EXPOSING Lady Gaga’s Satanic New Music Video “Disease” (Warning: Extremely Gross)
Lady Gaga — or as some of you call her “Lady Gag Me” has a new song out….
How exciting, right?
Just like when the Beach Boys used to release a new hit and we all got excited to hear what it would be.
Probably uplifting, something positive, fun, energetic tune….
Yeah, well that’s not what your getting here.
In fact, this appears to be entirely demon-possessed and I’m not exaggerating.
So here’s the deal, I don’t typically like to focus too much on evil, I don’t like to give it too much attention.
But it IS Halloween this week and I do have to expose this stuff from time to time, especially when it is this nasty.
So here’s a short clip to give you an idea of what I’m talking about:
Lady Gaga release new Satanic Music Video “Disease”…. pic.twitter.com/CCbM5WTPVg
— Isaac’s Army (@ReturnOfKappy) October 30, 2024
Ok, so first we notice that NO ONE in this clip looks human, they all look like they either came out of the Pit of Hell or they’re headed into the the Pit of Hell.
Sick, non-human stuff.
And other than looking non-human, why does she also suddenly look exactly like Marilyn Manson?
But there’s a lot more in here than just gross looking costumes.
Did you notice the vomiting of black goo?
That’s a trademark that HollyWeird LOVES to do in music videos.
It represents being demon-possessed.
Really sick stuff!
My friend “A Call For An Uprising” has exposed the black goo many times, but here’s a great video where he explains more:
I asked ChatGPT about the black goo and what it means and it told me this:
The imagery of black goo in music videos—especially when depicted as something oozing from a character’s mouth—carries several layers of symbolism. This type of imagery often suggests themes of corruption, darkness, or inner turmoil, and it’s used to convey a powerful contrast between light and dark, or purity and corruption. Here are a few layers of symbolism and meanings often associated with black goo in visual media:
Inner Darkness or Corruption: The black goo often symbolizes an internal struggle or something toxic and repressed being expelled from within, signifying emotional darkness, trauma, or societal corruption. By showing it coming out of the mouth, artists might be portraying the release of hidden “poisons” or burdens.
Loss of Control: Black goo often represents a character losing control over themselves, manipulated by something outside their will or even evil. This could represent internalized societal pressures, uncontrollable habits, or even self-destructive impulses.
Supernatural or Occult References: While not directly tied to any occult practice, black goo does sometimes play into occult-like imagery by symbolizing possession or an unnatural force taking over. It might symbolize evil taking a tangible form, something akin to demonic possession in classic horror or folklore.
Transformation or Catharsis: In some interpretations, the act of purging black goo can represent transformation. The darkness is being released, symbolizing rebirth or catharsis. It reflects the idea that one has to confront or expel negative aspects to heal or grow.
Influences from Horror and Sci-fi: Popularized in horror and science fiction, black goo draws from films like Alien, where it represents an invasive, uncontrollable force. It’s become a genre trope symbolizing fear, danger, and the unknown, often with an unsettling and visceral quality that evokes discomfort in the viewer.
Of course the answers you get from ChatGPT are extremely biased. I especially love #3, it really makes me laugh….“While not directly tied to any occult practice, is symbolizes demon possession.” Gee, thanks! I’m glad demon-possession is not tied to any occult practice, LOL!
Here’s more evil imagery and themes from the “GagMe” video:
1. Sinister Pursuit and Haunting Presence
The video depicts Gaga fleeing from a car driven by a shadowy figure, establishing a sense of inescapable dread. This imagery evokes the common horror trope of being hunted by a supernatural force, where the pursuer often symbolizes a demonic or evil presence aiming to capture or control the victim. The relentless pursuit conveys vulnerability and the looming power of dark forces, implying that she’s being pursued by something inescapably malevolent.
2. Symbolism of Self-Destruction and Corruption
In several scenes, Gaga is shown confronting herself, mirroring themes of inner conflict and possession. This self-destruction theme is often associated with demonic possession in occult symbolism, where an individual is divided against themselves, succumbing to darker impulses. The “self versus self” concept is amplified as she appears both as a victim and aggressor, suggesting possession by a sinister entity or force—a classic hallmark of satanic or demonic influence.
