Spell-fusing action roguelike Magicraft surges on Steam with 1.0 launch

Spell-fusing action roguelike Magicraft surges on Steam with 1.0 launch

Precisely one year since its early access launch, spell-fusing roguelike Magicraft has launched version 1.0 on Steam, and it’s fast proving to be a winner. It takes the bullet hell style of games like The Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon and introduces a clever spellcrafting system reminiscent of Noita to allow you to create all manner of powerful skills. With an impressive visual art update, a fifth chapter, and plenty of new spells, relics, and gear sets to further amplify the variety of your builds, the full launch is a great time to try it out, and plenty of players have already done just that. Continue reading Spell-fusing action roguelike Magicraft surges on Steam with 1.0 launch MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best roguelikes, Best indie games, Best fantasy games