WATCH: Kamala Looks EXHAUSTED, Depressed, Keeps Yawning — Can’t Keep Up With President Trump!

WATCH: Kamala Looks EXHAUSTED, Depressed, Keeps Yawning — Can’t Keep Up With President Trump!

Kamala has admitted it….she no longer sleeps well at night. She says she was sleep deprived when she chose Tim Walz for VP (hilarious!) but she hasn’t really recovered ever since. In fact, it’s only getting worse. Walz, on the other hand, recently told us how fatigued he is. So it really comes as no surprise to see Kamala Harris on Marine One recently looking absolutely drained, blank faced and staring off into space as if in a trance. She’s wiped out! She’s not built for this: Kamala Harris was caught on marine one looking absolutely drained, blank faced and staring into space She’s not built for this — Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) October 30, 2024 See it here: Kamala is exhausted — cracking under the rigors of a presidential campaign after she was installed as a nominee who didn’t earn a single vote. Yikes! — Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 30, 2024 Meanwhile, President Trump is holding two and often three rallies per day! The man is a machine! I thought this was a great question….have you ever seen Trump yawn? Seems kind of silly, but I honestly have not. And if he did, the press would never stop covering it. But he’s actually looking YOUNGER as the years go by! The man is just built different: Has anyone ever seen Trump yawn? I haven’t. The man is a machine. Kamala is not ready for the job. — Jaimee Michell (@thegaywhostrayd) October 30, 2024 People be like, “what does it matter if she yawned?” Trust me, if that were trump yawning on video, they be saying he’s old and tired and ain’t up for the job of potus. — ✦ᎬᎠ✦ (@Edfleet75) October 30, 2024 This is pretty laughable, all things considered: This was just a few days ago: FATIGUED: Kamala Harris Admits She Can’t Sleep Through The Night Anymore, Not Doing Well FATIGUED: Kamala Harris Admits She Can't Sleep Through The Night Anymore, Not Doing Well As President Trump is jet-setting all around the Country, doing a 3 hour podcast on Joe Rogan, holding multiple Rallies each day, and today hosting a HISTORIC Rally at Madison Square Garden as he fights to turn both California and New York RED, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are tired... "We're fatigued" Tim Walz told a crowd at church this morning. Gone is the goofy (and gay?) frolicking around on stage.... Gone is the strange leg kick thing.... Gone is the joy.... Gone is the energy. They're tired. Tim Walz admits he and Kamala are suffering from intense exhaustion as their campaign continues to falter: “We're fatigued. We're fatigued.” — Proud Elephant ??? (@ProudElephantUS) October 20, 2024 This guy @KLFmoonsta on Twitter rightfully asks" If you're both fatigued from campaigning, how the hell will you run the country?" If you're borh fatigued from campaigning, how the hell will you run the country? — KLFallon (@klfmoonsta) October 20, 2024 Great question. The same way Biden did, with multiple naps per day and from his basement. Oh, and don't forget all the trips to the beach! Folks, America is on life support and it's going to take on hell of a FIGHTER to bring her back. America cannot withstand another 4 years of weak and tired leaders. Meanwhile, it's not just Tim Walz....Kamala Harris says she isn't getting much sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, unable to cope: Kamala confirms the joy is gone. She isn’t getting any sleep. She can’t handle the stress of campaigning, has lashed out at her staff in recent weeks, and even had to cut a speech short from an hour to 6 minutes. Trump occupies her — Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) October 21, 2024 I mean just look at her damn face! Does this look like someone who is happy or healthy? She looks very ill to me: Kamala is exhausted, frustrated, and running on empty. She hates her staff, can’t stand Tim Walz, and despises campaigning. The joy is gone, and nothing seems to be working for her. Is this the leadership America really wants? #KamalaFails — Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) October 19, 2024 I love this post.... So spot on: Maybe being evil is just exhausting! Well #Trump isn't. Maybe being evil is exhausting. Walz admits he and Kamala are suffering from intense exhaustion: "We're fatigued. We're fatigued." — PatriotJuls 1776 (@JRColbert1) October 21, 2024 It reminds me of what I was always told as a child....tell the truth and you never have to remember when you were lying! It turns out being evil and lying, cheating and stealing will really take a toll on you. The good news is America is waking up and sees right through all of their nonsense: Kamala is exhausted and takes a day off after lying about Trump's low energy. She is her own parody. — Madame Trumpie (@LiberteMadame1) October 22, 2024 Even the spouses are bailing.... Gwen Walz is no where to be found: Could it be that poor comrade Kamala is just exhausted and maybe physically unfit to carry out the duties of President of the United States of America First Kamala Disappears, And Now It is Gwen Walz Off the Trail — Defund Congress (@congress_defund) October 22, 2024 Hot Air had more: Prediction: by next week, Barack Obama will be the only person campaigning for Kamala Harris, and he will be sending signals that Trump really isn't that bad, you know. In my VIP post earlier today I wrote about Kamala Harris' disappearance from the campaign trail today. She is taking a break from getting in front of voters and instead will do two pre-recorded interviews with friendly reporters. Just now I read that Gwen Walz, Tim Walz's crazy-eyed wife who speaks down to every person she meets as if they were kindergarteners, has canceled a trip to Maine in a fit of pique. Or perhaps not a fit of pique. It could be that she has been asked to sideline herself because, well, men don't like her at all. I personally doubt that Gwen Walz really is the cause of Kamala's problem with the testosterone-blessed. Kamala Harris does quite enough to alienate men, and Tim Walz's insistence that boys' rooms have tampon dispensers is hardly a good advertisement for the new masculinity. That's how he got the nickname "Tampon Tim." Most people have no idea who Gwen Walz is, but the Harris team has more than enough reason to put her back in the closet. She is so weird as to be scary. And apparently not a pleasant person. There is no ONE problem with the Harris campaign. There are many. Kamala is vapid, her husband a misogynist cosplaying an effeminate man, and Tim Walz sure does love to hang around with gay kids a lot, having started the Gay/Straight alliance in his school. They have NO stamina: I love this. "Kamala Harris, she's taking the entire day off. She's going to spend all day just to prepare for an NBC interview, which will be taped." SEN TUBERVILLE: "I think they're just trying to keep her off camera to be honest with you. She's been a disaster." — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 22, 2024 America has seen what Kamala Harris and Tim Walz offer and America wants none of it. Blamed her staffer for skipping the Catholic dinner Blaming Gwen Walz for men ghosting her Kamala, it's not them, it's YOU — Captains Log Jam (@Captain45751034) October 22, 2024 SHARE!