3. Dark Ritualistic Imagery and Attire
Gaga’s attire throughout the video leans heavily on horror-inspired, ritualistic visuals. Her outfits include a zippered, black gimp mask and a black silk-taffeta gown, which could be interpreted as references to bondage and control, linking to imagery used in ritualistic or cult-like performances. These costumes, combined with long, claw-like nails and wet, matted hair reminiscent of gothic horror figures, evoke the unsettling visuals common in occult and satanic media, reinforcing the perception of dark ritual.
4. Lyrics Alluding to Possession and Control
The lyrics in Disease include phrases that imply demonic possession, with lines such as “I could play the doctor,” “make you believe,” and “lay you down like one, two, three,” which could be interpreted as sinister forces enticing or ensnaring the listener. This language, alongside guttural, ominous vocals, mirrors the dark seduction often associated with demonic influence, particularly as it suggests the power to both afflict and “cure” a perceived spiritual “disease”.
5. Visual Aesthetic of Horror and Death
The overall aesthetic of Disease leans on horror film motifs—such as dim lighting, shadowy figures, and stark, unsettling landscapes—that resemble occult horror. The use of a retro television displaying static and unsettling imagery echoes horror classics like The Ring, where such visuals are often tied to cursed or demonic themes. Additionally, her portrayal in stark black and white against eerie green lighting amplifies the sense of an unnatural or ghostly presence, conjuring associations with death and the supernatural.
6. References to Classic Horror and the Occult
Gaga’s work in Disease draws inspiration from horror and black metal aesthetics, both of which heavily use demonic and satanic symbolism. Her dark, moody vocal delivery incorporates the style of black metal, a genre historically associated with the occult. Additionally, her portrayal of corrupted innocence—a common theme in demonic possession narratives—is emphasized by her costume choices and stylized movement, evoking fear of the uncontrollable forces within the human psyche and the supernatural.
But it’s all just “art” right?
“You just don’t get it Noah!”
You’re right, I don’t.
It all looks demonic to me:
ITS ALL OF THEM… pic.twitter.com/zI1WbiOvwQ
— Enlightenment (@neEnlightenment) October 30, 2024
But it really shouldn’t be a surprise, should it?
After all, she was proudly that spirit cooker Marina Abromovic’s “top student”….remember this?
WARNING: Extremely Graphic — Lady Gaga, Marina Abramovic’s “Top Student”
And let's end with a warning...
Protect yourself.
Protect your family.
Protect your spirit.
Protect your heart.
Halloween Warning From An Ex-Witch (WARNING: graphic content, disturbing to some readers)
Halloween Warning From An Ex-Witch (WARNING: graphic content, disturbing to some readers)
With Halloween happening this week, I wanted to take this opportunity to issue a warning to everyone who celebrates this "holiday".
No, I'm not talking about kids who don't know better dressing up in fun costumes....
I'm talking about adults who know better, who gleefully celebrate this demonic holiday with Witches, Skeletons and all sorts of evil.
But don't take it from me, I want you to listen to this woman who grew up as a Witch and who tells you all of that stuff is very real....even the stuff that presents itself as the "white magic" or the "good magic".
It's all evil, all of it.
But it was such a powerful message that I want you to hear it direct from her....and then apply it to your life this year as Halloween hits us.
Two notes first....
First, this video is 3 years old so that is why she references Halloween falling on a Sunday.
Second, this is some very serious content and it might disturb some readers. Use your discretion and continuing to watch.
Here you go:
Hi brothers and sisters, I hope you can hear me.
Let me put this a bit closer. Here we go. So, this video is going to be about Halloween, and from the perspective of someone who was involved in witchcraft before coming to Christ. Just a forewarning—there's going to be some quite heavy things I talk about. The Lord’s given me quite a burden and a duty, I feel, to talk about these things to His people.
A little bit about my background: I was involved in the occult. Halloween—the history of Halloween—is where people used to dress up like evil spirits to try and camouflage on that night because there was so much activity from evil spirits. The way that the townsfolk would ward them off was to dress like them, to camouflage like them, and if they conformed to look like the evil spirits, they were believed to be less likely to be targeted and messed with by those spirits. Now, as an ex-witch, I know that night is very, very important for the kingdom of darkness. It’s the time when the veil is thinnest. You get all of your sorcerers, magicians, witches, warlocks, wizards, shamans, druids—spiritual people involved in the dark side.
