NZ [New FOI data shows] 188% SURGE in DEATHS of CHILDREN after the MASS CO(N)VID INJECTION

NZ [New FOI data shows] 188% SURGE in DEATHS of CHILDREN after the MASS CO(N)VID INJECTION

NZ [New FOI data shows] 188% SURGE in DEATHS of CHILDREN after the MASS CO(N)VID INJECTION rollout.. - 741 views Posted November 2nd, 2024 - NZ [New FOI data shows] 188% SURGE in DEATHS of CHILDREN after the MASS CO(N)VID INJECTION rollout... - (source) / By Rhoda Wilson feat. Dr. Guy Hatchard on Oct 28, 2024 - (article) NZ [New FOI data shows 188% in deaths of children after the rollout of the covid 'vaccine'] - (sources) - - - - - - ================= Before NZ’s COVID VAX rollout, 2,000 attended A&E for CHEST / HEART PAINS a year – now it's 30,000 - YOUNG HEARTS [E.P. 63] ? STERILIZED ? AUSTRALIA'S Utterly FAKE 'CO(N)VID' PCR 'VI-RUSE' SCAMS, LIES & TYRANNY [CHECKUR6] - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: