Surprise! CBS Lets Pro-Trump Women Speak Out As Reporter Laments His Kamala Insults
On Saturday night’s CBS Weekend News, White House reporter Weijia Jiang interviewed four female Trump supporters, asking them if they were offended as women by Trump’s attacks on Kamala Harris, insulting her intelligence, calling her a "sleazebag," and more. “Not a bit,” they said.
It was a surprisingly positive story when Trump has drawn 85 percent negative coverage from ABC, CBS, and NBC this fall.
Anchor Jericka Duncan began with the feminist news: “Tonight, thousands of women are gathering in Washington, D.C. and in marches in all 50 states to support Vice President Harris. This movement was launched in 2017, one day after Donald Trump's inauguration [no video of the knit pussy hats]. But not all women find the former president offensive.”
It’s surprising there wasn’t even a real soundbite from the feminists. Then came Jiang’s complaint:
JIANG: From insulting her intelligence --
TRUMP: She is dumb as a rock, you cannot have that.
JIANG: To straight up name-calling.
TRUMP: That sleazebag said during the debate, she said, oh, your rallies are not well attended and people leave.
JIANG: Former president Trump has not held back personal attacks against Vice President Harris.
[To women] He has called her lazy, stupid , a sleazebag. Does that bother you as women?
ANSWER: Not a bit.
Jiang and CBS left out what Harris calls Trump – a “petty tyrant,” for starters. Try Googling for “Kamala insults Trump,” and you get a pile of results of Trump insulting Harris. But they let this multi-racial panel of pro-Trump women say their piece:
JIANG: These supporters say their vote is based on his record, not his rhetoric.
ELIZABETH CAIN: For me, it is not personal, it is policy.
ROSALIND HANSON: What he did for the economy, what he did for the black community, what he did, in terms of trying to secure the border.
CAIN: I think it goes back to finances. You know? The grocery bills, the energy cost, gasoline. It just all of that. When people's paychecks are affected, especially as a mother –
ISABELLE STEVENSON: We’re looking at 2019. Are we better now? And the answer is no, we are not.
Jiang explained that Harris thinks she has a pile of "secret supporters" among women who won't tell their husbands or families that they're voting against Trump. The Trump supporters say there are people who won't admit to people they're backing Trump because of all the divisive rhetoric. It's on both sides, even if CBS can't acknowledge that.