What we were talking about recently in Bible study is how the word "occult" means hidden. A lot of people doing ceremonies on Halloween night don’t even know they’re aligning with the devil. I didn’t know until I came to the Lord. The occult means hidden, and sometimes that is hidden from the person doing it. Many people are involved in the occult without even knowing it. The enemy tricks us.
Let’s rewind a little, and I’ll share a bit about my story. I was involved in witchcraft as a child—a very young child. I asked the air—and if you’re a Christian, you know the devil is the prince of the power of the air—I asked the air, the universe, anything, to show me the truth. I didn’t ask God particularly when I was a child. I was led through a series of events, getting more and more entangled in witchcraft because I thought that was where I could find truth. I thought that the unseen realm must exist, that there must be more to life than this. As a young child, I delved deeply into witchcraft, practiced dark magic, and voodoo—I’ve renounced all of these things. I did Ouija boards all the time, took them to school, got loads of people involved with them. I was very foolish and very willing to explore this realm at a young age.
This ended badly for me. I was completely terrified and terrorized. I started seeing dark shadows walking around my door. Every time I looked at my door in my bedroom, I’d see around a seven-foot dark shadow silhouette moving across. I would be pushed down to the ground from above. I’d feel a heavy force; one time, it pushed me down to the ground. I had voices, I had condemnation. I wasn’t aware of God, but I was aware of the devil at that point. When I got involved in magic, it was too late—or so I thought. I was told I was owned by dark forces, that I was inherently evil, and there was nothing I could do about it. I carried this condemnation for a very long time because I was involved in witchcraft. It opened up doorways no child should open.
As a child, I used to sleep at night with the bed covers over me with a tiny hole to breathe out of because I was so terrorized. I would count every word I said on my fingers—it was like a nervous twitch. If I said enough words to have a space on this finger, I was good; if I didn’t, I was condemned. There was just so much for my small child mind to deal with when I’d opened up that can of worms of witchcraft and magic. It’s real—it’s real. Believe me, you don’t want to be in a place where you get involved in that frivolously and end up realizing, "What have I got involved in?"
As a child, I threw away and burned my tarot cards. I mean, I did tarot readings when I was little. I was involved in so much of the occult at such a young age. All I can remember influencing me toward dark things was this lady my friend and I would visit. She practiced witchcraft with us; she was a Buddhist, and we’d do rituals with prayer beads, saying mantras—Buddhist mantras. I didn’t know what I was saying. I think I tried to find out, and it was something about nature worship. That’s where I ended up going.
We made paper gravestones, stuck them on the wall on Halloween night, and slept with them there. We were so consumed with darkness, and when you’re a child, you don’t know what you’re messing with. If your parents don’t know that magic exists, they’re lulled to sleep by the devil while he takes their children. That’s why I’m talking about Halloween and this heavy burden on me. That was my childhood with magic.
Then, as a young adult, around 16, I got involved in what I thought was white magic. I thought I was a light worker, here to help people. Wow, was I wrong. I got involved in tarot readings again, consulted runes—just magic and witchcraft again. But it was repackaged into something light and good. The enemy chewed me up and spat me out. I was in a place of utter brokenness after yoga, meditation, psychedelic drugs, and all of these ritualistic things. I was friends with Satanists, shamans, druids, Wiccans, and people who thought they were fairies. I was friends with all realms of magic and different forms of the occult. I thought it was all just different ways that people experienced reality and had their own walks.
When I came to the Lord, it was very simple. There is the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. You’re either with Jesus, or you’re not. Everything made sense because I had the eyes of Christ and realized just what I was involved in. I get passionate about it because there’s a righteous anger when you see people caught up, thinking they’re bringing peace and helping others. It’s a false peace. The end of that is despair.
Why am I talking about all of this? In regards to Halloween—it’s a festival, a celebration, really a massive spell night. It’s a night of incantation and ceremony. If you’re involved in that stuff, you wait for this night for special purposes. Because the veil is thinnest, and maybe because so many align with the kingdom of darkness, it gives it more power. You know how people used to dress in costumes to look like evil spirits? Isn’t that true in our Christian walk? When we’re Christ’s, we’re attacked.
