GOP Files Amicus Brief Fighting Biden-Nominated Judge Allowing Non-Citizens To Vote In Virginia

GOP Files Amicus Brief Fighting Biden-Nominated Judge Allowing Non-Citizens To Vote In Virginia

The Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Virginia have filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the United States to stay a decision by a Biden-nominated judge who blocked an effort to keep non-citizens from voting. After Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin ordered election officials to identify and cancel suspected non-citizens’ voter registrations on August 7, the Biden-Harris administration claimed Youngkin’s actions violated the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. On October 25, two weeks before the national election, U.S. District Judge Patricia Tolliver Giles ordered the state to restore more than 1600 voters’ registrations which had been removed as part of Youngkin’s efforts. “With only one week to our country’s most important election, Democrats are now taking extraordinary measures to keep non-citizens on voter rolls,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated. “Kamala’s Administration sued Virginia and is now arguing to the U.S. Supreme Court that non-citizens must remain on the voter rolls. We are supporting Governor Youngkin’s efforts in the Supreme Court and fighting for only Americans to determine the future of our country.” MATT WALSH’S ‘AM I RACIST?’ NOW STREAMING ON DAILYWIRE+ As the amicus brief noted, “The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 was passed to ‘increase the number of eligible citizens who register to vote in elections for Federal office,’ ‘protect the integrity of the electoral process,” and “ensure that accurate and current voter registration rolls are maintained.’ The district court’s ruling, affirmed by the Fourth Circuit, cuts directly against these purposes. Rather than increasing participation by eligible citizens, and ensuring the integrity of our elections, the ruling below prohibits states from preventing self-described non-citizens from illegally registering to vote. This is not, and cannot be, correct.” “Due to the proximity to the 2024 election, there will be irreparable harm if the order below is permitted to stand unabated. The consequence of that order is that non-citizens — who all agree cannot legally vote — will be added back on the voter rolls at the last minute, diluting legitimate votes and exposing those non-citizens to a substantial risk of criminal prosecution should they misunderstand the lower courts’ order as a green light to vote unlawfully.”