Education Adviser to Tim Walz, Kamala’s Running Mate, Calls for Overthrow of America
In a stunning video brought to public attention by National Review, Brian Lozenski, a leading authority on critical race theory who is Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s most important education adviser, calls explicitly for the “overthrow” of America.
Here are the highlights of what Lozenski says in the video flagged by National Review contributing editor Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center:
“The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation-state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown. And so we can’t be like, ‘Oh, no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories, and diversity.’ It’s not about that. It’s about overthrow. It’s insurgent. And we need to be, I think, more honest with that. …
You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S.”
Critical race theory, the ideology injected by the woke Left into schools across the country, holds that America is “systemically racist,” that racism is in our DNA. The implications of this belief are clear enough to anyone interested in reasoning them out.
But never before have we heard a leading advocate of critical race theory say out loud that CRT is aimed at overthrowing America. Lozenski isn’t a marginal figure; he is a nationally known activist and academic and the foremost authority on “ethnic studies” in Minnesota.
He also is typical of the “destructive Left” that wants to overthrow America.
Walz, who is Kamala Harris’ choice for vice president, may not have seen this particular video. But the former social studies teacher certainly knows the purpose of ethnic studies. It’s the centerpiece of his education program in Minnesota.
Walz appointed Lozenski to lead the committee that developed the Minnesota ethnic studies standards on which curricula will be based. As governor, Walz has seen to it that these standards will be enforced in every grade and every required subject in every public school.
If the video becomes an issue, Walz of course will try to distance himself from Lozenski. But this will be difficult: Walz’s fingerprints are all over this radical initiative.
Katherine Kersten, a senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment in Minneapolis, gives us a flavor of the new Walz-Lozenski standards:
First graders must “identify examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation, and systems of power” and “use those examples to construct meanings for those terms.”
Fourth graders must “identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements.”
High school students are told to “develop an analysis of racial capitalism” and “anti-Blackness” and are taught to view themselves as members of “racialized hierarchies” based on “dominant European beauty standards.”
Although to the average parent the jargon here is (intentionally) impenetrable, virtually every word or term points to the overthrow of America.
Walz even tried to mandate ethnic studies for students who were being homeschooled or attending private religious schools.
School boards across Minnesota are required to ensure that curricula and instructional materials are compliant with ethnic studies-related ideology. In obtaining a license to teach, aspiring teachers need to understand how “white supremacy” undermines “pedagogical equity.”
Based on these facts, as well as other Walz behavior (e.g., 30 trips to China), it is clear as day that the Democrats’ nominee for vice president wants to overthrow America.
Many people in Minnesota don’t credit Walz with the brain power to understand what he is doing. Walz may have limited gray matter, but it strains credulity to believe that he isn’t aware of the implications of his most important education program.
No doubt Walz didn’t dream up his revolutionary agenda on his own. But, like Harris and President Joe Biden, he is quite conscious that he is promoting it.
The revolutionary goals of Brian Lozenski are the key to understanding Tim Walz, and Walz is the key to understanding Harris. After all, the vice president chose Walz as her running mate over several more qualified finalists because his ideology was the most compatible with hers.
That Walz and Harris want to overthrow America sounds unbelievable, but the facts make this conclusion virtually certain.
Obviously, both Democrats would deny that this is their intention. Harris and Walz would claim that they simply want to improve America. Even if they actually believe this, their so-called “improving” would end up as what any honest observer would call an overthrowing of America.
And this they know perfectly well.
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