I had no idea when I was involved in the occult. When I came to Christ, those things were revealed for what they were. Spirit guides, energies—they’re not light, they’re dark. Only in Christ do they reveal their true colors, and it’s terrifying. When you celebrate Halloween, you’re aligning with those things, with the kingdom of darkness, becoming part of their ritual.
This is hidden knowledge, and so many are taken as fools. But not you, brothers and sisters. You are children of God. You don’t belong in games with something that’s definitely not playing games. The devil is so evil. I was friends with Satanists, and one told me about an initiation ritual, where he was stripped, tied up, blindfolded, and whipped until he reached a state to invoke the devil. They do that to children on Halloween night.
Dressing children up, taking them out, knocking on doors, and getting sweets may seem innocent. But you’re part of a ceremony of dark magic. The Lord spoke to me today about will—free will. I remember when I was under witches who did reiki and energy healing. They’d say my spirit guide was there, telling them to align my chakra about free will. But the Lord reminded me—they were after my will. There is power in our will. God’s given us free will to align with Him or the devil. The Lord is gentle and waits for you. The devil, however, is persistently knocking.
Imagine the devil’s mockery: children he tries to claim to take to hell, embodying his character, coming to your door, expecting you to give him an offering. It’s evil. I know some of you haven’t been involved in the occult or witchcraft and think Halloween is fun and games, but the root is evil. Those involved in lightwork and energy healing think they’re doing good. They don’t know who they worship. When you’re not worshipping Jesus, who are you looking at?
The Lord made it clear to me that I was doing the devil’s work. It’s like leading people to light on the way to hell. Halloween’s analogy of dressing up like demons to avoid getting messed with is a lie. The ones who don’t get messed with—they’re already his. Don’t align with the devil.
So we are going to meet as a church. I know many of you are from different places, so maybe unplug your doorbell, hand out tracks, or spend time in prayer. Join us Sunday evening in prayer at 6:30 for a night of prayer. This week has been tough; the enemy has been active, so let’s pray for one another. God bless you all, and I’ll see you next time. Bye.
Watching this video reminded me of two things....
First, she talks at one point about "Gaia Worship" and I find it so interesting how that seems to be popping up everywhere right now.
I warned you about it just last week:
EXPOSING “The Sphere” In Las Vegas — “Postcards From Earth”
And second, this is stuff we should avoid and not get involved with but we don't need to FEAR it.
We have something much more powerful on our side:
Witches Angry Their Spells Aren’t Working On Trump: “He seems to have some kind of protection around him”
Witches Angry Their Spells Aren't Working On Trump: "He seems to have some kind of protection around him"
This is an absolutely incredible story!
So...witches are fake, right?
Just some hocus pocus garbage that we had back in the Middle Ages?
Figments of our imagination?
And those Salem Witch Trials....that surely taught us all that witches are not real but those "witch hunts" were wrong and we should never do that again....right?
Well, not exactly.
In fact, by their own admission, many "witches" still exist today and they're quite proud of it!
And they most definitely think it's real and that their spells are real.
You know what else?
The Bible says witchcraft is real.
The Bible warns in many places against witchcraft, and it wouldn't contain those warnings if it was just fake make-believe.
Which is why I loved seeing this so much from Sean Feucht....
Witches are getting angry online, complaining that the spells they are trying to cast against President Trump are not working because, quote: "He seems to have some kind of protection around him."
Yes witches, it's called the MIGHTY RIGHT HAND OF GOD, protecting and holding this man up!
And you ain't getting through it!
?BREAKING - Witches posting about casting spells on President Trump:
“He seems to have some kind of protection around him.” ?
DON’T STOP PRAYING SAINTS ???? pic.twitter.com/8DRiDEps6K
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) October 22, 2024
Here's a closer look:
Charlie Shamp actually had a word about this back in August 2024.
Take a look:
BREAKING - Witches posting about casting spells on President Trump:
“He seems to have some kind of protection around him.”
AUGUST 14, 2024
Again in this day, the witch has waved her wand to stir those under her control to fast so that she may take the land. Jezebel's fast,… pic.twitter.com/IH3SmOufGc
— Charlie Shamp (@CharlesShamp) October 22, 2024
From his website DestinyEncounters on August 14, 2024:
As I walked late one night in prayer, the voice of the Lord spoke these words: "Jezebel called for a fast!" In that moment, the spiritual realm opened before me. I suddenly saw in the realm of the spirit a great clash unfold—a battle between two queens, two tables, and two fasts for America’s future.
