Shameless Scarborough Still Peddling Lie Trump Wanted Liz Cheney 'Shot By Firing Squad'
Today's Morning Joe served up a festering stew, a farrago of lies and misrepresentations aimed at boosting Kamala Harris and trashing Donald Trump.
The show began by glorifying the Harris campaign closing message. But sadly for Morning Joe, it made the mistake of running a clip of some of her remarks. They were the emptiest, most substance-free platitudes imaginable: "A fresh start. A new way forward."
Harris has refused to renounce many of her past radical positions, and has declared that her "values have not changed" since her senatorial days when her record was even more liberal than Bernie Sanders'. So we can assume that her fresh start and new way forward would be a hard turn to the left for America.
Kamala also uttered this utterly unbelievable assertion:
"I am not seeking to score political points."
For his part, Scarborough twice recycled the lie to which he had devoted endless airtime last week. As he put it today, Trump "called to have Liz Cheney shot by a firing squad." That lie has been so thoroughly debunked by people across the political spectrum, that it took a special kind of Scarborough shamelessness to mouth it again today.
Let's look at what Trump actually said:
"I don't want to go to war. (Liz Cheney) wanted to go, she wanted to stay in Syria. I took (troops) out. She wanted to stay in Iraq. I took them out. I mean, if were up to her, we'd, we'd be in 50 different countries.
"She is a radical war hawk. Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know, they're all warhawks when they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, ‘Oh gee, we'll send tens of thousands of troops right into the mouth of the enemy."
As our Alex Christy has noted, even Trump hater Bill Maher has acknowledged that Trump was making a classic chickenhawk argument: that it's easy to send people into war when you're sitting safely at home. But that if Cheney had to experience the horrors of war, her views might change.
"Don't lie to me," fumed Maher to the media: but Scarborough obviously wouldn't listen.
Along similar lines, far-left, self-described "Young Turk" Cenk Uygur has said: "Donald Trump did not call for the execution of Liz Cheney. That is a bald-faced lie." (By the way, Cenk's 54. At what point does he cease being a "young" Turk?)
Trump envisioned Cheney "with a rifle standing there." And as others have pointed out, no one put before a firing squad is given his own rifle!
Then there was Katty Kay, doing the obligatory scaremongering about trusting Trump "with the nuclear codes." Katty, Trump had those codes for four years, and never came close to using them!
And finally, braggadocious Scarborough—yet again—managed to drag into the conversation on the flimsiest reed a story about having been a congressman!
Here's the transcript.
Morning Joe
6:00 am EDT
KAMALA HARRIS: America is ready. America is ready for a fresh start. Ready for a new way forward, where we see our fellow Americans not as an enemy, but as a neighbor.
I pledge to seek common ground, and commonsense solutions to the challenges you face. I am not looking to score a political point. I am looking to make progress.
. . .
JOE SCARBOROUGH: I don't know that I've ever seen as much contrast in a closing message. Not just on energy, and on vitality and on vigor. But also just the overall message of hope, optimism, versus pessimism, grimness.
And again, a calling, two days after he called to have Liz Cheney shot by a firing squad, talking about how he wouldn't mind if the press got shot.
. . .
He seems more untethered, and more exhausted at the same time.
The contrast -- you know, the first campaign I ever ran, the guy I talked to early on in the campaign, he said, Joe, this campaign's all about contrast. You're young. Your opponent's old. Drive that contrast. It's all about contrast!
You get then to this campaign. I've never seen a greater contrast in American politics.
. . .
KATTY KAY: When Donald Trump talks about violence like this. When he talks about beating up his stagehands because his microphone isn't working the way he wants it to, that doesn't inspire a lot of women to think, oh yeah, this is the guy we can trust with the nuclear codes, and the key to the Oval Office.