Customers 'speechless' after distillery men's room becomes a haven for dads

Customers 'speechless' after distillery men's room becomes a haven for dads

A man was recently visiting a distillery in Longmont, Colorado — called Abbott & Wallace — when he had to use the bathroom. What he saw in there left him with "no words."He posted a photo of the bathroom, where users lost their minds over the presence of an actual, honest-to-God changing table.It took me a minute to figure out what was so special about this picture. Looks like a bar bathroom to me!But if you look closely, and if you've changed enough diapers on pee-soaked floors, you'll see it pretty quickly. thefactorygrows/RedditYes, the dads of Reddit were absolutely stunned to see a proper changing table with a pad and some basic supplies (like wipes) provided for hands-on dads.It doesn't seem like a big deal, and it shouldn't be! But it absolutely is.A lack of changing tables in men's restrooms has been a problem for as long as there have been bathrooms.Some dads have even had to learn how to change babies on surfaces like sinks or even their own lap.In recent years, there's been a push to get more changing tables in men's rooms. Legally, it's left to individual states or cities — changing tables in men's restrooms aren't required in most states, although that's starting to change. States like New York and California have requirements on the books, as do places like Baltimore and Dallas.Usually, the changing tables installed are the generic plastic fold down kind. Better than nothing!To see a more thoughtful, comfortable, and thorough set up like the one at Abbott & Wallace is truly amazing.Not only is the pad more comfortable, there's actually a spot for dads to set down a diaper bag or their own supplies without putting it directly onto the floor. There's ample room to maneuver. It's just a fantastic set up."Clearly owned by a dad who enjoys being a dad. Good job, dad!" said one Redditor."[I] will make a point to go there soon because of this!" said another."Why are there urinals in the woman’s bathroom?!" joked u/Bishops-Guest.And EatonMetsGuy probably said it best:"This right here is worth a 5 star review on like google or Facebook or app of your choice."These are the places that make the world better"A lack of proper changing surfaces is not only frustrating for dads, it puts a greater burden on moms, who then have to become the "default" diaper changers when families go out.The last thing moms need is the inability to ever take a break. They're already shouldering so much of the parenting load, it's ridiculous to force every single diaper change on them when families are out in public.And, perhaps shockingly, a lot of dads like changing diapers! It's a core part of the parenting experience, and we want to participate in the act of taking care of our own kids.Accommodating all different kinds of families and parents helps everyone who visits your bar or restaurant have more fun.If they have more fun, they keep coming back again and again.Changing tables in the men's room are just good business. More than that, it's just the right thing to do.