The table of Jezebel with her children, and the Table of the Lord with the true church. Both have flesh and blood. Yet, these tables symbolize the spiritual nourishment and allegiance of two opposing forces. At Jezebel’s table, her children feast on deception, pride, and the corrupt ambitions of the world. They fill themselves with the bitterness of rebellion, the allure of power, and the darkness of witchcraft. The food they consume is tainted, their spirits enslaved by the seduction of false ideologies and the lies of the enemy.
In stark contrast, the Table of the Lord invites the true church to partake in the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Here, the faithful gather to receive spiritual strength, unity, and divine wisdom. The Table of the Lord is adorned with the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is a place of refuge, where the soul finds rest and the heart is renewed. Those who dine at this table are nourished by the Word of God, empowered by His grace, and bound together in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
This profound dichotomy between the two tables sets the stage for a cosmic battle. On one side, Jezebel’s table conspires to spread chaos, undermine righteousness, and ensnare souls in the darkness. On the other, the Lord’s table stands as a beacon of hope, truth, and eternal life, calling the true church to rise, stand firm, and proclaim the gospel with boldness. It is a call to choose where one will dine, and thus, to whom one will pledge their allegiance in the unfolding battle for the future of America and beyond.
Just as Queen Jezebel and Queen Esther once stood in stark contrast, so does the Kingdom of Light and Darkness now contend for the soul of America today. There is a battle not just for the nation, but for the very essence of its future. This is a prophetic hour, an urgent call for the true church of Jesus Christ to rise and proclaim the Word of the Lord. As Derek Prince once proclaimed, “We can shape history through prayer and fasting!”
The spirit of Jezebel, ancient and insidious, has found new life within the modern Woke agenda and the dark arts of witchcraft. Under the guise of social justice, it manipulates, deceives, and seeks to usurp divine authority. It operates under a guise of love, yet its heart is set on destruction and control. Jezebel declared a fast, not to seek the face of God, but to further her own wicked plans. Her fast was a deception, a spiritual manipulation that led to the shedding of innocent blood to take the land she sought to possess.
Again in this day, the witch has waved her wand to stir those under her control to fast so that she may take the land. Jezebel's fast, cloaked in piety, is a ruse—a sinister strategy to further her agenda of chaos and control. Her adherents, spurred by a blend of ideological fervor and occult practices, work to dismantle the foundations of truth and righteousness in the country. I believe that unless there is a dramatic change in the coming days, the nation of America will be at a place where darkness will fully overshadow it.
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Beware of those who wear the mask of virtue but harbor deceit and rebellion. The spirit of Jezebel is alive, hidden within the Woke movement and the witch’s circle, corrupting the very essence of truth. It whispers lies, spreads falsehoods, and sows discord among the unsuspecting. This spirit seeks to silence My prophets, to extinguish the light of truth, and to lead My people into confusion and darkness. Discern the spirits, for not all who proclaim justice and equity walk in My ways. They dine with Jezebel, feasting on deception, and they seek to entangle the church in their web of lies for political gain. Witches form an alliance at this time to fast to bring an utter end to America and the pure church who seek God’s face for a supernatural move of God in the nation.
In stark contrast, the Anointing of Esther rises with unblemished purity, unwavering courage, and a heart fully surrendered to God. Esther’s fast was genuine, a plea for divine intervention and the salvation of her people. It was an act of humble submission, seeking the face and favor of the Almighty.
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Arise, My Esthers, for your time has come! I have chosen you for such a time as this. Your fasting and prayers are a fragrant offering, a holy incense that delights My heart. As you humble yourselves and seek My face, I will hear from heaven and heal your land. Just as I delivered My people through Esther, so shall I deliver America through those who stand in the gap with pure hearts."
A monumental spiritual warfare is upon us—two kingdoms locked in fierce combat, two kingdoms vying for dominion. The kingdom of darkness, propelled by Jezebel's spirit and fortified by the Woke agenda and witchcraft, seeks to subjugate and annihilate. Yet, the kingdom of God, embodied by Esther's spirit, rises in righteousness, truth, and justice.
