MUST SEE: Kamala Harris’ Own Twitter Account REVEALS a Trump Landslide Win Is Incoming!
As I always say….”TRUST YOUR EYES!”
Don’t listen to the polls, or the “MSM”, or any other massive propaganda psyop operation.
As we sit here exactly two days away from Election Night, I am telling you to trust your eyes! Trust what you can see and verify for yourself.
And no where is that more evident that Kamala Harris’ own Twitter account.
Let me show you what I mean….
She allegedly has 21 million Followers on Twitter/X, right?
You’d think at least a handful of those Followers would actually LIKE and RESPOND to her posts, wouldn’t you?
Let me show you something that will blow your mind…
Kamala Harris posted this today:
America, we need you. Step up, make a plan, and vote. https://t.co/VbrfuqVy9P pic.twitter.com/z23T6lZPb6
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 3, 2024
According to Twitter, it’s been viewed 817k times as of press time for this article.
That’s a lot.
That’s not 21 million times, but it’s still a lot.
And so you’d think that people who “Follow” Kamala Harris might engage with that post, maybe wish her luck or say they’re voting for her, or….something positive?
But here’s the deal….I pulled up the comments, sorted by most viewed/most liked, and I can’t find ONE SINGLE COMMENT that is pro-Kamala.
I finally gave up looking because it was taking too much time.
But let me show you how far I got with these screenshots….
Nothing here has been edited. These are simply exact screenshots of the top comments with NONE skipped.
There is not a single pro-Kamala comment in here.
Every single comment is either pro-Trump or anti-Kamala.
Where are all her supporters?
Do they even exist?
Take a look for yourself:
The closest thing we have to a positive comment for Kamala is the second to last one, but then you realize that’s just a scammer (allllegedly!) trying to shill some scam crypto coin that’s probably a pump-and-dump (alllllegedly!).
So that’s all you got!
Pro-Trump comments….
Hate for Kamala comments….
And one alleged crypto scammer trying to grift.
If this race is alleged tied 50/50 right now, why can’t I find a single Kamala supporter on her own post?
It would be one thing if I pulled up a MAGA account and didn’t find any Kamala support, but this is supposed to be her page. And she’s supposed to have 21.3 million Followers. Are NONE of them logging in to view her posts? None of them care? Are they not actually real?
Your thoughts?
My friends….trust your eyes! Trust your own senses. Trust your own common sense. And DO NOT let up until this race is completely over! Push to the end!