Why the killing of Peanut the squirrel is “what this election is all about”

Why the killing of Peanut the squirrel is “what this election is all about”

You know you’re living in the Twilight Zone — or “clown world” in the words of Dave Rubin and Glenn Beck — when the biggest story of the weekend prior to Election Day centers around a squirrel. Last Wednesday, New York content creator and animal sanctuary owner Mark Longo was shocked when the Department of Environmental Conservation raided his home and euthanized his internet-famous squirrel, Peanut, as well his pet raccoon, Fred. Apparently, an anonymous source complained that the animals were being kept illegally. Dave and Glenn discuss why this incident, albeit a tad humorous, gets at the heart of what this election is about. In an interview with TMZ, a heartbroken Longo explained the strange incident: “10 to 12 DEC officers raided my house as if I was a drug dealer. I was sat outside my house for five hours. I had to get a police escort to my bathroom. I wasn't even allowed to feed my rescue horses breakfast or lunch. I was sat there like a criminal after they interrogated my wife to check out her immigration status then proceeded to ask me if I had cameras in my house, then proceeded to go through every cabinet, nook, and cranny of my house for a squirrel and a raccoon.”“Four departments and a judge signed off on a search warrant for a squirrel and a raccoon, and then they took them and killed them,” said a tearful Longo. “There's obviously something funny about this story in that we're talking about a squirrel, but there is actually something quite dark and disturbing that goes exactly to what we are all fighting against [in this election],” says Dave. “This is exactly what this election is all about,” agrees Glenn. “Venezuelan gangs everywhere,” chaos “on the border,” but “four agencies and a judge signed off on a warrant to search this guy's house” for a squirrel. Glenn thinks, however, that the real reason the home was raided is likely because “[Peanut] was a MAGA squirrel.” “The silencing, the spying neighbor, the big state taking away your right to have a squirrel” smells of one thing: government corruption, which is what the election ultimately comes to. “What we seem to be all against right now is this giant monstrous government that keeps becoming more inefficient and more terrible at virtually everything,” says Dave. To hear more about the squirrel scandal and what it means for everyone in this country, watch the episode above. Want more from Dave Rubin? To enjoy more honest conversations, free speech, and big ideas with Dave Rubin, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.