The Spirit of the Lord declares: "My kingdom is everlasting, and My dominion spans all generations. The battle is Mine. Stand resolute, arm yourselves with the armor of God, and wield the sword of the Spirit. I am assembling a remnant, a remnant of Prophetic Esthers, who will fast, pray, and seek My face, turning many from their wicked paths. Through them, I will orchestrate a grand deliverance, a sweeping revival that will engulf the land."
At this critical juncture, the Lord summons His true prophets to emerge and declare His word with unyielding courage and clarity. Prophetic voices must discern these times, expose the scheme of darkness, and proclaim the truth of God's Word. We must not succumb to fear of man or submit to the spirit of religion. The Spirit of Jehu calls for Jezebel to be cast down from her lofty perch in the nation. Those that wish for the church to remain silent on the wickedness that is happening all around us are simply fallen under a spell that has lulled the American church to sleep. It is high time to awaken from slumber. We live in a time of shadows, make-believe platforms with fake followers generated by AI. This is why we can no longer fear those that seem to be in spiritual authority if their message is to comply and go quietly into the night. This is the time where Jehu must come forth and proclaim, throw her down from the high place!
The Spirit of the Lord declares: "Let the true prophets stand! Proclaim My word without fear or compromise. Unmask the deceit of Jezebel's spirit, the Woke agenda, and witchcraft, and summon My people to repentance and genuine fasting. For I am purging My bride, refining her like gold in the crucible. Those who have ears to hear, let them heed what the Spirit says to the churches. The hour is late, but My grace abounds. Stand in the breach, intercede for America, and declare My truth. For I am with you, and I will never abandon you."
The destiny of America hangs in the balance.
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “In the tipping point, there is a crash!” We will either see a crashing of society or we will see a crashing of God’s power again into the country.
This clash of kingdoms is a divine summons, a call to spiritual arms for the faithful. Stand steadfast, for this battle is the Lord's. Fast with authenticity, pray with intensity, and proclaim His truth with authority. The spirit of Esther will triumph over the spirit of Jezebel, and the glory of the Lord will envelop the earth as the waters cover the sea.
-Prophet Charlie Shamp
This actually isn't the first time Witches have tried to stop President Trump.
I wrote this back in 2019:
Occult Witches Plan To Cast Halloween Spell On Trump For Third Straight Year
Before you dismiss this article as "hocus pocus", I have to tell you something.
You may not believe in witches or spells, but can I tell you a couple things?
(1) The witches very much believe in it. Just reda the articles and Tweets below. It's not just make-believe for them. This is active spiritual warfare.
And (2) the Bible seems to give it a lot of credence too. The Bible certainly doesn't condone it, but it talks about sorcery and spells and divination quite a lot! Did you know?
A search on OpenBible for "spells" comes back with 48 verses!
Like this one from Deuteronomy 18:9-14:
“When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lordyour God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God, ...
And Jeremiah 27:9:
So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your fortune-tellers, or your sorcerers, who are saying to you, ‘You shall not serve the king of Babylon.’
Think that was only for Bible times?
Think again:
Here's more, from CBN:
As if battling House Democrats' impeachment inquiry against him wasn't enough, President Donald Trump will next have to face a "binding spell" cast by "thousands" of witches late Friday night.
As Halloween approaches at the end of the month, several media outlets are reporting witches who oppose President Trump are planning to cast a "binding spell" on his administration. Such reports of witchcraft being used against the President are nothing new. Witches have been trying to cast spells against Trump since his inauguration in 2017.
Scheduled for Oct. 25 at 11:59 pm, these self-proclaimed "witches" are planning to conduct a ritual which is meant to "bind," but not harm the President unlike a "curse" or a "hex." These witches believe they are doing something positive for the entire country by not allowing President Trump to cause harm to the US by his actions.
As CBN News has reported, witches have been increasing their political involvement since Trump was elected, casting spells to "Bind Trump." Last year, the 13,000-member Facebook group was casting regular spells on Donald Trump.
READ MORE: Why Do So Many Politicians and Celebrities Have Black Eyes?
A year ago, a throng of real-life witches was fighting back against the administration by hosting a spell-casting ritual against newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in New York.
Witchcraft has been steadily on the rise in the US since the 1990s.
Trinity College in Connecticut tracked witchcraft's prevalence for some 18 years. Researchers found that in 1990, there were an estimated 8,000 Wiccans in the US. That number grew to 340,000 in 2008.
