Crazy Talk About Media Favoring Trump Over Harris

Crazy Talk About Media Favoring Trump Over Harris

The Left has a tendency to grade the media’s performance based on results. It doesn’t matter if you favor the Democrats aggressively if they don’t win—or if the polls seem tied. Recently, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson was celebrated on “Morning Joe” for writing a column that complained the media were rougher on Vice President Kamala Harris than on former President Donald Trump: “Somehow, it is apparently baked into this campaign that Trump is allowed to talk and act like a complete lunatic, while Harris has to be perfect in every way.” This argument—after to be picked up by Michelle Obama and others—is nowhere close to reality. The legacy media have overwhelmingly favored Harris. On the evening news broadcasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC, the Media Research Center finds her coverage is 78% positive and Trump’s is 85% negative. Let’s guess that this complaint about how Harris “has to be perfect” reflects the way that liberal journalists and their Democratic allies talk about Harris among themselves. They cannot believe Trump is doing this well, so they have to blame her for not being a perfect political talent. In their minds, Trump lives as a cartoon monster, a “complete lunatic.” That is reflected in every story and segment that they do. Just as in 2016, they believe their candidate should be ahead by 15 or 20 points. They hoped for a female Barack Obama, and it’s looking like they have a biracial Hillary Rodham Clinton. One of the blind spots on the Left is always presuming that everything they favor is popular—or with enough repetitively positive “reporting,” will eventually become so. So, they imagine that everyone will come around on putting boys in girls’ sports, or everyone will see the wisdom in flying planeloads of illegal immigrants into small towns. Oppose them, and you’re not just wrong. You’re a “complete lunatic”; you’re racist, xenophobic, homophobic—you have all the phobias. What really upsets the “Morning Joe” crew is that Americans are getting their news from other sources and not accepting all their “wisdom.” If people are unsure of Harris, a lot of that is based on the radical left-wing stances she has taken. The media don’t talk about her sponsoring the “Green New Deal,” or her stand in favor of “reimagining” taking money away from the police, or her backing a bail fund for violent criminals in Minneapolis after the 2020 George Floyd riots. Even if you run around touting how she’s backed away from all or most of these—even though her bail fund tweet is still posted—then you’re staring at a picture of an inauthentic candidate just picking her policy prescriptions to win within a Democratic primary. She’s plastic, a DEI Barbie. People can be unsure of Harris based on her political career, where the media have no curiosity about questions like this: If Harris grew up “middle class” with a single mother, where was the father? Was there no child support? The legacy media (especially on television) have displayed zero curiosity on these matters. What happened when she dated then-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown at the start of her political career? Zero curiosity. Most of all, they can’t acknowledge that Harris didn’t run in the 2024 primaries, and so she is an untested candidate. She might seem more “perfect” if she wasn’t installed at the last minute. She needs to be “reintroduced to the country,” they say. But their reintroduction feels like all celebration and no substance. This presidential campaign coverage has been so bad that you can’t tell the difference between the “news” and the mudslinging 30-second campaign commercials. COPYRIGHT 2024 CREATORS.COM We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal. The post Crazy Talk About Media Favoring Trump Over Harris appeared first on The Daily Signal.