Chuck Todd Augurs Kleptocracy “For a Generation” If Trump Reelected

Chuck Todd Augurs Kleptocracy “For a Generation” If Trump Reelected

The first vote totals of the 2024 presidential election have not yet been released, and yet the Regime Media have descended into a full meltdown. In addition to mindlessly repeating debunked hoaxes, they are mindlessly speculation about the ramifications of a Trump win. Case in point, NBC’s Chuck Todd. Watch as he joins the Meet the Depressed panel and forecasts that the GOP will descend into kleptocracy if Trump wins:  CHUCK TODD: The fascinating aspect of this is: neither party is going to be satis- they're not going to accept defeat. The question is do you accept defeat because you don't like the vote count, or do you not accept defeat because you don't like the way the party did it, right? You know, my greatest fear about this election is- if Trump wins, I think it- for a generation is what they believe this is how you conduct yourself in politics, and that this will cement this for a generation. I fear the transactional nature of him could actually turn the party into a kleptocracy if we're not careful. And one thing about political parties when they lose, they end up trying to emulate the party that wins, not necessarily. And while Democrats have been trying to be the anti-version of this- losing two out of three there’s going to be its own reckoning inside left that could have some saying, “hey, if you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em”, you know, whether it's lying or exaggerating, whatever you wanna-- and I do think that that is- that is what I think is on the ballot about our politics going forward for another half-generation.  This is a major case of projection on Todd’s part, enabled only by the media’s refusal to cover certain stories. One struggles to find an alternative explanation for Todd’s weird theories of kleptomania.  One also struggles to take seriously Todd’s stated fears of a party descending into corruption after seeing how the other party, aided and abetted by the media, conspired to hide the obvious cognitive and physical decline of the President of the United States. And needs to issue monthly corrections on employment, crime, and illegal alien encounters data.  Equally laughable is Todd’s rosy view of the Democrat Party as a paragon of Truth, which Todd says would be compelled to change and adopt “lying or exaggerating” if they were to go 1 for 3 against Trump. If Todd is saying out loud what the rest of the media thinks, then this explains their coverage of all things in recent memory, and their descent into madness during the Trump years.