The Pew Research Center later discovered in 2014 that 0.4% of Americans, or about 1 to 1.5 million people, identify as Wicca or Pagan.
Father Vincent Lampert, a Roman Catholic priest and the designated exorcist of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, warned those who practice rituals of witchcraft and the occult more broadly give an opening to evil in the lives of participants.
"Some of them may be doing it thinking it's just fun, but they are gambling with evil, and just because their motive is one way doesn't mean they're not opening up an entry point for evil in their own life," Lampert told The Washington Examiner.
Lampert also warned those who practice witchcraft to beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"I think evil will present itself as something good, maybe initially to attract people's attention, to draw people in, but then ultimately people are going to discover it's all about fracturing their lives," he said.
Hocus Trumpus? #NotTheOnion https://t.co/NX5heFkng4
— Matt Rooney (@MattRooneyNJ) October 22, 2019
And from the Washington Examiner:
A week before Halloween, opponents of President Trump will gather in the thousands to cast a spell on the administration to prevent the administration from harming the country.
Participants in the ritual, which has been performed regularly since Trump's inauguration, are taking particular encouragement from Democrats' recent launch of an impeachment inquiry, which they see as a sign their efforts are working.
“I’m willing to go on record and say it’s working,” said Michael Hughes, the self-described magical thinker and activist who came up with the ritual.
The spell is crafted “to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him," and is supposed to be performed during every waning crescent moon until Trump is removed from office.
The ritual calls for the use of an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather. Participants then call on the "heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors" to bind Trump "so that his malignant works may fail utterly."
READ MORE: Here's Why President Trump Calls Him Liddle' Adam Schiff
Against Hughes’ expectations, the ritual took off, and is still being performed almost three years later, with this month's event likely to draw thousands of participants at small group gatherings and covens, or meetings of witches, around the world.
Hughes told the Washington Examiner the spell went “immediately viral and just completely exploded” after he posted it on Medium, prompting attention from major news outlets. He said he thought any response to Trump’s election “had to have an equal sense of surreality or strangeness to break through the media and social media.”
While he said it is difficult to calculate how many people participated at the first event in 2017, Hughes said it was “definitely in the thousands” and spread “across the world.” He noted that several thousand people continue to participate in the ritual every month.
Hughes considers this spell a way for people to feel reempowered in the wake of the 2016 election.
“Knowing thousands of people are gathering together at the same time from all over the world to do this ritual and to put our beliefs and our desires into sharp focus, and to do that ritualistically, I think that has a really powerful effect,” said Hughes.
Karen Tibbits-Williams, a New Zealand-based witch and paranormal investigator, said the point of the ritual is to prevent Trump and his supporters from causing harm, but the ritual does not specify how that result should be achieved.
“It could happen by creating unity and strength amongst his opponents, it could be brought about by his impeachment and removal from office,” she wrote in an email to the Washington Examiner.
But while the means by which Trump is bound is not clearly defined, Tibbits-Williams is also confident the ritual is working.
“I’ve seen for myself, many times over, the power and effectiveness of magick. My confidence in the power and efficacy of our Binding — and the effect which it is having — is absolute. I don’t ‘believe’ that it works … I know it does,” she said.
Hughes’ spell comes at a time in which witchcraft is on the rise in the United States. From 1990 to 2008, the number of individuals practicing Wicca, a form of witchcraft, increased from about 8,000 to about 340,000. In 2014, the number of Wiccans in the United States may have been as high as 1.5 million, based on a Pew survey.
Hughes said that a desire for a more direct spirituality, is driving the popularity of paganism and witchcraft.
“They’re embracing spiritual paths, spiritual ideas that allow them to be empowered in their spirituality without that middleman,” such as a priest or rabbi, said Hughes.
And Hughes’ ritual is not the only effort to cast a spell on the Trump administration. Last year, a group of witches gathered to perform a hex to cause suffering on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, using effigies of Trump, Kavanaugh, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Father Vincent Lampert, a Roman Catholic priest and the designated exorcist of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, said that Hughes’ ritual and the occult more broadly give an opening to evil in the lives of participants.
But take heart!
Listen as Perry Stone explains why they will fail and boomerang back on the people casting the spells:
Proudly Support Trump!