses are boarding up and security measures are being beefed up. It's that time again -- street closures, special no parking zones, and anti-climb fencing topped with barbs.
Special “spiked” razor fencing is being erected around the White House in anticipate of Election Day. Some of it is 16 feet high. This is in addition to businesses being boarded up.
What’s going on here? pic.twitter.com/PyJriW4OnP
— iVoteArizona™ (@iVoteArizona) November 3, 2024
Check this out. This is what some of the fencing reportedly looks like around Kamala's residence, and around the Treasury building. I spent some time in the Balkans -- Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia. This looks like something right out of a third-world regime playbook in the Balkans! I don't know if you could look more dystopian than this fence if you tried!
I remember a time when it wasn't like this; when the idea of fencing off "the people's house" would have drawn so much negative press that it simply wouldn't have been done. More security -- sure, but not 16 foot barricades with spikes. I long for the days when we loved freedom so much, on the right AND the left, that none of us would have been ok with surrounding our beloved White House in dystopian police state drapery.
And don't forget, we brought you the news of the three Democratic-led states which have already activated their National Guard troops in advance of Election Day -- also something that seems to have been normalized by the democrat ruling class. A free and fair election? Certainly -- under the watchful eyes of gun-toting soldiers on American streets.
BREAKING: National Guard Activated in Three States (So Far)
Washington DC gears up for possible election chaos with metal fencing around VP’s home and business boarded up https://t.co/StNUNBB3fA pic.twitter.com/qP9T3IvrpU
— New York Post (@nypost) November 4, 2024
But of course, there was never so much hyped-up worry about chaos in decades past, now thanks to those in the highest level of American power! As the New York Post is reporting, there are literally "no specific threats"; and yet we've been told for months that unrest isn't just possible, but likely.
Washington DC is gearing up for potential chaos following Election Day as authorities assembled barriers around government buildings – including the vice president’s residence – and business owners boarded up storefronts over the weekend.
The Secret Service placed 8-foot-high metal fences around the White House, and Harris’ home at the Naval Observatory though officials warned there are no specific threats of violence at this time, the Washington Post reported.
The metal fencing was also around the Treasury Department complex and adjacent parts of Lafayette Square while the Capitol had temporary bike-rack barriers around its perimeter, according to the newspaper.
Private business and property owners have also worked to board up street-level windows and entrances.
Admiral Security Services is expected to have 2,000 private security guards work 12-hour shifts at properties around the city, its executive vice president Leon Beresford told the Washington Post. in the event violence erupts in DC.
Harris' home gets extra fencing and D.C. businesses board up ahead of potential election unrest https://t.co/VWZWEpaIWZ
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) November 3, 2024
The extra fencing going up around the Vice President's home is particularly catching the eye of those in DC, according to a Washington Times Report, with crews installing anti-climb fencing outside of Kamala's home -- besides the wrought iron fence and security gate already in place.
Workers boarded up the District’s downtown businesses and fenced off the vice president’s residence Sunday as the city prepared for potential vandalism in the wake of this week’s presidential election.
A work crew was seen installing anti-climb fencing outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ federal home at the Naval Observatory.
The Democrat presidential candidate’s residence already has a wrought-iron fence and a security station at the front gate, but crews added the special fence along most of the property’s perimeter lining Massachusetts Avenue Northwest.
The White House, which also has a wrought-iron fence along its border, had its South Lawn almost completely cordoned off by an additional layer of the anti-climb fence. New fencing encircled the half of Lafayette Square that’s connected to the executive mansion’s northern face.
Personally, I am having a hard time seeing this as anything other than continued gaslighting of the American people. You're not afraid of us, remember; you have your F-15's. And yet for months we have been bombarded with the notion that there is going to be Election Day violence. At this point, I don't doubt it. But I'm not quite buying the victim-card that the democratic leadership is playing in advance of any potential violence.
“Seeing temporary fencing go up around the White House and other nearby government buildings is feeling a little dystopian." https://t.co/3NmYa29ADQ
— NBC4 Washington (@nbcwashington) November 4, 2024
Businesses are also boarding up in the downtown DC area, according to the local NBC affiliate. And people on the street are feeling the growing tension.
Some Downtown businesses are also fortifying by boarding up their windows ahead of the election, and security measures are in place at Howard University, where Vice President Kamala Harris will hold her election watch party.
For some News4 spoke with, it’s hard not to feel a sense of tension.
“Seeing temporary fencing go up around the White House and other nearby government buildings is feeling a little dystopian,” said Grant Hawkins, who is visiting the District. “There’s definitely, the temperature is up in our country today, and it’ll be an interesting week.”
“I do feel a little bit of unease just in general,” said another visitor. “I think everybody’s just a little bit on edge regardless of where you fall politically. I think people are just in a wait-and-see kind of mode.”
As of now, D.C. police say there are no known credible threats, but they're preparing for any challenges that could arise during election week.
"But I want to be very clear: we will not tolerate any violence of any kind,” said Metropolitan Police Department Chief Pamela Smith. “We will not tolerate any riots. We will not tolerate the destruction of property. We will not tolerate any unlawful behavior. Offenders will be arrested and will be held accountable."
Smith also says they've recruited close to 4,000 police officers from across the country who will be sworn in to help with inauguration day security.
If you're not familiar with Frank Fighting For Freedom on X, you should be! The man does good work. Here's some footage from over the weekend around DC as these fences are going up just before Election Day.
PenguinSix gives us a really good look at the new spiked fence they are erecting in Washington DC at the Dwight D Eisenhower executive office building pic.twitter.com/Cscv2csklD
— Frank Fighting For Freedom (@thinktankfranks) November 2, 2024
As I type, it's early here in East Texas. Not quite 3 am CST, and most of the nation will still be asleep for a few hours before starting a new work week. The election will no doubt take center state this week, and it feels a little surreal sitting here in the quiet, calm, and peaceful early morning -- knowing what might lay ahead.
The news of the last few weeks leaves me hopeful, nervous, and on edge all at the same time. Like many of you, my ultimate hope is not in politics, but in Christ the Lord. Nevertheless, what happens this week will likely shape the future of our nation and the world in ways like no election has before. That's a bold stance to take, but I suspect it is true. As Benjamin Franklin wisely noted, there are essential liberties worth far more than any imagined temporary safety; and to bargain those liberties away is akin to selling your inheritance for a bowl of stew -- if you catch my drift.
I don't want to gamble those liberties away, and I don't want to watch as others do, either. I want my children to know those liberties as surely -- even more so -- than I have known them.
God, bless this great nation that you have raised up for your glory -- bless it this week, and guide it safely through this storm, to be used by You again as we have been in the past. Make us great again, Lord -- not for any righteousness of our own, but for Your purposes in the world. We, Your people, acknowledge and repent of our sins, and once again ask You to heal our land -- knowing that there can be no healing apart from You. In Jesus' Name I ask this -- Amen.
This is sure to be a monumental week for America, regardless of what plays out. And we'll be bringing you the news that the mainstream won't, the stories that the "enemies within" would rather censor, and the TRUTH that Americans have a right to know. And who knows -- we might just see that "shining city on a hill" once again.