The Symbolic Sea Through the Ages: Myth, Monsters, and Scientific Inquiry
Since ancient times, the sea has served as a profound symbol, embodying the vastness of human emotion and the mysteries of the unknown. From ancient myths, monsters, and deities to timeless works of literature, its waves have represented freedom, danger, and the depths of the human psyche. The ocean, often perceived as a reflection of humanity’s relationship with nature, has been understood as the source of life and a vital force throughout history.
Many creation myths from diverse cultures trace their origins to a primordial aquatic abyss, a formless chaos from which life emerged. In Egyptian mythology, the universe began with the Nu, an endless expanse of water. From this primordial sea, Atum, the god of creation, arose, bringing forth the air (Shu) and moisture (Tefnut) to shape the cosmos. Similarly, Hindu tradition, dating back thousands of years, describes Brahma as having emerged from a lotus flower blooming from Lord Vishnu, the creator god. In both narratives, the sea was not just a backdrop, but a crucial element in the genesis of existence itself.
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